stratosphere-0.2.2: EDSL for AWS CloudFormation

Safe HaskellNone



The AWS::Lambda::Alias resource creates an alias that points to the version of an AWS Lambda (Lambda) function that you specify. Use aliases when you want to control which version of your function other services or applications invoke. Those services or applications can use your function's alias so that they don't need to be updated whenever you release a new version of your function. For more information, see Introduction to AWS Lambda Aliases in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.



data LambdaAlias Source #

Full data type definition for LambdaAlias. See lambdaAlias for a more convenient constructor.

lambdaAlias Source #

Constructor for LambdaAlias containing required fields as arguments.

laDescription :: Lens' LambdaAlias (Maybe (Val Text)) Source #

Information about the alias, such as its purpose or the Lambda function that is associated with it.

laFunctionName :: Lens' LambdaAlias (Val Text) Source #

The Lambda function that you want to associate with this alias. You can specify the function's name or its Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

laFunctionVersion :: Lens' LambdaAlias (Val Text) Source #

The version of the Lambda function that you want to associate with this alias.

laName :: Lens' LambdaAlias (Val Text) Source #

A name for the alias.