{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

Module      : Std.Data.Text.Base
Description : Unicode text processing
Copyright   : (c) Dong Han, 2017-2018
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : winterland1989@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : non-portable

A 'Text' wrap a 'Bytes' which will be interpreted using UTF-8 encoding. User should always use 'validate' to construt a 'Text' (instead of using construtor directly or coercing), otherwise illegal UTF-8 encoded codepoints will cause undefined behaviours.


module Std.Data.Text.Base (
  -- * Text type
  -- * Building text
  , validate
  , validateMaybe
  , replicate
  , cycleN
  , indexMaybe, charByteIndex, indexMaybeR, charByteIndexR
  -- * Basic creating
  , empty, singleton, copy
  -- * Conversion between list
  , pack, packN, packR, packRN
  , unpack, unpackR
  -- * Conversion between codepoint vector
  , fromVector
  , toVector
  -- * Basic interface
  , null
  , length
  , append
  , map', imap'
  , foldl', ifoldl'
  , foldr', ifoldr'
  , concat, concatMap
    -- ** Special folds
  , count, all, any
    -- ** normalization
  , NormalizationResult(..), NormalizeMode(..)
  , isNormalized, isNormalizedTo, normalize, normalizeTo
    -- ** Case conversion
    -- $case
  , Locale, localeDefault, localeLithuanian, localeTurkishAndAzeriLatin
  , caseFold, caseFoldWith, toLower, toLowerWith, toUpper, toUpperWith, toTitle, toTitleWith
    -- ** Unicode category
  , isCategory, spanCategory
  , Category
  , categoryLetterUppercase
  , categoryLetterLowercase
  , categoryLetterTitlecase
  , categoryLetterOther
  , categoryLetter
  , categoryCaseMapped

  , categoryMarkNonSpacing
  , categoryMarkSpacing
  , categoryMarkEnclosing
  , categoryMark

  , categoryNumberDecimal
  , categoryNumberLetter
  , categoryNumberOther
  , categoryNumber

  , categoryPunctuationConnector
  , categoryPunctuationDash
  , categoryPunctuationOpen
  , categoryPunctuationClose
  , categoryPunctuationInitial
  , categoryPunctuationFinal
  , categoryPunctuationOther
  , categoryPunctuation

  , categorySymbolMath
  , categorySymbolCurrency
  , categorySymbolModifier
  , categorySymbolOther
  , categorySymbol

  , categorySeparatorSpace
  , categorySeparatorLine
  , categorySeparatorParagraph
  , categorySeparator
  , categoryControl
  , categoryFormat
  , categorySurrogate
  , categoryPrivateUse
  , categoryUnassigned
  , categoryCompatibility
  , categoryIgnoreGraphemeCluste
  , categoryIscntrl

  , categoryIsprint
  , categoryIsspace
  , categoryIsblank
  , categoryIsgraph
  , categoryIspunct
  , categoryIsalnum
  , categoryIsalpha
  , categoryIsupper
  , categoryIslower
  , categoryIsdigit
  , categoryIsxdigit
  -- * Misc
  , c_utf8_validate_ba
  , c_utf8_validate_addr
 ) where

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.ST
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Bits
import           Data.Char          hiding (toLower, toUpper, toTitle)
import           Data.Foldable            (foldlM)
import           Data.Hashable            (Hashable(..))
import qualified Data.List                as List
import           Data.Primitive.PrimArray
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.String              (IsString(..))
import           Data.Word
import           Foreign.C.Types          (CSize(..))
import           GHC.Exts                 (build)
import           GHC.Ptr
import           GHC.Types
import           GHC.Stack
import           GHC.CString              (unpackCString#)
import           Std.Data.Array
import           Std.Data.Text.UTF8Codec
import           Std.Data.Text.UTF8Rewind
import           Std.Data.Vector.Base     (Bytes, PrimVector(..), c_strlen)
import qualified Std.Data.Vector.Base     as V
import qualified Std.Data.Vector.Extra    as V
import qualified Std.Data.Vector.Search   as V
import           Std.Foreign.PrimArray
import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)

import           Prelude                       hiding (concat, concatMap,
                                                elem, notElem, null, length, map,
                                                foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1,
                                                maximum, minimum, product, sum,
                                                all, any, replicate, traverse)

