stack-2.3.1: The Haskell Tool Stack

Safe HaskellNone




mkProjectPackage :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env) => PrintWarnings -> ResolvedPath Dir -> Bool -> RIO env ProjectPackage Source #

Create a ProjectPackage from a directory containing a package.

additionalDepPackage :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env) => Bool -> PackageLocation -> RIO env DepPackage Source #

Create a DepPackage from a PackageLocation, from some additional to a snapshot setting (extra-deps or command line)

loadGlobalHints :: (HasTerm env, HasPantryConfig env) => WantedCompiler -> RIO env (Maybe (Map PackageName Version)) #

Load the global hints from Github.

Since: pantry-

globalCondCheck :: HasConfig env => RIO env (ConfVar -> Either ConfVar Bool) Source #

Simple cond check for boot packages - checks only OS and Arch