stompl-0.0.2: Stomp Parser and Utilities

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




Stomp Frames and some useful operations on them



Frames are the building blocks of the Stomp protocol. They are exchanged between broker and application and contain commands or status and error messages.

Frames follow a simple text-based format. They consist of a command (the FrameType), a list of key/value-pairs, called Header, and a Body (which is empty for most frame types).

data Frame Source

This is a frame


data FrameType Source

The frame type identifies, what the Stomp protocol calls command;

  • commands sent from application to broker are: Connect, Disconnect, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Send, Begin, Commit, Abort, Ack, Nack, HeartBeat
  • commands sent from broker to application are: Connected, Message, Error, HeartBeat



Sent by the application to initiate a connection


Sent by the broker to confirm the connection


Sent by the application to end the connection


Sent by the application to publish a message in a queue


Sent by the broker to forward a message published in a queue to which the application has subscribed


Sent by the application to subscribe to a queue


Sent by the application to unsubscribe from a queue


Sent by the application to start a transaction


Sent by the application to commit a transaction


Sent by the application to abort a transaction


Sent by the application to acknowledge a message


Sent by the application to negatively acknowledge a message


Keep-alive message sent by both, application and broker


Sent by the broker to report an error


Sent by the broker to confirm the receipt of a frame

type Header = (String, String)Source

Tuple of (key, value)

type Body = ByteStringSource

The Frame body is represented as strict ByteString.

type Heart = (Int, Int)Source

Heart-beat configuration; the first Int of the pair represents the frequency in which the sender wants to send heart-beats; the second represents the highest frequency in which the sender can accept heart-beats. The frequency is expressed as the period in milliseconds between two heart-beats. For details on negotiating heart-beats, please refer to the Stomp specification.

type Version = (Int, Int)Source

The Stomp version used or accepted by the sender; the first Int is the major version number, the second is the minor. For details on version negotiation, please refer to the Stomp specification.

data AckMode Source



A successfully sent message is automatically considered ack'd


The client is expected to explicitly confirm the receipt of a message by sending an Ack frame; all message older than the ack'd message since the last Ack (or the beginning of the session) are implicitly ack'd as well. This is called cumulative ack.


Non-cumulative ack: The client is expected to explicitly confirm the receipt of a message by sending an Ack frame; only the message with the msg-id in the Ack frame is actually ack'd

isValidAck :: String -> BoolSource

check if String represents a valid AckMode

type SrvDesc = (String, String, String)Source

Description of a server consisting of name, version and comments

getSrvVer :: SrvDesc -> StringSource

get version from SrvDesc

getSrvCmts :: SrvDesc -> StringSource

get comments from SrvDesc

Frame Constructors

There are two different interfaces to construct frames:

  • a set of conventional, basic constructors and
  • a set of header-based constructors

The basic constructors receive the frame attributes directly, i.e. with the types, in which they will be stored. These constructors are, hence, type-safe. They are, however, unsafe in terms of protocol compliance. Headers that identify some entity are stored as plain strings. The basic constructors do not verify if an identifier is required for a given frame type. Using plain strings for identifiers may appear to be odd on the first sight. Since this library is intended for any implementation of Stomp programs (brokers and applications) where identifers (for messages, transactions, receipts, etc.) may have completely different formats, no choice was made on dedicated identifier types.

Header-based constructors, on the other hand, receive attributes packed in a list of Header. The types are converted by the constructor. The constructor, additionally, verfies the protocol compliance. Header-based constructors are, hence, more reliable. This implies, however, that they can fail. For this reason, Header-based constructors return Either.