-- | 'Text' represented as UTF-8 encoded 'Bytes'
newtype Text = Text
    { getUTF8Bytes :: Bytes -- ^ Extract UTF-8 encoded 'Bytes' from 'Text'

instance Eq Text where
    Text b1 == Text b2 = b1 == b2
    {-# INLINE (==) #-}

instance Ord Text where
    Text b1 `compare` Text b2 = b1 `compare` b2 -- UTF-8 encoding property
    {-# INLINE compare #-}

instance Show Text where
    showsPrec p t = showsPrec p (unpack t)

instance Read Text where
    readsPrec p str = [ (pack x, y) | (x, y) <- readsPrec p str ]

instance NFData Text where
    rnf (Text bs) = rnf bs

instance Hashable Text where
    {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-}
    hashWithSalt salt (Text bs) = hashWithSalt salt bs

instance IsString Text where
    {-# INLINE fromString #-}
    fromString = pack

packStringAddr :: Addr# -> Text
{-# INLINABLE packStringAddr #-}
packStringAddr addr# = validateAndCopy addr#
    len = fromIntegral . unsafeDupablePerformIO $ c_strlen addr#
    valid = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ c_utf8_validate_addr addr# len
    validateAndCopy addr#
        | valid == 0 = pack (unpackCString# addr#)
        | otherwise  = runST $ do
            marr <- newPrimArray len
            copyPtrToMutablePrimArray marr 0 (Ptr addr#) len
            arr <- unsafeFreezePrimArray marr
            return $ Text (PrimVector arr 0 len)

-- | /O(n)/ Get the nth codepoint from 'Text'.
indexMaybe :: Text -> Int -> Maybe Char
{-# INLINABLE indexMaybe #-}
indexMaybe (Text (V.PrimVector ba s l)) n
    | n < 0 = Nothing
    | otherwise = go s 0
    !end = s + l
    go !i !j
        | i >= end = Nothing
        | j >= n = let !c = decodeChar_ ba i in Just c
        | otherwise =
            let l = decodeCharLen ba i in go (i+l) (j+1)

-- | /O(n)/ Find the nth codepoint's byte index (pointing to the nth char's begining byte).
-- The index is only meaningful to the whole byte slice, if there's less than n codepoints,
-- the index will point to next byte after the end.
charByteIndex :: Text -> Int -> Int
{-# INLINABLE charByteIndex #-}
charByteIndex (Text (V.PrimVector ba s l)) n
    | n < 0 = s
    | otherwise = go s 0
    !end = s + l
    go !i !j
        | i >= end = i
        | j >= n = i
        | otherwise =
            let l = decodeCharLen ba i in go (i+l) (j+1)

-- | /O(n)/ Get the nth codepoint from 'Text' counting from the end.
indexMaybeR :: Text -> Int -> Maybe Char
{-# INLINABLE indexMaybeR #-}
indexMaybeR (Text (V.PrimVector ba s l)) n
    | n < 0 = Nothing
    | otherwise = go (s+l-1) 0
    go !i !j
        | i < s = Nothing
        | j >= n = let !c = decodeCharReverse_ ba i in Just c
        | otherwise =
            let l = decodeCharLenReverse ba i in go (i-l) (j+1)

-- | /O(n)/ Find the nth codepoint's byte index from the end
-- (pointing to the previous char's ending byte).
-- The index is only meaningful to the whole byte slice, if there's less than n codepoints,
-- the index will point to previous byte before the start.
charByteIndexR :: Text -> Int -> Int
{-# INLINABLE charByteIndexR #-}
charByteIndexR (Text (V.PrimVector ba s l)) n
    | n < 0 = s+l
    | otherwise = go (s+l-1) 0
    go !i !j
        | i < s = i
        | j >= n = i
        | otherwise =
            let l = decodeCharLenReverse ba i in go (i-l) (j+1)


