stack-3.1.1: The Haskell Tool Stack
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A module which exports all component-level file-gathering logic. It also includes utility functions for handling paths and directories.



componentOutputDir :: NamedComponent -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir Source #

The directory where generated files are put like .o or .hs (from .x files).

packageAutogenDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir Source #

Make the global autogen dir if Cabal version is new enough.

buildDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir Source #

Make the build dir. Note that Cabal >= 2.0 uses the componentBuildDir above for some things.

stackLibraryFiles :: StackLibrary -> RIO GetPackageFileContext (NamedComponent, ComponentFile) Source #

Get all files referenced by the library. Handle all libraries (CLib and SubLib), based on empty name or not.