stack- The Haskell Tool Stack

Safe HaskellNone



Resolving a build plan for a set of packages in a given Stackage snapshot.



checkSnapBuildPlan Source #


:: (HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) 
=> Path Abs Dir

project root, used for checking out necessary files

-> [GenericPackageDescription] 
-> Maybe (Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool)) 
-> SnapshotDef 
-> Maybe (CompilerVersion CVActual) 
-> RIO env BuildPlanCheck 

Check a set of GenericPackageDescriptions and a set of flags against a given snapshot. Returns how well the snapshot satisfies the dependencies of the packages.

selectBestSnapshot Source #


:: (HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) 
=> Path Abs Dir

project root, used for checking out necessary files

-> [GenericPackageDescription] 
-> NonEmpty SnapName 
-> RIO env (SnapshotDef, BuildPlanCheck) 

Find a snapshot and set of flags that is compatible with and matches as best as possible with the given GenericPackageDescriptions.

getToolMap :: LoadedSnapshot -> LocalPackages -> Map ExeName (Set PackageName) Source #

Map from tool name to package providing it. This accounts for both snapshot and local packages (deps and project packages).

showItems :: Show a => [a] -> Text Source #