Basic Frame Constructors

mkConnect :: String -> String -> String -> Heart -> [Version] -> FrameSource

make a Connect frame (Application -> Broker). The parameters are:

  • User: user to authenticate at the broker.
  • Passcode: password to authenticate at the broker.
  • Host: broker's virtual hoast (e.g.
  • HeartBeat: the clients bid in negotiating the heart-beat.
  • Version: the versions supported by the client.

mkConnected :: String -> Heart -> Version -> SrvDesc -> FrameSource

make a Connect frame (Broker -> Application). The parameters are:

  • Session: A unique identifier created by the broker and identifying the session
  • HeartBeat: The heart-beat agreed by the broker
  • Version: The version accepted by the broker
  • SrvDesc: The server description

mkSubscribe :: String -> AckMode -> String -> String -> String -> FrameSource

make a Subscribe frame (Application -> Broker). The parameters are:

  • Destination: The name of the queue as it is known by the broker and other applications using the queue
  • AckMode: The Acknowledge Mode for this subscription
  • Selector: An expression defining those messages that are of actual for client. The Stomp protocol does not define a language for selectors; it is even not entirely clear, where messages are selected: already at the broker, or only by the client. Some brokers provide pre-selection of messages, others do not.
  • Subscription Id: A unique identifier distinguishing this subscription from others to the same queue. The identifier is defined by the application.
  • Receipt: A unique identifier defined by the application to request confirmation of receipt of this frame. If no receipt is wanted, the string shall be empty.

mkUnsubscribe :: String -> String -> String -> FrameSource

make an Unsubscribe frame (Application -> Broker). The parameters are:

  • Destination: The queue name; either a destination or a subscription id must be given. (According to protocol version 1.1, the subscription id is mandatory on both, Subscribe and Unsubscribe.)
  • Subscription Id: The subscription identifier (see mkSubscribe)
  • Receipt: The receipt (see mkSubscribe)

mkSend :: String -> String -> String -> Type -> Int -> [Header] -> Body -> FrameSource

make a Send frame (Application -> Broker). The parameters are:

  • Destination: The name of the queue where the message should be published
  • Transaction: A unique identifier indicating a running transaction; if sent with a transaction, the message will not be delivered to subscribing applications, before the transaction is committed. If the Send is not part of a transaction, the string shall be empty.
  • Receipt: A receipt (see mkSubscribe for details)
  • Type: The content type of the payload message as MIME Type
  • Length: The length of the type in bytes
  • Header: List of additional headers; Stomp protocol requires that user-specified headers are passed through to subscribing applications. These headers may, for instance, be use by selectors to select messages.
  • Body: The payload message

mkMessage :: String -> String -> String -> Type -> Int -> [Header] -> Body -> FrameSource

make a Message frame (Broker -> Application). The parameters are:

  • Subscription Id: The message was sent because the application subscribed to the queue with this subscription id (see mkSubscribe).
  • Destination: The name of the queue, in wich the message was published.
  • Message Id: A unique message identifier, defined by the broker
  • Type: The type of the playload as MIME Type
  • Length: The length of the payload in bytes
  • Header: A list of user-defined headers (see mkSend for details)
  • Body: The payload

mkBegin :: String -> String -> FrameSource

make a Begin frame (Application -> Broker). The parameters are:

  • Transaction: A unique transaction identifier defined by the application.
  • Receipt: A receipt (see mkSubscribe for details)

mkCommit :: String -> String -> FrameSource

make a Commit frame (Application -> Broker). The parameters are:

  • Transaction: A unique transaction identifier defined by the application.
  • Receipt: A receipt (see mkSubscribe for details)

mkAbort :: String -> String -> FrameSource

make an Abort frame (Application -> Broker). The parameters are:

  • Transaction: A unique transaction identifier defined by the application.
  • Receipt: A receipt (see mkSubscribe for details)

mkAck :: String -> String -> String -> String -> FrameSource

make an Ack frame (Application -> Broker). The parameters are:

  • Message Id: The identifier of the message to be ack'd
  • Subscription Id: The subscription, through which the message was received
  • Transaction: Acks may be part of a transaction (see mkSend for details).
  • Receipt: see mkSubscribe for details

mkNack :: String -> String -> String -> String -> FrameSource

make a Nack frame (Application -> Broker). The parameters are:

