Module      : Text.StringRandom
Description : generating random string from a regexp
Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2016- hiratara
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : hiratara@cpan.org
Stability   : experimental

Generate a random character string that matches the given regular expression.
This library ported String_random.js to Haskell.

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    import Text.StringRandom

    main = do
      ymd <- stringRandomIO "20\\d\\d-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-(0[1-9]|1\\d|2[0-8])"
      print ymd -- "2048-12-08" etc.

See <https://github.com/cho45/String_random.js/blob/master/lib/String_random.js String_random.js>

As with this package, there are <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/random-strings random-strings>
in packages that generate random strings, but this module is superior in the
following respects.

  * The format of the string to be generated using regular expressions
  * You can change the random number generator (e.g. tf-random package)
  * With pure calculation without using IO monad.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
module Text.StringRandom
  ( stringRandomIO
  , stringRandom
  , stringRandomWithError
  ) where

import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified System.Random as Random
import qualified Text.StringRandom.Parser as Parser
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as RWS

-- Int: size, g: generater, IntMap: Record backrefs
type GenRWS g = RWS.RWS Int () (g, Map.IntMap Text.Text)

The 'stringRandomIO' function generates random strings that match the given
regular expression. Regular expression is specified by 'Text' type. This
function internally uses the random number generator generated by 'newStdGen'.
stringRandomIO :: Text.Text -> IO Text.Text
stringRandomIO txt = do
  g <- Random.newStdGen
  return $ stringRandom g txt

The 'stringRandom' function uses a specified random number generator to
generate a random string that matches a given regular expression.
An exception is raised if the regular expression can not be parsed.
stringRandom :: Random.RandomGen g => g -> Text.Text -> Text.Text
stringRandom g txt = case stringRandomWithError g txt of
                       Left  l -> error l
                       Right r -> r

The 'stringRandomWithError' function behaves like the 'stringRandom'
function, but notifies the error through the Either monad.
stringRandomWithError :: Random.RandomGen g => g -> Text.Text -> Either String Text.Text
stringRandomWithError g txt = do
  parsed <- Parser.processParse txt
  -- 10 : max length of a* or a+
  let (ret, _) = RWS.evalRWS (str parsed) 10 (g, Map.empty)
  return ret

withGen :: Random.RandomGen g => (g -> (a, g)) -> GenRWS g a
withGen f = do
  (gen, m) <- RWS.get
  let (a, gen') = f gen
  RWS.put (gen', m)
  return a

randomRM :: (Random.RandomGen g, Random.Random a) => (a, a) -> GenRWS g a
randomRM = withGen . Random.randomR

-- randomM :: (Random.RandomGen g, Random.Random a) => GenRWS g a
-- randomM = withGen Random.random

choice :: Random.RandomGen g => [a] -> GenRWS g a
choice xs = do
  i <- randomRM (0, length xs - 1)
  return $ xs !! i

putGroup :: Int -> Text.Text -> GenRWS g ()
putGroup n v = do
  (gen, m) <- RWS.get
  let m' = Map.insert n v m
  RWS.put (gen, m')

getGroup :: Int -> GenRWS g Text.Text
getGroup n = do
  m <- RWS.gets snd
  let maybeV = Map.lookup n m
  case maybeV of
    Nothing -> return ""
    Just v  -> return v

size :: GenRWS g Int
size = RWS.ask

str :: Random.RandomGen g => Parser.Parsed -> GenRWS g Text.Text
str (Parser.PClass cs) = Text.singleton <$> choice cs
str (Parser.PRange s me p) = do
  e <- case me of
    Just e' -> return e'
    Nothing -> size
  n <- randomRM (s, e)
  Text.concat <$> mapM (const $ str p) [1 .. n]
str (Parser.PConcat ps) = Text.concat <$> mapM str ps
str (Parser.PSelect ps) = str =<< choice ps
str (Parser.PGrouped n p) = do
  v <- str p
  putGroup n v
  return v
str (Parser.PBackward n) = getGroup n
str (Parser.PIgnored) = return ""