swiss-ephemeris- Haskell bindings for the Swiss Ephemeris C library
Safe HaskellNone



Utility functions for chart drawing functionality. Uses the C code shared by the swiss ephemeris authors in the official mailing list:



data GlyphInfo a Source #

Information about a glyph (planet or some other object one intends to render within a circular chart) indicating suggested position and scale as decided by gravGroup or gravGroup2 to minimize collisions without affecting the sequence of a list of objects, or the sectors within which they may be grouped.





Instances details
Eq a => Eq (GlyphInfo a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SwissEphemeris.ChartUtils


(==) :: GlyphInfo a -> GlyphInfo a -> Bool #

(/=) :: GlyphInfo a -> GlyphInfo a -> Bool #

Show a => Show (GlyphInfo a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in SwissEphemeris.ChartUtils

type PlanetGlyphInfo = GlyphInfo Planet Source #

GlyphInfo specialized to carry Planet names as its extraData.

glyphPlanet :: PlanetGlyphInfo -> Planet Source #

Convenience alias for the extraData accessor, get the Planet conveyed along a glyph info.

cuspsToSectors :: [HouseCusp] -> [Double] Source #

This function does a little bit of insider trading: given N cusps, returns N+1 sectors; where the last sector is an "impossible" position beyond 360, that sets the end of the last sector as the first sector's beginning, beyond one turn. That way, any body occurring in the last sector will exist between sectors[N-1] and sectors[N]. I've been using this as the "linearization" approach for the sectors required by gravGroup, but one may choose something different.

gravGroup Source #


:: HasEclipticLongitude a 
=> (Double, Double)

lwidth, rwidth

-> [(Planet, a)]

list of pre-calculated positions

-> [Double]

list of "sectors" (e.g. house cusps + end of last cusp)

-> Either String [PlanetGlyphInfo] 

Given dimensions, planet positions and "sectors" within which the planets are meant to be drawn as glyphs, return a list pairing each position with a PlanetGlyphInfo that not only remembers the position's planet, it's guaranteed to place it in the same sector and sequence it started in, but moved as to avoid colliding with other nearby planets or sector boundaries.

Note that "sectors" are usually cusps, but one must take that they're sorted or "linearized": no sector should jump over 0/360, and the last sector should mark the "end" of the circle. I use cuspsToSectors on cusps obtained from the main module's cusp calculation functionality and that seems to ensure that sectors are adequately monotonic and not truncated, but one would be wise to take heed to the swiss ephemeris author's notes, too:

gravGroupEasy :: HasEclipticLongitude a => Double -> [(Planet, a)] -> [HouseCusp] -> Either String [PlanetGlyphInfo] Source #

Easy version of gravGroup that assumes:

  • Glyphs are square/symmetrical, so the left and right widths are just half of the provided width, each.
  • The provided cusps can be "linearized" by the naïve approach of cuspsToSectors

gravGroup2 Source #


:: HasEclipticLongitude a 
=> (Double, Double)

lwidth, rwidth

-> [(Planet, a)]

list of pre-calculated positions

-> [Double]

list of "sectors" (e.g. house cusps + end of last cusp) (can be empty, indicating that we're working in a non-subdivided circle.)

-> Bool

allow planets to be moved up or down a level?

-> Either String [PlanetGlyphInfo] 

Same semantics and warnings as gravGroup, but allows a couple of things for more advanced (or crowded) applications:

  • Can send an empty list of sectors, to indicate that there's no subdivisions in the circle.
  • Can specify if planets can be pushed to an "inner" level if they're too crowded in their assigned sector. Useful when drawing several objects in a chart with many/tight sectors.

With a non-empty list of sectors, and not allowing shifting, this is essentially a slightly slower version of gravGroup.

gravGroup2Easy :: HasEclipticLongitude a => Double -> [(Planet, a)] -> [HouseCusp] -> Bool -> Either String [PlanetGlyphInfo] Source #

Easy version of gravGroup2, same provisions as gravGroupEasy