{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell    #-}

-- | This module builds Docker (OpenContainer) images.
module Stack.Image
       (stageContainerImageArtifacts, createContainerImageFromStage,
        imgCmdName, imgDockerCmdName, imgOptsFromMonoid)

import           Stack.Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import           Data.Char (toLower)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import           Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Path
import           Path.Extra
import           Path.IO
import           Stack.Constants.Config
import           Stack.PrettyPrint
import           Stack.Types.Config
import           Stack.Types.Image
import           RIO.Process

-- | Stages the executables & additional content in a staging
-- directory under '.stack-work'
    :: HasEnvConfig env
    => Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> [Text] -> RIO env ()
stageContainerImageArtifacts mProjectRoot imageNames = do
    config <- view configL
             [0 ..]
                  (map T.unpack imageNames)
                  (imgDockers $ configImage config)))
        (\(idx,opts) ->
              do imageDir <-
                     imageStagingDir (fromMaybeProjectRoot mProjectRoot) idx
                 liftIO (ignoringAbsence (removeDirRecur imageDir))
                 ensureDir imageDir
                 stageExesInDir opts imageDir
                 syncAddContentToDir opts imageDir)

-- | Builds a Docker (OpenContainer) image extending the `base` image
-- specified in the project's stack.yaml.  Then new image will be
-- extended with an ENTRYPOINT specified for each `entrypoint` listed
-- in the config file.
    :: HasConfig env
    => Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> [Text] -> RIO env ()
createContainerImageFromStage mProjectRoot imageNames = do
    config <- view configL
             [0 ..]
                  (map T.unpack imageNames)
                  (imgDockers $ configImage config)))
        (\(idx,opts) ->
              do imageDir <-
                     imageStagingDir (fromMaybeProjectRoot mProjectRoot) idx
                 createDockerImage opts imageDir
                 extendDockerImageWithEntrypoint opts imageDir)

filterImages :: [String] -> [ImageDockerOpts] -> [ImageDockerOpts]
filterImages [] = id -- all: no filter
filterImages names = filter (imageNameFound . imgDockerImageName)
    imageNameFound (Just name) = name `elem` names
    imageNameFound _ = False

-- | Stage all the Package executables in the usr/local/bin
-- subdirectory of a temp directory.
    :: HasEnvConfig env
    => ImageDockerOpts -> Path Abs Dir -> RIO env ()
stageExesInDir opts dir = do
    srcBinPath <- fmap (</> $(mkRelDir "bin")) installationRootLocal
    let destBinPath = dir </> $(mkRelDir "usr/local/bin")
    ensureDir destBinPath
    case imgDockerExecutables opts of
        Nothing -> do
            logInfo ""
            logInfo "Note: 'executables' not specified for a image container, so every executable in the project's local bin dir will be used."
            mcontents <- liftIO $ forgivingAbsence $ listDir srcBinPath
            case mcontents of
                Just (files, dirs)
                    | not (null files) || not (null dirs) -> liftIO $ copyDirRecur srcBinPath destBinPath
                _ -> prettyWarn "The project's local bin dir contains no files, so no executables will be added to the docker image."
            logInfo ""

        Just exes ->
                (\exe ->
                          (srcBinPath </> exe)
                          (destBinPath </> exe))

-- | Add any additional files into the temp directory, respecting the
-- (Source, Destination) mapping.
    :: HasEnvConfig env
    => ImageDockerOpts -> Path Abs Dir -> RIO env ()
syncAddContentToDir opts dir = do
    root <- view projectRootL
    let imgAdd = imgDockerAdd opts
        (Map.toList imgAdd)
        (\(source,destPath) ->
              do sourcePath <- resolveDir root source
                 let destFullPath = dir </> dropRoot destPath
                 ensureDir destFullPath
                 liftIO $ copyDirRecur sourcePath destFullPath)

-- | Derive an image name from the project directory.
    :: Path Abs Dir -> String
imageName = map toLower . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . dirname

-- | Create a general purpose docker image from the temporary
-- directory of executables & static content.
    :: HasConfig env
    => ImageDockerOpts -> Path Abs Dir -> RIO env ()
createDockerImage dockerConfig dir =
    case imgDockerBase dockerConfig of
        Nothing -> throwM StackImageDockerBaseUnspecifiedException
        Just base -> do
                     (toFilePath (dir </> $(mkRelFile "Dockerfile")))
                     (encodeUtf8 (T.pack (unlines ["FROM " ++ base, "ADD ./ /"]))))
            let args =
                    [ "build"
                    , "-t"
                    , fromMaybe
                          (imageName (parent . parent . parent $ dir))
                          (imgDockerImageName dockerConfig)
                    , toFilePathNoTrailingSep dir]
            proc "docker" args runProcess_

-- | Extend the general purpose docker image with entrypoints (if specified).
    :: HasConfig env
    => ImageDockerOpts -> Path Abs Dir -> RIO env ()
extendDockerImageWithEntrypoint dockerConfig dir = do
    let dockerImageName =
                (imageName (parent . parent . parent $ dir))
                (imgDockerImageName dockerConfig)
    let imgEntrypoints = imgDockerEntrypoints dockerConfig
    case imgEntrypoints of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just eps ->
                (\ep ->
                      do liftIO
                                       (dir </> $(mkRelFile "Dockerfile")))
                                  (encodeUtf8 (T.pack (unlines
                                       [ "FROM " ++ dockerImageName
                                       , "ENTRYPOINT [\"/usr/local/bin/" ++
                                         ep ++ "\"]"
                                       , "CMD []"]))))
                                  [ "build"
                                  , "-t"
                                  , dockerImageName ++ "-" ++ ep
                                  , toFilePathNoTrailingSep dir]

-- | Fail with friendly error if project root not set.
fromMaybeProjectRoot :: Maybe (Path Abs Dir) -> Path Abs Dir
fromMaybeProjectRoot =
    fromMaybe (impureThrow StackImageCannotDetermineProjectRootException)

-- | The command name for dealing with images.
    :: String
imgCmdName = "image"

-- | The command name for building a docker container.
    :: String
imgDockerCmdName = "container"

-- | Convert image opts monoid to image options.
    :: ImageOptsMonoid -> ImageOpts
imgOptsFromMonoid ImageOptsMonoid{..} =
    { imgDockers = imgMonoidDockers

-- | Stack image exceptions.
data StackImageException
    = StackImageDockerBaseUnspecifiedException  -- ^ Unspecified parent docker
                                                -- container makes building
                                                -- impossible
    | StackImageCannotDetermineProjectRootException  -- ^ Can't determine the
                                                     -- project root (where to
                                                     -- put image sandbox).
    deriving (Typeable)

instance Exception StackImageException

instance Show StackImageException where
    show StackImageDockerBaseUnspecifiedException =
        "You must specify a base docker image on which to place your haskell executables."
    show StackImageCannotDetermineProjectRootException =
        "Stack was unable to determine the project root in order to build a container."