store-core- Fast and lightweight binary serialization

Safe HaskellNone




Core Types

newtype Poke a Source #

Poke actions are useful for building sequential serializers.

They are actions which write values to bytes into memory specified by a Ptr base. The Applicative and Monad instances make it easy to write serializations, by keeping track of the Offset of the current byte. They allow you to chain Poke action such that subsequent Pokes write into subsequent portions of the output.




  • runPoke :: forall byte. Ptr byte -> Offset -> IO (Offset, a)

    Run the Poke action, with the Ptr to the buffer where data is poked, and the current Offset. The result is the new offset, along with a return value.

    May throw a PokeException, though this should be avoided when possible. They usually indicate a programming error.


Monad Poke Source # 


(>>=) :: Poke a -> (a -> Poke b) -> Poke b #

(>>) :: Poke a -> Poke b -> Poke b #

return :: a -> Poke a #

fail :: String -> Poke a #

Functor Poke Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Poke a -> Poke b #

(<$) :: a -> Poke b -> Poke a #

MonadFail Poke Source # 


fail :: String -> Poke a #

Applicative Poke Source # 


pure :: a -> Poke a #

(<*>) :: Poke (a -> b) -> Poke a -> Poke b #

(*>) :: Poke a -> Poke b -> Poke b #

(<*) :: Poke a -> Poke b -> Poke a #

MonadIO Poke Source # 


liftIO :: IO a -> Poke a #

data PokeException Source #

Exception thrown while running poke. Note that other types of exceptions could also be thrown. Invocations of fail in the Poke monad causes this exception to be thrown.

PokeExceptions are not expected to occur in ordinary circumstances, and usually indicate a programming error.

pokeException :: Text -> Poke a Source #

Throws a PokeException. These should be avoided when possible, they usually indicate a programming error.

newtype Peek a Source #

Peek actions are useful for building sequential deserializers.

They are actions which read from memory and construct values from it. The Applicative and Monad instances make it easy to chain these together to get more complicated deserializers. This machinery keeps track of the current Ptr and end-of-buffer Ptr.




  • runPeek :: forall byte. Ptr byte -> Ptr byte -> IO (Ptr byte, a)

    Run the Peek action, with a Ptr to the end of the buffer where data is poked, and a Ptr to the current position. The result is the Ptr, along with a return value.

    May throw a PeekException if the memory contains invalid values.


Monad Peek Source # 


(>>=) :: Peek a -> (a -> Peek b) -> Peek b #

(>>) :: Peek a -> Peek b -> Peek b #

return :: a -> Peek a #

fail :: String -> Peek a #

Functor Peek Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Peek a -> Peek b #

(<$) :: a -> Peek b -> Peek a #

MonadFail Peek Source # 


fail :: String -> Peek a #

Applicative Peek Source # 


pure :: a -> Peek a #

(<*>) :: Peek (a -> b) -> Peek a -> Peek b #

(*>) :: Peek a -> Peek b -> Peek b #

(<*) :: Peek a -> Peek b -> Peek a #

MonadIO Peek Source # 


liftIO :: IO a -> Peek a #

PrimMonad Peek Source # 

Associated Types

type PrimState (Peek :: * -> *) :: * #

type PrimState Peek Source # 

data PeekException Source #

Exception thrown while running peek. Note that other types of exceptions can also be thrown. Invocations of fail in the Poke monad causes this exception to be thrown.

PeekException is thrown when the data being decoded is invalid.

tooManyBytes :: Int -> Int -> String -> IO void Source #

Throws a PeekException about an attempt to read too many bytes.

type Offset = Int Source #

How far into the given Ptr to look

Encode ByteString

unsafeEncodeWith :: Poke () -> Int -> ByteString Source #

Given a Poke and its length, uses it to fill a ByteString

This function is unsafe because the provided length must exactly match the number of bytes used by the Poke. It will throw PokeException errors when the buffer is under or overshot. However, in the case of overshooting the buffer, memory corruption and segfaults may occur.

Decode ByteString

decodeWith :: Peek a -> ByteString -> Either PeekException a Source #

Decodes a value from a ByteString, potentially throwing exceptions, and taking a Peek to run. It is an exception to not consume all input.

decodeExWith :: Peek a -> ByteString -> a Source #

Decodes a value from a ByteString, potentially throwing exceptions, and taking a Peek to run. It is an exception to not consume all input.

decodeExPortionWith :: Peek a -> ByteString -> (Offset, a) Source #

Similar to decodeExWith, but it allows there to be more of the buffer remaining. The Offset of the buffer contents immediately after the decoded value is returned.

decodeIOWith :: Peek a -> ByteString -> IO a Source #

Decodes a value from a ByteString, potentially throwing exceptions, and taking a Peek to run. It is an exception to not consume all input.

decodeIOPortionWith :: Peek a -> ByteString -> IO (Offset, a) Source #

Similar to decodeExPortionWith, but runs in the IO monad.

decodeIOWithFromPtr :: Peek a -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO a Source #

Like decodeIOWith, but using Ptr and length instead of a ByteString.

decodeIOPortionWithFromPtr :: Peek a -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO (Offset, a) Source #

Like decodeIOPortionWith, but using Ptr and length instead of a ByteString.


pokeStorable :: Storable a => a -> Poke () Source #

A poke implementation based on an instance of Storable.

peekStorable :: forall a. (Storable a, Typeable a) => Peek a Source #

A peek implementation based on an instance of Storable and Typeable.

peekStorableTy :: forall a. Storable a => String -> Peek a Source #

A peek implementation based on an instance of Storable. Use this if the type is not Typeable.


pokeFromForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr a -> Int -> Int -> Poke () Source #

Copy a section of memory, based on a ForeignPtr, to the output. Note that this operation is unsafe, the offset and length parameters are not checked.

peekToPlainForeignPtr :: String -> Int -> Peek (ForeignPtr a) Source #

Allocate a plain ForeignPtr (no finalizers), of the specified length and fill it with bytes from the input.

pokeFromPtr :: Ptr a -> Int -> Int -> Poke () Source #

Copy a section of memory, based on a Ptr, to the output. Note that this operation is unsafe, because the offset and length parameters are not checked.


pokeFromByteArray :: ByteArray# -> Int -> Int -> Poke () Source #

Copy a section of memory, based on a ByteArray#, to the output. Note that this operation is unsafe, because the offset and length parameters are not checked.

peekToByteArray :: String -> Int -> Peek ByteArray Source #

Allocate a ByteArray of the specified length and fill it with bytes from the input.