{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}

-- | Dealing with the 01-index file and all its cabal files.
module Stack.PackageIndex
    ( updateAllIndices
    , getPackageCaches
    , getPackageVersions
    , lookupPackageVersions
    , CabalLoader (..)
    , HasCabalLoader (..)
    , configPackageIndex
    , configPackageIndexRoot
    ) where

import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
import           Stack.Prelude
import           Data.Aeson.Extended
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import           Data.Conduit.Zlib (ungzip)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import           Data.Store.Version
import           Data.Store.VersionTagged
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Text.Unsafe (unsafeTail)
import           Data.Time (getCurrentTime)
import qualified Hackage.Security.Client as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Cache as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.Remote as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Client.Repository.HttpLib.HttpClient as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Path as HS
import qualified Hackage.Security.Util.Pretty as HS
import           Network.HTTP.StackClient (getGlobalManager)
import           Network.HTTP.Download
import           Network.URI (parseURI)
import           Path (toFilePath, parseAbsFile, mkRelDir, mkRelFile, (</>), parseRelDir)
import           Path.Extra (tryGetModificationTime)
import           Path.IO
import           Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier
import           Stack.Types.PackageIndex
import           Stack.Types.PackageName
import           Stack.Types.Runner (HasRunner)
import           Stack.Types.Version
import qualified System.Directory as D
import           System.FilePath ((<.>))

-- | Populate the package index caches and return them.
populateCache :: HasCabalLoader env => PackageIndex -> RIO env (PackageCache ())
populateCache index = do
    requireIndex index
    -- This uses full on lazy I/O instead of ResourceT to provide some
    -- protections. Caveat emptor
    path <- configPackageIndex (indexName index)
    let loadPIS = withLazyFile (Path.toFilePath path) $ \lbs -> do
            logSticky "Populating index cache ..."
            loop 0 HashMap.empty (Tar.read lbs)
    pis0 <- loadPIS `catch` \e -> do
        logWarn $ "Exception encountered when parsing index tarball: "
                <> displayShow (e :: Tar.FormatError)
        logWarn "Automatically updating index and trying again"
        updateIndex index

    when (indexRequireHashes index) $ forM_ (HashMap.toList pis0) $ \(ident, (mpd, _)) ->
        case mpd :: Maybe PackageDownload of
            Just _ -> return ()
            Nothing -> throwM $ MissingRequiredHashes (indexName index) ident

    cache <- fmap mconcat $ mapM convertPI $ HashMap.toList pis0

    logStickyDone "Populated index cache."

    return cache
    convertPI :: MonadIO m
              => (PackageIdentifier, (Maybe PackageDownload, Endo [([CabalHash], OffsetSize)]))
              -> m (PackageCache ())
    convertPI (ident@(PackageIdentifier name version), (mpd, Endo front)) =
      case NE.nonEmpty $ front [] of
        Nothing -> throwString $ "Missing cabal file info for: " ++ show ident
        Just files -> return
                    $ PackageCache
                    $ HashMap.singleton name
                    $ HashMap.singleton version
                      ((), mpd, files)

    loop :: MonadThrow m
         => Int64
         -> HashMap PackageIdentifier (Maybe PackageDownload, Endo [([CabalHash], OffsetSize)])
         -> Tar.Entries Tar.FormatError
         -> m (HashMap PackageIdentifier (Maybe PackageDownload, Endo [([CabalHash], OffsetSize)]))
    loop !blockNo !m (Tar.Next e es) =
        loop (blockNo + entrySizeInBlocks e) (goE blockNo m e) es
    loop _ m Tar.Done = return m
    loop _ _ (Tar.Fail e) = throwM e