-- | /O(n)/ Validate a sequence of bytes is UTF-8 encoded.
-- Throw error in case of invalid codepoint.
validate :: HasCallStack => Bytes -> Text
{-# INLINE validate #-}
validate bs@(V.PrimVector (PrimArray ba#) (I# s#) l@(I# l#))
    | l == 0 = Text bs
    | c_utf8_validate_ba ba# s# l# > 0 = Text bs
    | otherwise = error "invalid UTF8 bytes"

validateMaybe :: Bytes -> Maybe Text
{-# INLINE validateMaybe #-}
validateMaybe bs@(V.PrimVector (PrimArray ba#) (I# s#) l@(I# l#))
    | l == 0 = Just (Text bs)
    | c_utf8_validate_ba ba# s# l# > 0 = Just (Text bs)
    | otherwise = Nothing

foreign import ccall unsafe "text.h utf8_validate"
    c_utf8_validate_ba :: BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> Int
foreign import ccall unsafe "text.h utf8_validate_addr"
    c_utf8_validate_addr :: Addr# -> Int -> IO Int


-- | /O(n)/ Convert a string into a text
-- Alias for @'packN' 'defaultInitSize'@.
pack :: String -> Text
pack = packN V.defaultInitSize
{-# INLINE CONLIKE [1] pack #-}
    "pack/packStringAddr" forall addr . pack (unpackCString# addr) = packStringAddr addr

-- | /O(n)/ Convert a list into a text with an approximate size(in bytes, not codepoints).
-- If the encoded bytes length is larger than the size given, we simply double the buffer size
-- and continue building.
-- This function is a /good consumer/ in the sense of build/foldr fusion.
packN :: Int -> String -> Text
{-# INLINE packN #-}
packN n0 = \ ws0 ->
    Text (V.create' (max 4 n0) (\ marr -> foldlM go (V.IPair 0 marr) ws0))
    -- It's critical that this function get specialized and unboxed
    -- Keep an eye on its core!
    go :: V.IPair (MutablePrimArray s Word8) -> Char -> ST s (V.IPair (MutablePrimArray s Word8))
    go (V.IPair i marr) !c = do
        siz <- getSizeofMutablePrimArray marr
        if i < siz - 3  -- we need at least 4 bytes for safety
        then do
            i' <- encodeChar marr i c
            return (V.IPair i' marr)
        else do
            let !siz' = siz `shiftL` 1
            !marr' <- resizeMutablePrimArray marr siz'
            i' <- encodeChar marr' i c
            return (V.IPair i' marr')

-- | /O(n)/ Alias for @'packRN' 'defaultInitSize'@.
packR :: String -> Text
{-# INLINE packR #-}
packR = packRN V.defaultInitSize

-- | /O(n)/ 'packN' in reverse order.
-- This function is a /good consumer/ in the sense of build/foldr fusion.
packRN :: Int -> String -> Text
{-# INLINE packRN #-}
packRN n0 = \ ws0 -> runST (do let n = max 4 n0
                               marr <- newArr n
                               (V.IPair i marr') <- foldM go (V.IPair n marr) ws0
                               ba <- unsafeFreezeArr marr'
                               return $! Text (V.fromArr ba i (sizeofArr ba-i))
    go :: V.IPair (MutablePrimArray s Word8) -> Char -> ST s (V.IPair (MutablePrimArray s Word8))
    go (V.IPair i marr) !c = do
        n <- sizeofMutableArr marr
        let l = encodeCharLength c
        if i >= l
        then do encodeChar marr (i-l) c
                return (V.IPair (i-l) marr)
        else do let !n' = n `shiftL` 1  -- double the buffer
                !marr' <- newArr n'
                copyMutableArr marr' (n+i) marr i (n-i)
                let i' = n+i-l
                encodeChar marr' i' c
                return (V.IPair i' marr')

-- | /O(n)/ Convert text to a char list.
-- Unpacking is done lazily. i.e. we will retain reference to the array until all element are consumed.
-- This function is a /good producer/ in the sense of build/foldr fusion.
unpack :: Text -> String
{-# INLINE [1] unpack #-}
unpack (Text (V.PrimVector ba s l)) = go s
    !end = s + l
    go !idx
        | idx >= end = []
        | otherwise = let (# c, i #) = decodeChar ba idx in c : go (idx + i)

unpackFB :: Text -> (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> a
{-# INLINE [0] unpackFB #-}
unpackFB (Text (V.PrimVector ba s l)) k z = go s
    !end = s + l
    go !idx
        | idx >= end = z
        | otherwise = let (# c, i #) = decodeChar ba idx in c `k` go (idx + i)

"unpack" [~1] forall t . unpack t = build (\ k z -> unpackFB t k z)
"unpackFB" [1] forall t . unpackFB t (:) [] = unpack t