  • Message Id: The identifier of the message to be nack'd
  • Subscription Id: The subscription, through which the message was received
  • Transaction: Nacks may be part of a transaction (see mkSend for details).
  • Receipt: see mkSubscribe for details

mkDisconnect :: String -> FrameSource

make a Disconnect frame (Application -> Broker). The parameter is:

mkBeat :: FrameSource

make a HeatBeat frame (Application -> Broker and Broker -> Application)

mkErr :: String -> String -> Type -> Int -> Body -> FrameSource

make a Receipt frame (Broker -> Application). The parameters are:

  • Error Message Id: A short error description
  • Receipt Id: The receipt of frame sent by the application to which this error relates
  • Type: The format of the error message as MIME Type
  • Length: The length of the error message
  • Body: The error message

mkReceipt :: String -> FrameSource

make a Receipt frame (Broker -> Application). The parameter is:

  • Receipt: The receipt identifier received from the application

Header-based Frame Constructors

Working with Headers

mkLogHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make login header

mkPassHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make passcode header

mkDestHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make destination header

mkLenHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make content-length header

mkTrnHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make transaction header

mkRecHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make receipt header

mkSelHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make selector header

mkIdHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make id header (subscribe frame)

mkAckHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make ack header (subscribe frame)

mkSesHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make session header (connected frame)

mkMsgHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make message header (error frame)

mkMIdHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make message-id header

mkAcVerHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make accept-version header (connect frame)

mkVerHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make version header (connected frame)

mkHostHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make host header (connect frame)

mkBeatHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make heart-beat header

mkMimeHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make content-type header

mkSrvHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make server header (connected frame)

mkSubHdr :: String -> HeaderSource

make subscription header

valToVers :: String -> Maybe [Version]Source

convert String to list of Version

versToVal :: [Version] -> StringSource

convert list of Version to String

negoVersion :: [Version] -> [Version] -> VersionSource

negotiates version - if no common version is found, the function results in version 1.0!

negoBeat :: Heart -> Heart -> HeartSource

negotiates heart-beat

rmHdr :: [Header] -> String -> [Header]Source

remove header (String) from list of Header

rmHdrs :: [Header] -> [String] -> [Header]Source

remove headers (list of String) from list of Header

Working with Frames

toString :: Frame -> StringSource

converts a Frame into a String

sndToMsg :: String -> String -> Frame -> Maybe FrameSource

converts a Send frame into a Message frame; parameters:

  • message id
  • subscription id
  • The original Send frame

conToCond :: String -> String -> Heart -> [Version] -> Frame -> Maybe FrameSource

converts a Connect frame into a Connected frame, negotiating heart-beats and version; parameters:

  • server desc
  • session id
  • caller's bid for heart-beat
  • caller's supported versions
  • the original Connect frame

resetTrans :: Frame -> FrameSource

sets the transaction header to an empty string; this is a useful function for brokers: when a transaction has been committed, the Send messages can be handled by the same function without, accidentally, iterating into a new transaction.

complies :: Version -> Frame -> BoolSource

Compliance with protocol version

Get Access to Frames

getDest :: Frame -> StringSource

get destination from Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Send or Message

getTrans :: Frame -> StringSource

get transaction from Send, Ack, Nack, Begin, Commit or Abort

getReceipt :: Frame -> StringSource

get receipt or receipt-id from any frame, but Connect, Connected, Message, Error

getLogin :: Frame -> StringSource

get login from Connect

getPasscode :: Frame -> StringSource

get passcode from Connect

getHost :: Frame -> StringSource

get host from Connect

getVersions :: Frame -> [Version]Source

get accept-version from Connect

getVersion :: Frame -> VersionSource

get version from Connected

getBeat :: Frame -> HeartSource

get heart-beat from Connect or Connected

getSession :: Frame -> StringSource

get session from Connected

getServer :: Frame -> SrvDescSource

get server from Connected

getSub :: Frame -> StringSource

get subscription from Ack, Nack or Message

getSelector :: Frame -> StringSource

get selector from Subscribe

getMime :: Frame -> TypeSource

get content-type from Send, Message, Error

getLength :: Frame -> IntSource

get content-length from Send, Message, Error

getMsg :: Frame -> StringSource

get message from Error

getHeaders :: Frame -> [Header]Source

get all additional headers from Send or Message

Sequence Operators to work on ByteString

Some random helpers