    goE :: Int64
        -> HashMap PackageIdentifier (Maybe PackageDownload, Endo [([CabalHash], OffsetSize)])
        -> Tar.Entry
        -> HashMap PackageIdentifier (Maybe PackageDownload, Endo [([CabalHash], OffsetSize)])
    goE blockNo m e =
        case Tar.entryContent e of
            Tar.NormalFile lbs size ->
                case parseNameVersionSuffix $ Tar.entryPath e of
                    Just (ident, ".cabal") -> addCabal lbs ident size
                    Just (ident, ".json") -> addJSON id ident lbs
                    _ ->
                        case parsePackageJSON $ Tar.entryPath e of
                            Just ident -> addJSON unHSPackageDownload ident lbs
                            Nothing -> m
            _ -> m
        addCabal lbs ident size = HashMap.alter
                Nothing -> Just (Nothing, newEndo)
                Just (mpd, oldEndo) -> Just (mpd, oldEndo <> newEndo))
            !cabalHash = computeCabalHash lbs

            -- Some older Stackage snapshots ended up with slightly
            -- modified cabal files, in particular having DOS-style
            -- line endings (CRLF) converted to Unix-style (LF). As a
            -- result, we track both hashes with and without CR
            -- characters stripped for compatibility with these older
            -- snapshots.
            cr = 13
              | cr `L.elem` lbs =
                  let !cabalHash' = computeCabalHash (L.filter (/= cr) lbs)
                   in [cabalHash, cabalHash']
              | otherwise = [cabalHash]
            offsetSize = OffsetSize ((blockNo + 1) * 512) size
            newPair = (cabalHashes, offsetSize)
            newEndo = Endo (newPair:)

        addJSON :: FromJSON a
                => (a -> PackageDownload)
                -> PackageIdentifier
                -> L.ByteString
                -> HashMap PackageIdentifier (Maybe PackageDownload, Endo [([CabalHash], OffsetSize)])
        addJSON unwrap ident lbs =
            case decode lbs of
                Nothing -> m
                Just (unwrap -> pd) -> HashMap.alter
                    Nothing -> Just (Just pd, mempty)
                    Just (Just oldPD, _)
                      | oldPD /= pd -> error $ concat
                        [ "Conflicting package hash information discovered for "
                        , packageIdentifierString ident
                        , "\nFound both: \n- "
                        , show oldPD
                        , "\n- "
                        , show pd
                        , "\n\nThis should not happen. See: https://github.com/haskell/hackage-security/issues/189"
                    Just (_, files) -> Just (Just pd, files))

    breakSlash x
        | T.null z = Nothing
        | otherwise = Just (y, unsafeTail z)
        (y, z) = T.break (== '/') x

    parseNameVersion t1 = do
        (p', t3) <- breakSlash
                  $ T.map (\c -> if c == '\\' then '/' else c)
                  $ T.pack t1
        p <- parsePackageName p'
        (v', t5) <- breakSlash t3
        v <- parseVersion v'
        return (p', p, v, t5)

    parseNameVersionSuffix t1 = do
        (p', p, v, t5) <- parseNameVersion t1
        let (t6, suffix) = T.break (== '.') t5
        guard $ t6 == p'
        return (PackageIdentifier p v, suffix)

    parsePackageJSON t1 = do
        (_, p, v, t5) <- parseNameVersion t1
        guard $ t5 == "package.json"
        return $ PackageIdentifier p v

data PackageIndexException
  = GitNotAvailable IndexName
  | MissingRequiredHashes IndexName PackageIdentifier
  deriving Typeable
instance Exception PackageIndexException
instance Show PackageIndexException where
    show (GitNotAvailable name) = concat
        [ "Package index "
        , T.unpack $ indexNameText name
        , " only provides Git access, and you do not have"
        , " the git executable on your PATH"
    show (MissingRequiredHashes name ident) = concat
        [ "Package index "
        , T.unpack $ indexNameText name
        , " is configured to require package hashes, but no"
        , " hash is available for "
        , packageIdentifierString ident

-- | Require that an index be present, updating if it isn't.
requireIndex :: HasCabalLoader env => PackageIndex -> RIO env ()
requireIndex index = do
    tarFile <- configPackageIndex $ indexName index
    exists <- doesFileExist tarFile
    unless exists $ updateIndex index

