{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module: Network.Wai.EventSource.Streaming
-- Copyright: Copyright © 2019 Kadena LLC.
-- License: BSD-3-Clause
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colin@kadena.io>
-- Client-side consumption of the `ServerEvent` type from @wai-extra@ via the
-- @streaming@ ecosystem.
module Network.Wai.EventSource.Streaming
  ( -- * `ServerEvent` Stream
    -- * Auto-conversion of `ServerEvent`s
  , FromEvent(..)
  , dataOnly
    -- * Attoparsec Parser
  , event
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative (many, optional)
import           Control.Monad (unless)
import           Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Streaming as SA
import           Data.Binary.Builder (Builder, fromByteString, toLazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 as SB
import           Network.HTTP.Client
import           Network.Wai.EventSource (ServerEvent(..))
import           Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import           Streaming
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as SP


-- | A low-level wrapper around `withResponse`. Provides a simple, unending
-- source of `ServerEvent`s, presumably from an endpoint served via
-- `Network.Wai.EventSource.eventSourceAppIO` or otherwise.
-- @since 1.0.0
withEvents :: Request -> Manager -> (Stream (Of ServerEvent) IO () -> IO a) -> IO a
withEvents r m f = withResponse r m $ f . g . responseBody
    g :: BodyReader -> Stream (Of ServerEvent) IO ()
    g = void . SA.parsed event . SB.fromChunks . fromBodyReader

fromBodyReader :: BodyReader -> Stream (Of B.ByteString) IO ()
fromBodyReader br = do
  bs <- liftIO $ brRead br
  unless (B.null bs) $ SP.yield bs >> fromBodyReader br

-- FromEvent

-- | Convert a `ServerEvent`'s @data@ field into some type.
-- @since 1.0.1
class FromEvent a where
  fromEvent :: B.ByteString -> Maybe a

-- | A stream of only the @data@ fields of each consumed `ServerEvent`. Assumes
-- that each @data@ field contains bytes of identical format, i.e. decodable by
-- `FromEvent`. Silently skips over decoding failures.
dataOnly :: (FromEvent a, Monad m) => Stream (Of ServerEvent) m r -> Stream (Of a) m r
dataOnly = SP.mapMaybe (fromEvent . BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString) . SP.concat . SP.map f
    f (ServerEvent _ _ d) = d
    f _                   = []

-- Parser

-- NOTE: This currently ignores:
--   * windows support for now, w.r.t. end-of-line characters
--   * the optional starting byte-order-mark
--   * `CloseEvent`


event:New Event

:this is a comment


No output - the connection is severed.


-- | The underlying attoparsec `Parser`.
-- @since 1.0.0
event :: Parser ServerEvent
event = (sevent <|> comment <|> retry) <* eol

sevent :: Parser ServerEvent
sevent = ServerEvent
  <$> optional (string "event" *> char ':' *> chars <* eol)
  <*> optional (string "id"    *> char ':' *> chars <* eol)
  <*> many     (string "data"  *> char ':' *> chars <* eol)

comment :: Parser ServerEvent
comment = CommentEvent <$> (char ':' *> chars <* eol)

retry :: Parser ServerEvent
retry = RetryEvent <$> (string "retry:" *> decimal <* eol)

chars :: Parser Builder
chars = fromByteString <$> takeTill (== '\n')

eol :: Parser Char
eol = char '\n'