module SuperUserSpark.Check.Internal where

import Import

import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)

import SuperUserSpark.Bake.Types
import SuperUserSpark.Check.Types
import SuperUserSpark.Compiler.Types
import SuperUserSpark.CoreTypes
import SuperUserSpark.Diagnose.Types

checkDeployment :: DiagnosedDeployment -> DeploymentCheckResult
checkDeployment (Deployment (Directions [] (D dst _ _)) _) =
        [unwords ["No source for deployment with destination", toPath dst]]
checkDeployment (Deployment (Directions srcs dst) kind) =
    bestResult $ map (\src -> checkSingle src dst kind) srcs

bestResult :: [CheckResult] -> DeploymentCheckResult
bestResult cs
    | all impossible cs = ImpossibleDeployment $ map (\(Impossible s) -> s) cs
    | otherwise
        -- Will not be empty as per line above
        case head $ dropWhile impossible cs of
            AlreadyDone -> DeploymentDone
            Ready i -> ReadyToDeploy i
            Dirty s i c -> DirtySituation s i c
            Impossible _ -> error "Cannot be the case"

impossible :: CheckResult -> Bool
impossible (Impossible _) = True
impossible _ = False

impossibleDeployment :: DeploymentCheckResult -> Bool
impossibleDeployment (ImpossibleDeployment _) = True
impossibleDeployment _ = False

dirtyDeployment :: DeploymentCheckResult -> Bool
dirtyDeployment DirtySituation{} = True
dirtyDeployment _ = False

deploymentReadyToDeploy :: DeploymentCheckResult -> Bool
deploymentReadyToDeploy (ReadyToDeploy _) = True
deploymentReadyToDeploy _ = False

deploymentIsDone :: DeploymentCheckResult -> Bool
deploymentIsDone DeploymentDone = True
deploymentIsDone _ = False

-- | Check a single (@source@, @destination@, @kind@) triple.
checkSingle :: DiagnosedFp -> DiagnosedFp -> DeploymentKind -> CheckResult
checkSingle (D src srcd srch) (D dst dstd dsth) kind =
    let parseBoth cons p =
            case (p $ toPath src, p $ toPath dst) of
                (Left err1, Left err2) ->
                    Impossible $ unwords [show err1, show err2]
                (Left err, _) -> Impossible $ show err
                (_, Left err) -> Impossible $ show err
                (Right s, Right d) -> Ready $ cons s d
        readyCopyFile = parseBoth CopyFile parseAbsFile
        readyCopyDir = parseBoth CopyDir parseAbsDir
        readyLinkFile = parseBoth LinkFile parseAbsFile
        readyLinkDir = parseBoth LinkDir parseAbsDir
    in case (srcd, dstd, kind) of
           (IsFile, Nonexistent, CopyDeployment) -> readyCopyFile
           (IsFile, Nonexistent, LinkDeployment) -> readyLinkFile
           (IsFile, IsFile, LinkDeployment) ->
                   [ "Both the source:"
                   , toPath src
                   , "and the destination:"
                   , toPath dst
                   , "are files for a link deployment."
           (IsFile, IsFile, CopyDeployment) ->
               if srch == dsth
                   then AlreadyDone
                   else e
                            [ "Both the source:"
                            , toPath src
                            , "and the destination:"
                            , toPath dst
                            , "are files for a copy deployment, but they are not equal."
           (IsFile, IsDirectory, LinkDeployment) ->
                   [ "The source: "
                   , toPath src
                   , "is a file but the destination:"
                   , toPath dst
                   , "is a directory for a link deployment."
           (IsFile, IsDirectory, CopyDeployment) ->
                   [ "The source: "
                   , toPath src
                   , "is a file but the destination:"
                   , toPath dst
                   , "is a directory for a copy deployment."
           (IsFile, IsLinkTo l, LinkDeployment) ->
               if l == src
                   then AlreadyDone
                   else e
                            [ "The source:"
                            , toPath src
                            , "is a file and the destination:"
                            , toPath dst
                            , "is a link for a link deployment but the destination does not point to the source. Instead it points to:"
                            , toPath l ++ "."
           (IsFile, IsLinkTo _, CopyDeployment) ->
                   [ "The source:"
                   , toPath src
                   , "is a file and the destination:"
                   , toPath dst
                   , "is a link for a copy deployment."
           (IsDirectory, Nonexistent, LinkDeployment) -> readyLinkDir
           (IsDirectory, Nonexistent, CopyDeployment) -> readyCopyDir
           (IsDirectory, IsFile, LinkDeployment) ->
                   [ "The source:"
                   , toPath src
                   , "is a directory and the destination:"
                   , toPath dst
                   , "is a file for a link deployment"
           (IsDirectory, IsFile, CopyDeployment) ->
                   [ "The source:"
                   , toPath src
                   , "is a directory and the destination:"
                   , toPath dst
                   , "is a file for a copy deployment"
           (IsDirectory, IsDirectory, LinkDeployment) ->
                   [ "The source:"
                   , toPath src
                   , "and the destination:"
                   , toPath dst
                   , "are directories for a link deployment."
           (IsDirectory, IsDirectory, CopyDeployment) ->
               if srch == dsth
                   then AlreadyDone
                   else e
                            [ "The source:"
                            , toPath src
                            , "and destination:"
                            , toPath dst
                            , "are directories for a copy deployment, but they are not equal."
           (IsDirectory, IsLinkTo l, LinkDeployment) ->
               if l == src
                   then AlreadyDone
                   else e
                            [ "The source:"
                            , toPath src
                            , "is a directory and the destination:"
                            , toPath dst
                            , "is a link for a link deployment but the destination does not point to the source. Instead it points to:"
                            , toPath l ++ "."
           (IsDirectory, IsLinkTo _, CopyDeployment) ->
                   [ "The source:"
                   , toPath src
                   , "is a directory and the destination:"
                   , toPath dst
                   , "is a link for a copy deployment."
           (Nonexistent, _, _) ->
               i ["The source:", toPath src, "does not exist."]
           (IsLinkTo _, _, _) -> i ["The source:", toPath src, "is a link."]
           (IsWeird, IsWeird, _) ->
                   [ "Both the source:"
                   , toPath src
                   , "and the destination:"
                   , toPath dst
                   , "are weird."
           (IsWeird, _, _) -> i ["The source:", toPath src, "is weird."]
           (_, IsWeird, _) -> i ["The destination:", toPath dst, "is weird."]
    i = Impossible . unlines
    e mins s =
        case mins of
            (Impossible _) -> mins
            (Ready ins) ->
                case dstd of
                    IsFile -> Dirty (unlines s) ins $ CleanFile $ unAbsP dst
                    IsLinkTo _ -> Dirty (unlines s) ins $ CleanLink $ unAbsP dst
                    IsDirectory ->
                        case parseAbsDir $ toPath dst of
                            Left err -> Impossible $ show err -- Should not happen, but just in case.
                            Right dir ->
                                Dirty (unlines s) ins $ CleanDirectory dir
                    _ -> Impossible "should not occur"
            _ -> Impossible "should not occur."