-- | /O(n)/ Convert text to a list in reverse order.
-- This function is a /good producer/ in the sense of build/foldr fusion.
unpackR :: Text -> String
{-# INLINE [1] unpackR #-}
unpackR (Text (V.PrimVector ba s l)) = go (s+l-1)
    go !idx
        | idx < s = []
        | otherwise = let (# c, i #) = decodeCharReverse ba idx in c : go (idx - i)

unpackRFB :: Text -> (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> a
{-# INLINE [0] unpackRFB #-}
unpackRFB (Text (V.PrimVector ba s l)) k z = go (s+l-1)
    go !idx
        | idx < s = z
        | otherwise = let (# c, i #) = decodeCharReverse ba idx in c `k` go (idx - i)

"unpackR" [~1] forall t . unpackR t = build (\ k z -> unpackRFB t k z)
"unpackRFB" [1] forall t . unpackRFB t (:) [] = unpackR t

-- | /O(1)/. Single char text.
singleton :: Char -> Text
{-# INLINABLE singleton #-}
singleton c = Text $ V.createN 4 $ \ marr -> encodeChar marr 0 c

-- | /O(1)/. Empty text.
empty :: Text
{-# INLINABLE empty #-}
empty = Text V.empty

-- | /O(n)/. Copy a text from slice.
copy :: Text -> Text
{-# INLINE copy #-}
copy (Text bs) = Text (V.copy bs)

-- * Basic interface

-- | /O(m+n)/
-- There's no need to guard empty vector because we guard them for you, so
-- appending empty text are no-ops.
append :: Text -> Text -> Text
append ta tb = Text ( getUTF8Bytes ta `V.append` getUTF8Bytes tb )
{-# INLINE append #-}

-- | /O(1)/ Test whether a text is empty.
null :: Text -> Bool
{-# INLINABLE null #-}
null (Text bs) = V.null bs

-- |  /O(n)/ The char length of a text.
length :: Text -> Int
{-# INLINABLE length #-}
length (Text (V.PrimVector ba s l)) = go s 0
    !end = s + l
    go !i !acc | i >= end = acc
               | otherwise = let j = decodeCharLen ba i in go (i+j) (1+acc)

-- * Transformations
-- | /O(n)/ 'map' @f@ @t@ is the 'Text' obtained by applying @f@ to
-- each char of @t@. Performs replacement on invalid scalar values.
map' :: (Char -> Char) -> Text -> Text
{-# INLINE map' #-}
map' f (Text (V.PrimVector arr s l)) | l == 0 = empty
                                     | otherwise = Text (V.create' (l+3) (go s 0))
    end = s + l
    -- the 3 bytes buffer is here for optimizing ascii mapping
    -- we do resize if less than 4 bytes left when building
    -- to save us from pre-checking encoding char length everytime
    go :: Int -> Int -> MutablePrimArray s Word8 -> ST s (V.IPair (MutablePrimArray s Word8))
    go !i !j !marr
        | i >= end = return (V.IPair j marr)
        | otherwise = do
            let (# c, d #) = decodeChar arr i
            j' <- encodeChar marr j (f c)
            let !i' = i + d
            siz <- sizeofMutableArr marr
            if  j' < siz - 3
            then go i' j' marr
            else do
                let !siz' = siz `shiftL` 1
                !marr' <- resizeMutablePrimArray marr siz'
                go i' j' marr'

-- | Strict mapping with index.
imap' :: (Int -> Char -> Char) -> Text -> Text
{-# INLINE imap' #-}
imap' f (Text (V.PrimVector arr s l)) | l == 0 = empty
                                      | otherwise = Text (V.create' (l+3) (go s 0 0))
    end = s + l
    go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> MutablePrimArray s Word8 -> ST s (V.IPair (MutablePrimArray s Word8))
    go !i !j !k !marr
        | i >= end = return (V.IPair j marr)
        | otherwise = do
            let (# c, d #) = decodeChar arr i
            j' <- encodeChar marr j (f k c)
            let !i' = i + d
                !k' = k + 1
            siz <- sizeofMutableArr marr
            if  j' < siz - 3
            then go i' j' k' marr
            else do
                let !siz' = siz `shiftL` 1
                !marr' <- resizeMutablePrimArray marr siz'
                go i' j' k' marr'

