stack-2.15.5: The Haskell Tool Stack
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Dealing with Cabal.



readDotBuildinfo :: MonadIO m => Path Abs File -> m HookedBuildInfo Source #

Read package.buildinfo ancillary files produced by some Setup.hs hooks. The file includes Cabal file syntax to be merged into the package description derived from the package's Cabal file.

NOTE: not to be confused with BuildInfo, an Stack-internal datatype.

resolvePackage :: PackageConfig -> GenericPackageDescription -> Package Source #

Resolve a parsed Cabal file into a Package, which contains all of the info needed for Stack to build the Package given the current configuration.

data Package Source #

Some package info.





Instances details
Show Package Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stack.Types.Package

Eq Package Source #

Compares the package name.

Instance details

Defined in Stack.Types.Package


(==) :: Package -> Package -> Bool #

(/=) :: Package -> Package -> Bool #

Ord Package Source #

Compares the package name.

Instance details

Defined in Stack.Types.Package

data PackageConfig Source #

Package build configuration





Instances details
Show PackageConfig Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Stack.Types.Package

buildLogPath :: (MonadReader env m, HasBuildConfig env, MonadThrow m) => Package -> Maybe String -> m (Path Abs File) Source #

Path for the package's build log.

packageDependencies :: PackageDescription -> Map PackageName VersionRange Source #

Get all dependencies of the package (buildable targets only).

applyForceCustomBuild Source #


:: Version

global Cabal version

-> Package 
-> Package 

Force a package to be treated as a custom build type, see

hasBuildableMainLibrary :: Package -> Bool Source #

Check if the package has a main library that is buildable.

mainLibraryHasExposedModules :: Package -> Bool Source #

Check if the main library has any exposed modules.

This should become irrelevant at some point since there's nothing inherently wrong or different with packages exposing only modules in internal libraries (for instance).

packageUnknownTools :: Package -> Set Text Source #

Aggregate all unknown tools from all components. Mostly meant for build tools specified in the legacy manner (build-tools:) that failed the hard-coded lookup. See unknownTools for more information.

getPackageOpts :: (HasEnvConfig env, MonadReader env m, MonadThrow m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Package -> InstallMap -> InstalledMap -> [PackageName] -> [PackageName] -> Path Abs File -> m (Map NamedComponent (Map ModuleName (Path Abs File)), Map NamedComponent [DotCabalPath], Map NamedComponent BuildInfoOpts) Source #

This is an action used to collect info needed for "stack ghci". This info isn't usually needed, so computation of it is deferred.

processPackageDepsToList :: Monad m => Package -> (PackageName -> DepValue -> m resT) -> m [resT] Source #

Iterate/fold on all the package dependencies, components, setup deps and all.

listOfPackageDeps :: Package -> [PackageName] Source #

List all package's dependencies in a "free" context through the identity monad.

setOfPackageDeps :: Package -> Set PackageName Source #

The set of package's dependencies.

topSortPackageComponent Source #


:: Package 
-> Target 
-> Bool

Include directTarget or not. False here means we won't include the actual targets in the result, only their deps. Using it with False here only in GHCi

-> Seq NamedComponent 

This implements a topological sort on all targeted components for the build and their dependencies. It's only targeting internal dependencies, so it's doing a topological sort on a subset of a package's components.

Note that in Cabal they use the Data.Graph struct to pursue the same goal. But dong this here would require a large number intermediate data structure. This is needed because we need to get the right GhcPkgId of the relevant internal dependencies of a component before building it as a component.