-- | Update all of the package indices
updateAllIndices :: HasCabalLoader env => RIO env ()
updateAllIndices = do
    cl <- view cabalLoaderL
    mapM_ updateIndex (clIndices cl)

-- | Update the index tarball
updateIndex :: HasCabalLoader env => PackageIndex -> RIO env ()
updateIndex index =
  do let name = indexName index
         url = indexLocation index
     logSticky $ "Updating package index "
               <> display (indexNameText (indexName index))
               <> " (mirrored at "
               <> display url
               <> ") ..."
     case indexType index of
       ITVanilla -> updateIndexHTTP name url
       ITHackageSecurity hs -> updateIndexHackageSecurity name url hs
     logStickyDone "Update complete"

     -- Copy to the 00-index.tar filename for backwards
     -- compatibility. First wipe out the cache file if present.
     tarFile <- configPackageIndex name
     oldTarFile <- configPackageIndexOld name
     oldCacheFile <- configPackageIndexCacheOld name
     liftIO $ ignoringAbsence (removeFile oldCacheFile)
     withSourceFile (toFilePath tarFile) $ \src ->
       withSinkFile (toFilePath oldTarFile) $ \sink ->
       runConduit $ src .| sink

-- | Update the index tarball via HTTP
updateIndexHTTP :: HasCabalLoader env
                => IndexName
                -> Text -- ^ url
                -> RIO env ()
updateIndexHTTP indexName' url = do
    req <- parseRequest $ T.unpack url
    logInfo ("Downloading package index from " <> display url)
    gz <- configPackageIndexGz indexName'
    tar <- configPackageIndex indexName'
    wasDownloaded <- redownload req gz
    shouldUnpack <-
        if wasDownloaded
            then return True
            else not `liftM` doesFileExist tar

    if not shouldUnpack
        then packageIndexNotUpdated indexName'
        else do
            let tmp = toFilePath tar <.> "tmp"
            tmpPath <- parseAbsFile tmp

            deleteCache indexName'

            liftIO $ do
                withSourceFile (toFilePath gz) $ \input ->
                  withSinkFile tmp $ \output -> -- FIXME use withSinkFileCautious
                  runConduit $ input .| ungzip .| output
                renameFile tmpPath tar

-- | Update the index tarball via Hackage Security
    :: HasCabalLoader env
    => IndexName
    -> Text -- ^ base URL
    -> HackageSecurity
    -> RIO env ()
updateIndexHackageSecurity indexName' url (HackageSecurity keyIds threshold) = do
    baseURI <-
        case parseURI $ T.unpack url of
            Nothing -> throwString $ "Invalid Hackage Security base URL: " ++ T.unpack url
            Just x -> return x
    manager <- liftIO getGlobalManager
    root <- configPackageIndexRoot indexName'
    run <- askRunInIO
    let logTUF = run . logInfo . fromString . HS.pretty
        withRepo = HS.withRepository
            (HS.makeHttpLib manager)
                { HS.cacheRoot = HS.fromAbsoluteFilePath $ toFilePath root
                , HS.cacheLayout = HS.cabalCacheLayout
                    -- Have Hackage Security write to a temporary file
                    -- to avoid invalidating the cache... continued
                    -- below at case didUpdate
                    { HS.cacheLayoutIndexTar = HS.rootPath $ HS.fragment "01-index.tar-tmp"
    didUpdate <- liftIO $ withRepo $ \repo -> HS.uncheckClientErrors $ do
        needBootstrap <- HS.requiresBootstrap repo
        when needBootstrap $ do
                (map (HS.KeyId . T.unpack) keyIds)
                (HS.KeyThreshold (fromIntegral threshold))
        now <- getCurrentTime
        HS.checkForUpdates repo (Just now)

    case didUpdate of
        HS.NoUpdates -> packageIndexNotUpdated indexName'
        HS.HasUpdates -> do
            -- The index actually updated. Delete the old cache, and
            -- then move the temporary unpacked file to its real
            -- location
            tar <- configPackageIndex indexName'
            deleteCache indexName'
            liftIO $ D.renameFile (toFilePath tar ++ "-tmp") (toFilePath tar)
            logInfo "Updated package index downloaded"

