structured-mongoDB-0.1: Structured MongoDB interface




This module exports several classes and combinators that operated on Structured types. Specifically, we provide the structured versions of mongoDB''s combinators, including structured query creation.



insert :: (MonadIO' m, Structured a) => a -> Action m ValueSource

Inserts document to its corresponding collection and return the "_id" value.

insert_ :: (MonadIO' m, Structured a) => a -> Action m ()Source

Same as insert but discarding result.

insertMany :: (MonadIO' m, Structured a) => [a] -> Action m [Value]Source

Inserts documents to their corresponding collection and return their "_id" values.

insertMany_ :: (MonadIO' m, Structured a) => [a] -> Action m ()Source

Same as insertMany but discarding result.

insertAll :: (MonadIO' m, Structured a) => [a] -> Action m [Value]Source

Inserts documents to their corresponding collection and return their "_id" values. Unlike insertMany, this function keeps inserting remaining documents even if an error occurs.

insertAll_ :: (MonadIO' m, Structured a) => [a] -> Action m ()Source

Same as insertAll but discarding result.


save :: (MonadIO' m, Structured a) => a -> Action m ()Source

Save document to collection. If the SObjId field is set then the document is updated, otherwise we perform an insert.


delete :: MonadIO m => StructuredSelection -> Action m ()Source

Delete all documents that match the selection/query.

deleteOne :: MonadIO m => StructuredSelection -> Action m ()Source

Delete the first documents that match the selection/query.


asc :: Selectable a f t => f -> OrderExpSource

Sort by field, ascending

desc :: Selectable a f t => f -> OrderExpSource

Sort by field, descending


limit :: StructuredQuery -> Word32Source

Maximum number of objects to return (default: 0, no limit).

skip :: StructuredQuery -> Word32Source

Number of matching objects to skip (default: 0).

sort :: StructuredQuery -> [OrderExp]Source

Sortresult by this order.

find :: (MonadControlIO m, Functor m) => StructuredQuery -> Action m StructuredCursorSource

Find documents satisfying query

findOne :: (MonadIO m, Structured a) => StructuredQuery -> Action m (Maybe a)Source

Find documents satisfying query

fetch :: (MonadIO m, Functor m, Structured a) => StructuredQuery -> Action m (Maybe a)Source

Same as findOne but throws DocNotFound if none match.

count :: MonadIO' m => StructuredQuery -> Action m IntSource

Count number of documents satisfying query.

Structured selections/queries

class StructuredSelect aQorS whereSource

Analog to mongoDB's Select class


select :: Structured a => QueryExp a -> aQorSSource

Create a selection or query from an expression

class Val t => Selectable a f t | f -> a, f -> t whereSource

Class defining a selectable type. Type a corresponds to the record type, f corresponds to the field or facet, and t corresponds to the field/facet type.


s :: f -> t -> LabelSource

Given facet, return the BSON field name


(Selectable r f t, Selectable t f' t') => Selectable r (Nested f f') t' 

(.!) :: (Selectable r f t, Selectable t f' t') => f -> f' -> Nested f f'Source

Combining two field names to create a Nested type.

data QueryExp a Source

A query expression.


(.*) :: Structured a => QueryExp aSource

Combinator for ==

(.==) :: (Val t, Selectable a f t) => f -> t -> QueryExp aSource

Combinator for ==

(./=) :: (Val t, Selectable a f t) => f -> t -> QueryExp aSource

Combinator for $ne

(.<) :: (Val t, Selectable a f t) => f -> t -> QueryExp aSource

Combinator for <

(.<=) :: (Val t, Selectable a f t) => f -> t -> QueryExp aSource

Combinator for <=

(.>) :: (Val t, Selectable a f t) => f -> t -> QueryExp aSource

Combinator for >

(.>=) :: (Val t, Selectable a f t) => f -> t -> QueryExp aSource

Combinator for >=

(.&&) :: QueryExp a -> QueryExp a -> QueryExp aSource

Combinator for $and

(.||) :: QueryExp a -> QueryExp a -> QueryExp aSource

Combinator for $or

not_ :: QueryExp a -> QueryExp aSource

Combinator for $not


data StructuredCursor Source

Wrapper for mongoDB's Cursor.

isCursorClosed :: MonadIO m => StructuredCursor -> Action m BoolSource

Check if the cursor is closed.

nextBatch :: (Structured a, MonadControlIO m, Functor m) => StructuredCursor -> Action m [Maybe a]Source

Return next batch of structured documents.

next :: (Structured a, MonadControlIO m) => StructuredCursor -> Action m (Either () (Maybe a))Source

Return next structured document. If failed return Left, otherwise Right of the deserialized result.

nextN :: (Structured a, MonadControlIO m, Functor m) => Int -> StructuredCursor -> Action m [Maybe a]Source

Return up to next N documents.

rest :: (Structured a, MonadControlIO m, Functor m) => StructuredCursor -> Action m [Maybe a]Source

Return the remaining documents in query result.


data Value

A BSON value is one of the following types of values