-- Strict folds

-- | Strict left to right fold.
foldl' :: (b -> Char -> b) -> b -> Text -> b
{-# INLINE foldl' #-}
foldl' f z (Text (V.PrimVector arr s l)) = go z s
    !end = s + l
    -- tail recursive; traverses array left to right
    go !acc !i | i < end  = case decodeChar arr i of
                                (# x, d #) -> go (f acc x) (i + d)
               | otherwise = acc

-- | Strict left to right fold with index.
ifoldl' :: (b -> Int ->  Char -> b) -> b -> Text -> b
{-# INLINE ifoldl' #-}
ifoldl' f z (Text (V.PrimVector arr s l)) = go z s 0
    !end = s + l
    go !acc !i !k | i < end  = case decodeChar arr i of
                                    (# x, d #) -> go (f acc k x) (i + d) (k + 1)
                  | otherwise = acc

-- | Strict right to left fold
foldr' :: (Char -> b -> b) -> b -> Text -> b
{-# INLINE foldr' #-}
foldr' f z (Text (V.PrimVector arr s l)) = go z (s+l-1)
    -- tail recursive; traverses array right to left
    go !acc !i | i >= s    = case decodeCharReverse arr i of
                                (# x, d #) -> go (f x acc) (i - d)
               | otherwise = acc

-- | Strict right to left fold with index
-- NOTE: the index is counting from 0, not backwards
ifoldr' :: (Int -> Char -> b -> b) -> b -> Text -> b
{-# INLINE ifoldr' #-}
ifoldr' f z (Text (V.PrimVector arr s l)) = go z (s+l-1) 0
    go !acc !i !k | i >= s    = case decodeCharReverse arr i of
                                    (# x, d #) -> go (f k x acc) (i - d) (k + 1)
                  | otherwise = acc

-- | /O(n)/ Concatenate a list of text.
-- Note: 'concat' have to force the entire list to filter out empty text and calculate
-- the length for allocation.
concat :: [Text] -> Text
concat = Text . V.concat . coerce
{-# INLINE concat #-}

-- | Map a function over a text and concatenate the results
concatMap :: (Char -> Text) -> Text -> Text
{-# INLINE concatMap #-}
concatMap f = concat . foldr' ((:) . f) []

-- | /O(n)/ 'count' returns count of an element from a text.
count :: Char -> Text -> Int
{-# INLINE count #-}
count c (Text v)
    | encodeCharLength c == 1 = let w = V.c2w c in V.count w v
    | otherwise = let (Text pat) = singleton c
                  in List.length $ V.indices pat v False

-- | /O(n)/ Applied to a predicate and a text, 'any' determines
-- if any chars of the text satisfy the predicate.
any :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> Bool
{-# INLINE any #-}
any f (Text (V.PrimVector arr s l))
    | l <= 0    = False
    | otherwise = case decodeChar arr s of
                    (# x0, d #) -> go (f x0) (s+d)
    !end = s+l
    go !acc !i | acc       = True
               | i >= end  = acc
               | otherwise = case decodeChar arr i of
                                (# x, d #) -> go (acc || f x) (i+d)

-- | /O(n)/ Applied to a predicate and text, 'all' determines
-- if all chars of the text satisfy the predicate.
all :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> Bool
{-# INLINE all #-}
all f (Text (V.PrimVector arr s l))
    | l <= 0    = True
    | otherwise = case decodeChar arr s of
                    (# x0, d #) -> go (f x0) (s+d)
    !end = s+l
    go !acc !i | not acc   = False
               | i >= end  = acc
               | otherwise = case decodeChar arr i of
                                (# x, d #) -> go (acc && f x) (i+d)

-- Building text

-- | /O(n)/ 'replicate' char n time.
replicate :: Int -> Char -> Text
{-# INLINE replicate #-}
replicate 0 _ = empty
replicate n c = Text (V.create siz (go 0))
    !csiz = encodeCharLength c
    !siz = n * csiz
    go :: Int -> MutablePrimArray s Word8 -> ST s ()
    go 0 marr = encodeChar marr 0 c >> go csiz marr
    go i marr | i >= siz = return ()
              | otherwise = do copyChar' csiz marr i marr (i-csiz)
                               go (i+csiz) marr

