stripeapi- Stripe-Library
Safe HaskellNone



Contains the different functions to run the operation deleteAccount



deleteAccount Source #


:: forall m. MonadHTTP m 
=> Maybe DeleteAccountRequestBody

The request body to send

-> ClientT m (Response DeleteAccountResponse)

Monadic computation which returns the result of the operation

DELETE /v1/account

<p>With <a href="/docs/connect">Connect</a>, you can delete accounts you manage.</p>

<p>Accounts created using test-mode keys can be deleted at any time. Custom or Express accounts created using live-mode keys can only be deleted once all balances are zero.</p>

<p>If you want to delete your own account, use the <a href="">account information tab in your account settings</a> instead.</p>

data DeleteAccountResponse Source #

Represents a response of the operation deleteAccount.

The response constructor is chosen by the status code of the response. If no case matches (no specific case for the response code, no range case, no default case), DeleteAccountResponseError is used.


DeleteAccountResponseError String

Means either no matching case available or a parse error

DeleteAccountResponse200 DeletedAccount

Successful response.

DeleteAccountResponseDefault Error

Error response.