stack-2.3.1: The Haskell Tool Stack

Safe HaskellNone



Extra Path utilities.



toFilePathNoTrailingSep :: Path loc Dir -> FilePath Source #

Convert to FilePath but don't add a trailing slash.

dropRoot :: Path Abs t -> Path Rel t Source #

Drop the root (either / on POSIX or C:\, D:\, etc. on Windows).

parseCollapsedAbsDir :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (Path Abs Dir) Source #

Collapse intermediate "." and ".." directories from path, then parse it with parseAbsDir. (probably should be moved to the Path module)

parseCollapsedAbsFile :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (Path Abs File) Source #

Collapse intermediate "." and ".." directories from path, then parse it with parseAbsFile. (probably should be moved to the Path module)

concatAndColapseAbsDir :: MonadThrow m => Path Abs Dir -> FilePath -> m (Path Abs Dir) Source #

Add a relative FilePath to the end of a Path We can't parse the FilePath first because we need to account for ".." in the FilePath (#2895)

rejectMissingFile :: MonadIO m => Maybe (Path Abs File) -> m (Maybe (Path Abs File)) Source #

If given file in Maybe does not exist, ensure we have Nothing. This is to be used in conjunction with forgivingAbsence and resolveFile.

Previously the idiom forgivingAbsence (relsoveFile …) alone was used, which relied on canonicalizePath throwing isDoesNotExistError when path does not exist. As it turns out, this behavior is actually not intentional and unreliable, see This was “fixed” in version of directory package (now it never throws). To make it work with all versions, we need to use the following idiom:

forgivingAbsence (resolveFile …) >>= rejectMissingFile

pathToByteString :: Path b t -> ByteString Source #

Convert to a ByteString using toFilePath and UTF8.

pathToLazyByteString :: Path b t -> ByteString Source #

Convert to a lazy ByteString using toFilePath and UTF8.