-- | /O(n*m)/ 'cycleN' a text n times.
cycleN :: Int -> Text -> Text
{-# INLINE cycleN #-}
cycleN 0 _ = empty
cycleN n (Text v) = Text (V.cycleN n v)

-- Convert between codepoint vector and text

-- | /O(n)/ convert from a char vector.
fromVector :: V.PrimVector Char -> Text
{-# INLINE fromVector #-}
fromVector (V.PrimVector arr s l) = Text (V.createN l (go s 0))
    end = s+l
    go !i !j !marr
        | i >= l = return j
        | otherwise = do
            let c = indexPrimArray arr i
            j' <- encodeChar marr j c
            go (i+1) j' marr

-- | /O(n)/ convert to a char vector.
toVector :: Text -> V.PrimVector Char
{-# INLINE toVector #-}
toVector (Text (V.PrimVector arr s l)) = V.createN (l*4) (go s 0)
    end = s+l
    go !i !j !marr
        | i >= l = return j
        | otherwise = do
            let (# c, n #) = decodeChar arr i
            writePrimArray marr j c
            go (i+n) (j+1) marr

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** Normalization
-- $normalization

-- | Check if a string is stable in the NFC (Normalization Form C).
isNormalized :: Text -> NormalizationResult
{-# INLINE isNormalized #-}
isNormalized = isNormalizedTo NFC

Check if a string is stable in the specified Unicode Normalization

This function can be used as a preprocessing step, before attempting to
normalize a string. Normalization is a very expensive process, it is often
cheaper to first determine if the string is unstable in the requested
normalization form.

The result of the check will be YES if the string is stable and MAYBE or NO
if it is unstable. If the result is MAYBE, the string does not necessarily
have to be normalized.

If the result is unstable, the offset parameter is set to the offset for the
first unstable code point. If the string is stable, the offset is equivalent
to the length of the string in bytes.

For more information, please review [Unicode Standard Annex #15 - Unicode
Normalization Forms](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/).
isNormalizedTo :: NormalizeMode -> Text -> NormalizationResult
isNormalizedTo nmode (Text (V.PrimVector (PrimArray arr#) (I# s#) l@(I# l#)))
    | l == 0 = NormalizedYes
    | otherwise =
        let nflag = normalizeModeToFlag nmode
        in toNormalizationResult (utf8_isnormalized arr# s# l# nflag)

-- | Normalize a string to NFC (Normalization Form C).
normalize :: Text -> Text
{-# INLINE normalize #-}
normalize = normalizeTo NFC

Normalize a string to the specified Unicode Normalization Form.

The Unicode standard defines two standards for equivalence between
characters: canonical and compatibility equivalence. Canonically equivalent
characters and sequence represent the same abstract character and must be
rendered with the same appearance and behavior. Compatibility equivalent
characters have a weaker equivalence and may be rendered differently.

Unicode Normalization Forms are formally defined standards that can be used
to test whether any two strings of characters are equivalent to each other.
This equivalence may be canonical or compatibility.

The algorithm puts all combining marks into a specified order and uses the
rules for decomposition and composition to transform the string into one of
four Unicode Normalization Forms. A binary comparison can then be used to
determine equivalence.
normalizeTo :: NormalizeMode -> Text -> Text
normalizeTo nmode (Text (V.PrimVector (PrimArray arr#) (I# s#) l@(I# l#)))
    | l == 0 = empty
    | otherwise = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
        let nflag = normalizeModeToFlag nmode
            l'@(I# l'#) = utf8_normalize_length arr# s# l# nflag
        when (l' < 0) (error "impossible happened!")
        pa@(MutablePrimArray marr#) <- newArr l'
        utf8_normalize arr# s# l# marr# l'# nflag
        arr' <- unsafeFreezeArr pa
        let !v = V.fromArr arr' 0 l'
        return (Text v)

-- functions below will return error if the source ByteArray# is empty
foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_isnormalized ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> CSize -> Int
foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_normalize ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> MBA# Word8 -> Int# -> CSize -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_normalize_length ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> CSize -> Int

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** Case conversions

-- $case

-- | Remove case distinction from UTF-8 encoded text with default locale.
caseFold :: Text -> Text
caseFold = caseFoldWith localeDefault

Remove case distinction from UTF-8 encoded text.

