streaming-attoparsec- Attoparsec integration for the streaming ecosystem

Safe HaskellNone



Here is a simple use of parsed and standard Streaming segmentation devices to parse a file in which groups of numbers are separated by blank lines. Such a problem of 'nesting streams' is described in the conduit context in this StackOverflow question.

-- $ cat nums.txt
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
-- 4
-- 5
-- 6
-- 7
-- 8

We will sum the groups and stream the results to standard output:

import Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 as Q
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Streaming as AS
import Data.Function ((&))

main :: IO ()
main = Q.getContents           -- raw bytes
       & AS.parsed lineParser  -- stream of parsed `Maybe Int`s; blank lines are `Nothing`
       & void                  -- drop any unparsed nonsense at the end
       & S.split Nothing       -- split on blank lines
       & S.maps S.concat       -- keep `Just x` values in the sub-streams (cp. catMaybes)
       & S.mapped S.sum        -- sum each substream
       & S.print               -- stream results to stdout

lineParser = Just <$> A.scientific <* A.endOfLine <|> Nothing <$ A.endOfLine
-- $ cat nums.txt | ./atto
-- 6.0
-- 15.0
-- 15.0


type Errors = ([String], String) Source #

Output from parsing errors.

parse :: Monad m => Parser a -> ByteString m x -> m (Either Errors a, ByteString m x) Source #

The result of a parse (Either ([String], String) a), with the unconsumed byte stream.

>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings  -- the string literal below is a streaming bytestring
>>> (r,rest1) <- AS.parse (A.scientific <* A.many' "12.3  4.56  78.3"
>>> print r
Right 12.3
>>> (s,rest2) <- AS.parse (A.scientific <* A.many' rest1
>>> print s
Right 4.56
>>> (t,rest3) <- AS.parse (A.scientific <* A.many' rest2
>>> print t
Right 78.3
>>> Q.putStrLn rest3
   -- Nothing left, this prints an empty string.

parsed Source #


:: Monad m 
=> Parser a

Attoparsec parser

-> ByteString m r

Raw input

-> Stream (Of a) m (Either (Errors, ByteString m r) r) 

Apply a parser repeatedly to a stream of bytes, streaming the parsed values, but ending when the parser fails or the bytes run out.

>>> S.print . void $ AS.parsed (A.scientific <* A.many' "12.3  4.56  78.9"