{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Data.Strict.Lens (
    -- * Tuple
    -- | See instances, in particular for 'Field1' and 'Field2' type classes.
    -- * Either
    _Left, _Right,
    -- * Maybe
    _Just, _Nothing,
    -- * These
    here, there,
    _This, _That, _These,
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<*>))
import           Prelude             (Int, flip, ($), (.))

-- Lazy variants
import qualified Prelude             as L
import qualified Control.Lens        as L

import           Control.Lens        (Each (..), Field1 (..), Field2 (..),
                                      Index, Prism, Prism', Swapped (..),
                                      Traversal, indexed, iso, prism, prism',

import           Data.Strict         (Either (..), Maybe (..), Pair (..),
                                      Strict (..), These (..), either, maybe,
                                      swap, these)

-- Tuple

instance L.Strict (a, b) (Pair a b) where
  strict = iso toStrict toLazy

instance Field1 (Pair a b) (Pair a' b) a a' where
  _1 k (a :!: b) = indexed k (0 :: Int) a <&> \a' -> (a' :!: b)

instance Field2 (Pair a b) (Pair a b') b b' where
  _2 k (a :!: b) = indexed k (1 :: Int) b <&> \b' -> (a :!: b')

instance Swapped Pair where
  swapped = iso swap swap

type instance Index (Pair a b) = Int
instance (a~a', b~b') => Each (Pair a a') (Pair b b') a b where
  each f ~(a :!: b) = (:!:) <$> f a <*> f b
  {-# INLINE each #-}

-- Either

instance L.Strict (L.Either a b) (Either a b) where
  strict = iso toStrict toLazy

instance Swapped Either where
  swapped = either Right Left `iso` either Right Left

instance (a ~ a', b ~ b') => Each (Either a a') (Either b b') a b where
  each f (Left x)  = Left <$> f x
  each f (Right x) = Right <$> f x

-- | Analogous to 'Control.Lens.Prism._Left' in "Control.Lens.Prism".
_Left :: Prism (Either a c) (Either b c) a b
_Left = prism Left $ either L.Right (L.Left . Right)

-- | Analogous to 'Control.Lens.Prism._Right' in "Control.Lens.Prism".
_Right :: Prism (Either c a) (Either c b) a b
_Right = prism Right $ either (L.Left . Left) L.Right

-- Maybe

instance L.Strict (L.Maybe a) (Maybe a) where
  strict = iso toStrict toLazy

instance Each (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b

-- | Analogous to 'Control.Lens.Prism._Just' in "Control.Lens.Prism"
_Just :: Prism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b
_Just = prism Just $ maybe (L.Left Nothing) L.Right

-- | Analogous to 'Control.Lens.Prism._Nothing' in "Control.Lens.Prism"
_Nothing :: Prism' (Maybe a) ()
_Nothing = prism' (L.const Nothing) $ maybe (L.Just ()) (L.const L.Nothing)

-- These

instance Swapped These where
    swapped = iso swapThese swapThese

instance (a ~ a', b ~ b') => Each (These a a') (These b b') a b where
    each f (This a)    = This <$> f a
    each f (That b)    = That <$> f b
    each f (These a b) = These <$> f a <*> f b

-- | A 'Control.Lens.Traversal' of the first half of a 'These', suitable for use with "Control.Lens".
-- >>> over here show (That 1)
-- That 1
-- >>> over here show (These 'a' 2)
-- These "'a'" 2
here :: Traversal (These a c) (These b c) a b
here f (This x)    = This <$> f x
here f (These x y) = flip These y <$> f x
here _ (That x)    = pure (That x)

-- | A 'Control.Lens.Traversal' of the second half of a 'These', suitable for use with "Control.Lens".
-- @
-- 'there' :: 'Control.Lens.Traversal' ('These' t b) ('These' t b) a b
-- @
-- >>> over there show (That 1)
-- That "1"
-- >>> over there show (These 'a' 2)
-- These 'a' "2"
there :: Traversal (These c a) (These c b) a b
there _ (This x)    = pure (This x)
there f (These x y) = These x <$> f y
there f (That x)    = That <$> f x

-- | A 'Control.Lens.Prism'' selecting the 'This' constructor.
-- /Note:/ cannot change type.
_This :: Prism' (These a b) a
_This = prism This (these L.Right (L.Left . That) (\x y -> L.Left $ These x y))

-- | A 'Control.Lens.Prism'' selecting the 'That' constructor.
-- /Note:/ cannot change type.
_That :: Prism' (These a b) b
_That = prism That (these (L.Left . This) L.Right (\x y -> L.Left $ These x y))

-- | A 'Control.Lens.Prism'' selecting the 'These' constructor. 'These' names are ridiculous!
-- /Note:/ cannot change type.
_These :: Prism' (These a b) (a, b)
_These = prism (\(a,b) -> These a b) (these (L.Left . This) (L.Left . That) (\x y -> L.Right (x, y)))

swapThese :: These a b -> These b a
swapThese (This a)    = That a
swapThese (That b)    = This b
swapThese (These a b) = These b a