Case folding is the process of eliminating differences between code points
concerning case mapping. It is most commonly used for comparing strings in a
case-insensitive manner. Conversion is fully compliant with the Unicode 7.0

Although similar to lowercasing text, there are significant differences.
For one, case folding does _not_ take locale into account when converting.
In some cases, case folding can be up to 20% faster than lowercasing the
same text, but the result cannot be treated as correct lowercased text.

Only two locale-specific exception are made when case folding text.

Although most code points can be case folded without changing length, there are notable
exceptions. For example, U+0130 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE) maps
converted to lowercase.

Only a handful of scripts make a distinction between upper- and lowercase.
In addition to modern scripts, such as Latin, Greek, Armenian and Cyrillic,
a few historic or archaic scripts have case. The vast majority of scripts
do not have case distinctions.

caseFoldWith :: Locale -> Text -> Text
caseFoldWith locale (Text (V.PrimVector (PrimArray arr#) (I# s#) l@(I# l#)))
    | l == 0 = empty
    | otherwise = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
        let l'@(I# l'#) = utf8_casefold_length arr# s# l# locale
        when (l' < 0) (error "impossible happened!")
        pa@(MutablePrimArray marr#) <- newArr l'
        utf8_casefold arr# s# l# marr# l'# locale
        arr' <- unsafeFreezeArr pa
        let !v = V.fromArr arr' 0 l'
        return (Text v)

-- | Convert UTF-8 encoded text to lowercase with default locale.
toLower :: Text -> Text
toLower = toLowerWith localeDefault

Convert UTF-8 encoded text to lowercase.

This function allows conversion of UTF-8 encoded strings to lowercase
without first changing the encoding to UTF-32. Conversion is fully compliant
with the Unicode 7.0 standard.

Although most code points can be converted to lowercase with changing length,
there are notable exceptions. For example, U+0130 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT
ABOVE) when converted to lowercase.

Only a handful of scripts make a distinction between upper- and lowercase.
In addition to modern scripts, such as Latin, Greek, Armenian and Cyrillic,
a few historic or archaic scripts have case. The vast majority of scripts do
not have case distinctions.

Case mapping is not reversible. That is, @toUpper(toLower(x)) != toLower(toUpper(x))@.

Certain code points (or combinations of code points) apply rules
based on the locale. For more information about these exceptional
code points, please refer to the Unicode standard:
toLowerWith :: Locale -> Text -> Text
toLowerWith locale (Text (V.PrimVector (PrimArray arr#) (I# s#) l@(I# l#)))
    | l == 0 = empty
    | otherwise = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
        let l'@(I# l'#) = utf8_tolower_length arr# s# l# locale
        when (l' < 0) (error "impossible happened!")
        pa@(MutablePrimArray marr#) <- newArr l'
        utf8_tolower arr# s# l# marr# l'# locale
        arr' <- unsafeFreezeArr pa
        let !v = V.fromArr arr' 0 l'
        return (Text v)

-- | Convert UTF-8 encoded text to uppercase with default locale.
toUpper :: Text -> Text
toUpper = toUpperWith localeDefault

Convert UTF-8 encoded text to uppercase.

Conversion is fully compliant with the Unicode 7.0 standard.

Although most code points can be converted without changing length, there are notable
exceptions. For example, U+00DF (LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S) maps to
converted to uppercase.

Only a handful of scripts make a distinction between upper and lowercase.
In addition to modern scripts, such as Latin, Greek, Armenian and Cyrillic,
a few historic or archaic scripts have case. The vast majority of scripts
do not have case distinctions.

Case mapping is not reversible. That is, @toUpper(toLower(x)) != toLower(toUpper(x))@.

Certain code points (or combinations of code points) apply rules
based on the locale. For more information about these exceptional
code points, please refer to the Unicode standard:
toUpperWith :: Locale -> Text -> Text
toUpperWith locale (Text (V.PrimVector (PrimArray arr#) (I# s#) l@(I# l#)))
    | l == 0 = empty
    | otherwise = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
        let l'@(I# l'#) = utf8_toupper_length arr# s# l# locale
        when (l' < 0) (error "impossible happened!")
        pa@(MutablePrimArray marr#) <- newArr l'
        utf8_toupper arr# s# l# marr# l'# locale
        arr' <- unsafeFreezeArr pa
        let !v = V.fromArr arr' 0 l'
        return (Text v)

-- | Convert UTF-8 encoded text to titlecase with default locale.
toTitle :: Text -> Text
toTitle = toTitleWith localeDefault

Convert UTF-8 encoded text to titlecase.

