streamly-core-0.1.0: Streaming, parsers, arrays and more
Copyright(c) 2020 Composewell Technologies and Contributors
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





gbracket_ Source #


:: Monad m 
=> m c


-> (c -> m d)

after, on normal stop

-> (c -> e -> Stream m b -> Stream m b)

on exception

-> (forall s. m s -> m (Either e s))

try (exception handling)

-> (c -> Stream m b)

stream generator

-> Stream m b 

Like gbracket but with following differences:

  • alloc action m c runs with async exceptions enabled
  • cleanup action c -> m d won't run if the stream is garbage collected after partial evaluation.

Inhibits stream fusion


gbracket Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> IO c


-> (c -> IO d1)

on normal stop

-> (c -> e -> Stream m b -> IO (Stream m b))

on exception

-> (c -> IO d2)

on GC without normal stop or exception

-> (forall s. m s -> m (Either e s))

try (exception handling)

-> (c -> Stream m b)

stream generator

-> Stream m b 

Run the alloc action m c with async exceptions disabled but keeping blocking operations interruptible (see mask). Use the output c as input to c -> Stream m b to generate an output stream. When generating the stream use the supplied try operation forall s. m s -> m (Either e s) to catch synchronous exceptions. If an exception occurs run the exception handler c -> e -> Stream m b -> m (Stream m b). Note that gbracket does not rethrow the exception, it has to be done by the exception handler if desired.

The cleanup action c -> m d, runs whenever the stream ends normally, due to a sync or async exception or if it gets garbage collected after a partial lazy evaluation. See bracket for the semantics of the cleanup action.

gbracket can express all other exception handling combinators.

Inhibits stream fusion


before :: Monad m => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #

Run the action m b before the stream yields its first element.

Same as the following but more efficient due to fusion:

>>> before action xs = Stream.nilM action <> xs
>>> before action xs = Stream.concatMap (const xs) (Stream.fromEffect action)

afterUnsafe :: Monad m => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #

Like after, with following differences:

  • action m b won't run if the stream is garbage collected after partial evaluation.
  • Monad m does not require any other constraints.
  • has slightly better performance than after.

Same as the following, but with stream fusion:

>>> afterUnsafe action xs = xs <> Stream.nilM action


afterIO :: MonadIO m => IO b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #

Run the action IO b whenever the stream is evaluated to completion, or if it is garbage collected after a partial lazy evaluation.

The semantics of the action IO b are similar to the semantics of cleanup action in bracketIO.

See also afterUnsafe

bracketUnsafe :: MonadCatch m => m b -> (b -> m c) -> (b -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a Source #

Like bracket but with following differences:

  • alloc action m b runs with async exceptions enabled
  • cleanup action b -> m c won't run if the stream is garbage collected after partial evaluation.
  • has slightly better performance than bracketIO.

Inhibits stream fusion


bracketIO3 :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => IO b -> (b -> IO c) -> (b -> IO d) -> (b -> IO e) -> (b -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a Source #

Like bracketIO but can use 3 separate cleanup actions depending on the mode of termination:

  1. When the stream stops normally
  2. When the stream is garbage collected
  3. When the stream encounters an exception

bracketIO3 before onStop onGC onException action runs action using the result of before. If the stream stops, onStop action is executed, if the stream is abandoned onGC is executed, if the stream encounters an exception onException is executed.

Inhibits stream fusion


bracketIO :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => IO b -> (b -> IO c) -> (b -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a Source #

Run the alloc action IO b with async exceptions disabled but keeping blocking operations interruptible (see mask). Use the output b as input to b -> Stream m a to generate an output stream.

b is usually a resource under the IO monad, e.g. a file handle, that requires a cleanup after use. The cleanup action b -> IO c, runs whenever the stream ends normally, due to a sync or async exception or if it gets garbage collected after a partial lazy evaluation.

bracketIO only guarantees that the cleanup action runs, and it runs with async exceptions enabled. The action must ensure that it can successfully cleanup the resource in the face of sync or async exceptions.

When the stream ends normally or on a sync exception, cleanup action runs immediately in the current thread context, whereas in other cases it runs in the GC context, therefore, cleanup may be delayed until the GC gets to run.

See also: bracketUnsafe

Inhibits stream fusion

onException :: MonadCatch m => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #

Run the action m b if the stream evaluation is aborted due to an exception. The exception is not caught, simply rethrown.

Inhibits stream fusion

finallyUnsafe :: MonadCatch m => m b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #

Like finally with following differences:

  • action m b won't run if the stream is garbage collected after partial evaluation.
  • has slightly better performance than finallyIO.

Inhibits stream fusion


finallyIO :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => IO b -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #

Run the action IO b whenever the stream stream stops normally, aborts due to an exception or if it is garbage collected after a partial lazy evaluation.

The semantics of running the action IO b are similar to the cleanup action semantics described in bracketIO.

>>> finallyIO release = Stream.bracketIO (return ()) (const release)

See also finallyUnsafe

Inhibits stream fusion

ghandle :: (MonadCatch m, Exception e) => (e -> Stream m a -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #

Like handle but the exception handler is also provided with the stream that generated the exception as input. The exception handler can thus re-evaluate the stream to retry the action that failed. The exception handler can again call ghandle on it to retry the action multiple times.

This is highly experimental. In a stream of actions we can map the stream with a retry combinator to retry each action on failure.

Inhibits stream fusion


handle :: (MonadCatch m, Exception e) => (e -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a -> Stream m a Source #

When evaluating a stream if an exception occurs, stream evaluation aborts and the specified exception handler is run with the exception as argument.

Inhibits stream fusion