-- If the index is newer than the cache, delete it so that
-- the next 'getPackageCaches' call recomputes it. This
-- could happen if a prior run of stack updated the index,
-- but exited before deleting the cache.
-- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3033
packageIndexNotUpdated :: HasCabalLoader env => IndexName -> RIO env ()
packageIndexNotUpdated indexName' = do
    mindexModTime <- tryGetModificationTime =<< configPackageIndex indexName'
    mcacheModTime <- tryGetModificationTime =<< configPackageIndexCache indexName'
    case (mindexModTime, mcacheModTime) of
        (Right indexModTime, Right cacheModTime) | cacheModTime < indexModTime -> do
            deleteCache indexName'
            logInfo "No updates to your package index were found, but clearing the index cache as it is older than the index."
        (Left _, _) -> do
            deleteCache indexName'
            logError "Error: No updates to your package index were found, but downloaded index is missing."
        _ -> logInfo "No updates to your package index were found"

-- | Delete the package index cache
deleteCache :: HasCabalLoader env => IndexName -> RIO env ()
deleteCache indexName' = do
    fp <- configPackageIndexCache indexName'
    eres <- liftIO $ tryIO $ removeFile fp
    case eres of
        Left e -> logDebug $ "Could not delete cache: " <> displayShow e
        Right () -> logDebug $ "Deleted index cache at " <> fromString (toFilePath fp)

-- | Get the known versions for a given package from the package caches.
-- See 'getPackageCaches' for performance notes.
getPackageVersions :: HasCabalLoader env => PackageName -> RIO env (HashMap Version (Maybe CabalHash))
getPackageVersions pkgName = lookupPackageVersions pkgName <$> getPackageCaches

lookupPackageVersions :: PackageName -> PackageCache index -> HashMap Version (Maybe CabalHash)
lookupPackageVersions pkgName (PackageCache m) =
    maybe HashMap.empty (HashMap.map extractOrigRevHash) $ HashMap.lookup pkgName m
    -- Extract the original cabal file hash (the first element of the one or two
    -- element list currently representing the cabal file hashes).
    extractOrigRevHash (_,_, neRevHashesAndOffsets) =
      listToMaybe $ fst (NE.last neRevHashesAndOffsets)

-- | Load the package caches, or create the caches if necessary.
-- This has two levels of caching: in memory, and the on-disk cache. So,
-- feel free to call this function multiple times.
getPackageCaches :: HasCabalLoader env => RIO env (PackageCache PackageIndex)
getPackageCaches = do
    cl <- view cabalLoaderL
    mcached <- readIORef (clCache cl)
    case mcached of
        Just cached -> return cached
        Nothing -> do
            result <- liftM mconcat $ forM (clIndices cl) $ \index -> do
                fp <- configPackageIndexCache (indexName index)
                PackageCache pis <-
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,14,0)
                    $(versionedDecodeOrLoad (storeVersionConfig "pkg-v5" "35_zXZ4b4CIWfrLXtjWteR4nb6o="
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,13,0)
                    $(versionedDecodeOrLoad (storeVersionConfig "pkg-v5" "LLL6OCcimOqRm3r0JmsSlLHcaLE="
                    $(versionedDecodeOrLoad (storeVersionConfig "pkg-v5" "A607WaDwhg5VVvZTxNgU9g52DO8="
                                             :: VersionConfig (PackageCache ())))
                    (populateCache index)
                return $ PackageCache ((fmap.fmap) (\((), mpd, files) -> (index, mpd, files)) pis)
            liftIO $ writeIORef (clCache cl) (Just result)
            return result

