{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | Run external pagers (@$PAGER@, @less@, @more@) and editors (@$VISUAL@,
-- @$EDITOR@, @nano@, @pico@, @vi@).
module System.Process.PagerEditor
  (-- * Pager
   -- * Editor

import Control.Exception (try,IOException,throwIO,Exception)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString,hPut,readFile)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder,stringUtf8,hPutBuilder)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import System.Directory (findExecutable)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Process (createProcess,shell,proc,waitForProcess,StdStream (CreatePipe)
                      ,CreateProcess(std_in, close_fds, delegate_ctlc))
import System.IO (hClose,Handle,hPutStr,readFile,withFile,IOMode(WriteMode),stdout)
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)

-- | Run pager, providing a function that writes to the pager's input.
pageWriter :: (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
pageWriter writer =
  do mpager <- lookupEnv "PAGER" `orElse`
               findExecutable "less" `orElse`
               findExecutable "more"
     case mpager of
       Just pager ->
         do (Just h,_,_,procHandle) <- createProcess (shell pager)
                                                       {std_in = CreatePipe
                                                       ,close_fds = True
                                                       ,delegate_ctlc = True}
            (_::Either IOException ()) <- try (do writer h
                                                  hClose h)
            exit <- waitForProcess procHandle
            case exit of
              ExitSuccess -> return ()
              ExitFailure n -> throwIO (PagerExitFailure pager n)
            return ()
       Nothing -> writer stdout

-- | Run pager to display a lazy ByteString.
pageByteString :: ByteString -> IO ()
pageByteString = pageWriter . flip hPut

-- | Run pager to display a ByteString-Builder.
pageBuilder :: Builder -> IO ()
pageBuilder = pageWriter . flip hPutBuilder

-- | Run pager to display contents of a file.
pageFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
pageFile p = pageByteString =<< Data.ByteString.Lazy.readFile p

-- | Run pager to display a string.
pageString :: String -> IO ()
pageString = pageBuilder . stringUtf8

-- | Run editor to edit a file.
editFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
editFile path =
  do meditor <- lookupEnv "VISUAL" `orElse`
                lookupEnv "EDITOR" `orElse`
                findExecutable "nano" `orElse`
                findExecutable "pico" `orElse`
                findExecutable "vi"
     case meditor of
       Just editor ->
         do (_,_,_,procHandle) <- createProcess (proc "sh" ["-c", editor ++ " \"$1\"", "sh", path])
                                                  {close_fds = True,delegate_ctlc = True}
            exitCode <- waitForProcess procHandle
            case exitCode of
               ExitSuccess -> return ()
               ExitFailure n -> throwIO (EditorExitFailure editor n)
       Nothing -> throwIO EditorNotFound

-- | Run editor, providing functions to write and read the file contents.
editReaderWriter :: forall a. String -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
editReaderWriter filename writer reader =
  withSystemTempDirectory ""
                          (\p -> do let p' = p </> filename
                                    withFile p' WriteMode writer
                                    editFile p'
                                    reader p')

-- | Run editor on a ByteString.
editByteString :: String -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
editByteString f s = editReaderWriter f (flip hPut s) Data.ByteString.Lazy.readFile

-- | Run editor on a String.
editString :: String -> String -> IO String
editString f s = editReaderWriter f (flip hPutStr s) System.IO.readFile

-- | Short-circuit first Just.
orElse :: (Monad m) => m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a)
orElse a b = do m <- a
                case m of
                  Just _ -> return m
                  Nothing -> b

-- | Exception running pager.
data PagerException = PagerNotFound
                    | PagerExitFailure FilePath Int
  deriving Typeable
instance Show PagerException where
  show PagerNotFound = "No pager found (tried $PAGER, `less`, and `more`.)"
  show (PagerExitFailure p n) = "Pager (`" ++ p ++ "') exited with non-zero status: " ++ show n
instance Exception PagerException

-- | Exception running editor.
data EditorException = EditorNotFound
                     | EditorExitFailure FilePath Int
  deriving Typeable
instance Show EditorException where
  show EditorNotFound = "No editor found (tried $VISUAL, $PAGER, `nano`, `pico`, and `vi`.)"
  show (EditorExitFailure p n) = "Editor (`" ++ p ++ "') exited with non-zero status: " ++ show n
instance Exception EditorException