formatDeploymentChecks :: [(DiagnosedDeployment, DeploymentCheckResult)]
                       -> String
formatDeploymentChecks dss =
    if null output
        then "Deployment is done already."
        else unlines output ++
             if all (impossibleDeployment . snd) dss
                 then "Deployment is impossible."
                 else "Deployment is possible."
    output = mapMaybe formatDeploymentCheck dss

formatDeploymentCheck :: (DiagnosedDeployment, DeploymentCheckResult)
                      -> Maybe String
formatDeploymentCheck (_, ReadyToDeploy is) =
    Just $ "READY: " ++ formatInstruction is
formatDeploymentCheck (_, DeploymentDone) = Nothing
formatDeploymentCheck (d, ImpossibleDeployment ds) =
    Just $
        [ "IMPOSSIBLE: "
        , toPath $
          diagnosedFilePath $ directionDestination $ deploymentDirections d
        , " cannot be deployed:\n"
        , unlines ds
        , "\n"
formatDeploymentCheck (d, DirtySituation str is c) =
    Just $
        [ "DIRTY: "
        , toPath $
          diagnosedFilePath $ directionDestination $ deploymentDirections d
        , "\n"
        , str
        , "planned: "
        , formatInstruction is
        , "\n"
        , "cleanup needed:\n"
        , formatCleanupInstruction c
        , "\n"

formatInstruction :: Instruction -> String
formatInstruction (CopyFile from to) =
    unwords [toFilePath from, "c->", toFilePath to]
formatInstruction (CopyDir from to) =
    unwords [toFilePath from, "c->", toFilePath to]
formatInstruction (LinkFile from to) =
    unwords [toFilePath from, "l->", toFilePath to]
formatInstruction (LinkDir from to) =
    unwords [toFilePath from, "l->", toFilePath to]

formatCleanupInstruction :: CleanupInstruction -> String
formatCleanupInstruction (CleanFile fp) = "remove file " ++ toFilePath fp
formatCleanupInstruction (CleanDirectory dir) =
    "remove directory " ++ toFilePath dir
formatCleanupInstruction (CleanLink link) = "remove link " ++ toFilePath link