-- | Clear the in-memory hackage index cache. This is needed when the
-- hackage index is updated.
clearPackageCaches :: HasCabalLoader env => RIO env ()
clearPackageCaches = do
  cl <- view cabalLoaderL
  writeIORef (clCache cl) Nothing

class HasRunner env => HasCabalLoader env where
  cabalLoaderL :: Lens' env CabalLoader

data CabalLoader = CabalLoader
  { clCache :: !(IORef (Maybe (PackageCache PackageIndex)))
  , clIndices :: ![PackageIndex]
  -- ^ Information on package indices. This is left biased, meaning that
  -- packages in an earlier index will shadow those in a later index.
  -- Warning: if you override packages in an index vs what's available
  -- upstream, you may correct your compiled snapshots, as different
  -- projects may have different definitions of what pkg-ver means! This
  -- feature is primarily intended for adding local packages, not
  -- overriding. Overriding is better accomplished by adding to your
  -- list of packages.
  -- Note that indices specified in a later config file will override
  -- previous indices, /not/ extend them.
  -- Using an assoc list instead of a Map to keep track of priority
  , clStackRoot :: !(Path Abs Dir)
  -- ^ ~/.stack more often than not
  , clUpdateRef :: !(MVar Bool)
  -- ^ Want to try updating the index once during a single run for missing
  -- package identifiers. We also want to ensure we only update once at a
  -- time. Start at @True@.
  -- TODO: probably makes sense to move this concern into getPackageCaches
  , clConnectionCount :: !Int
  -- ^ How many concurrent connections are allowed when downloading
  , clIgnoreRevisionMismatch :: !Bool
  -- ^ Ignore a revision mismatch when loading up cabal files,
  -- and fall back to the latest revision. See:
  -- <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3520>

-- | Root for a specific package index
configPackageIndexRoot :: HasCabalLoader env => IndexName -> RIO env (Path Abs Dir)
configPackageIndexRoot (IndexName name) = do
    cl <- view cabalLoaderL
    let root = clStackRoot cl
    dir <- parseRelDir $ B8.unpack name
    return (root </> $(mkRelDir "indices") </> dir)

-- | Location of the 01-index.tar file
configPackageIndex :: HasCabalLoader env => IndexName -> RIO env (Path Abs File)
configPackageIndex name = (</> $(mkRelFile "01-index.tar")) <$> configPackageIndexRoot name

-- | Location of the 01-index.cache file
configPackageIndexCache :: HasCabalLoader env => IndexName -> RIO env (Path Abs File)
configPackageIndexCache name = (</> $(mkRelFile "01-index.cache")) <$> configPackageIndexRoot name

-- | Location of the 00-index.cache file
configPackageIndexCacheOld :: HasCabalLoader env => IndexName -> RIO env (Path Abs File)
configPackageIndexCacheOld = liftM (</> $(mkRelFile "00-index.cache")) . configPackageIndexRoot

-- | Location of the 00-index.tar file. This file is just a copy of
-- the 01-index.tar file, provided for tools which still look for the
-- 00-index.tar file.
configPackageIndexOld :: HasCabalLoader env => IndexName -> RIO env (Path Abs File)
configPackageIndexOld = liftM (</> $(mkRelFile "00-index.tar")) . configPackageIndexRoot

-- | Location of the 01-index.tar.gz file
configPackageIndexGz :: HasCabalLoader env => IndexName -> RIO env (Path Abs File)
configPackageIndexGz = liftM (</> $(mkRelFile "01-index.tar.gz")) . configPackageIndexRoot

--------------- Lifted from cabal-install, Distribution.Client.Tar:
-- | Return the number of blocks in an entry.
entrySizeInBlocks :: Tar.Entry -> Int64
entrySizeInBlocks entry = 1 + case Tar.entryContent entry of
  Tar.NormalFile     _   size -> bytesToBlocks size
  Tar.OtherEntryType _ _ size -> bytesToBlocks size
  _                           -> 0
    bytesToBlocks s = 1 + ((fromIntegral s - 1) `div` 512)