This function allows conversion of UTF-8 encoded strings to titlecase.
Conversion is fully compliant with the Unicode 7.0 standard.

Titlecase requires a bit more explanation than uppercase and lowercase,
because it is not a common text transformation. Titlecase uses uppercase
for the first letter of each word and lowercase for the rest. Words are
defined as "collections of code points with general category Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm
or Lo according to the Unicode database".

Effectively, any type of punctuation can break up a word, even if this is
not grammatically valid. This happens because the titlecasing algorithm
does not and cannot take grammar rules into account.

Text                                 | Titlecase
The running man                      | The Running Man
NATO Alliance                        | Nato Alliance
You're amazing at building libraries | You'Re Amazing At Building Libraries

Although most code points can be converted to titlecase without changing length,
there are notable exceptions. For example, U+00DF (LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S) maps to
converted to titlecase.

Certain code points (or combinations of code points) apply rules
based on the locale. For more information about these exceptional
code points, please refer to the Unicode standard:

toTitleWith :: Locale -> Text -> Text
toTitleWith locale (Text (V.PrimVector (PrimArray arr#) (I# s#) l@(I# l#)))
    | l == 0 = empty
    | otherwise = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
        let l'@(I# l'#) = utf8_totitle_length arr# s# l# locale
        when (l' < 0) (error "impossible happened!")
        pa@(MutablePrimArray marr#) <- newArr l'
        utf8_totitle arr# s# l# marr# l'# locale
        arr' <- unsafeFreezeArr pa
        let !v = V.fromArr arr' 0 l'
        return (Text v)

-- functions below will return error if the source ByteArray# is empty
foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_casefold ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> MBA# Word8 -> Int# -> Locale -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_casefold_length ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> Locale -> Int

foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_tolower ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> MBA# Word8 -> Int# -> Locale -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_tolower_length ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> Locale -> Int

foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_toupper ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> MBA# Word8 -> Int# -> Locale -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_toupper_length ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> Locale -> Int

foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_totitle ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> MBA# Word8 -> Int# -> Locale -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe utf8_totitle_length ::
    BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> Locale -> Int

Check if the input string conforms to the category specified by the

This function can be used to check if the code points in a string are part
of a category. Valid flags are members of the "list of categories".
The category for a code point is defined as part of the entry in UnicodeData.txt,
the data file for the Unicode code point database.

By default, the function will treat grapheme clusters as a single code
point. This means that the following string:

Code point | Canonical combining class | General category      | Name
---------- | ------------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------
U+0045     | 0                         | Lu (Uppercase letter) | LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E
U+0300     | 230                       | Mn (Non-spacing mark) | COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT

Will match with 'categoryLetterUppercase' in its entirety, because
the COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT is treated as part of the grapheme cluster. This
is useful when e.g. creating a text parser, because you do not have to
normalize the text first.

If this is undesired behavior, specify the 'UTF8_CATEGORY_IGNORE_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER' flag.

In order to maintain backwards compatibility with POSIX functions
like `isdigit` and `isspace`, compatibility flags have been provided. Note,
however, that the result is only guaranteed to be correct for code points
in the Basic Latin range, between U+0000 and 0+007F. Combining a
compatibility flag with a regular category flag will result in undefined

isCategory :: Category -> Text -> Bool
isCategory c (Text (V.PrimVector arr@(PrimArray arr#) s@(I# s#) l@(I# l#)))
    | l == 0 = True
    | otherwise = utf8_iscategory arr# s# l# c == l

Try to match as many code points with the matching category flags as possible
and return the prefix and suffix.
spanCategory :: Category -> Text -> (Text, Text)
spanCategory c (Text (V.PrimVector arr@(PrimArray arr#) s@(I# s#) l@(I# l#)))
    | l == 0 = (empty, empty)
    | otherwise =
        let i = utf8_iscategory arr# s# l# c
        in (Text (V.PrimVector arr s i), Text (V.PrimVector arr (s+i) (l-i)))

-- functions below will return error if the source ByteArray# is empty
foreign import ccall utf8_iscategory :: BA# Word8 -> Int# -> Int# -> Category -> Int