Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
The types defined here are exported publicly for convenience, but at least in versions <= 2.x, they're likely to evolve.
- class Eq a => HasEclipticLongitude a where
- getEclipticLongitude :: a -> Double
- setEclipticLongitude :: a -> Double -> a
- data Planet
- data HouseSystem
- data ZodiacSignName
- data NakshatraName
- data SplitDegreesOption
- data CalendarOption
- data EphemerisOption
- data EventSearchDirection
- data SolarEclipseType
- data LunarEclipseType
- data PlanetMotion
- data LunarPhaseName
- type HouseCusp = Double
- data EclipticPosition = EclipticPosition {}
- data GeographicPosition = GeographicPosition {}
- data EquatorialPosition = EquatorialPosition {}
- data ObliquityInformation = ObliquityInformation {}
- data HousePosition = HousePosition {}
- data Angles = Angles {}
- data CuspsCalculation = CuspsCalculation {
- houseCusps :: [HouseCusp]
- angles :: Angles
- systemUsed :: HouseSystem
- data LongitudeComponents = LongitudeComponents {}
- data PlanetPhenomenon = PlanetPhenomenon {}
- mkCalculationOptions :: [CalcFlag] -> CalcFlag
- defaultCalculationOptions :: [CalcFlag]
- defaultCalculationFlag :: CalcFlag
- foldSplitDegOptions :: [SplitDegFlag] -> SplitDegFlag
- splitOptionToFlag :: SplitDegreesOption -> SplitDegFlag
- defaultSplitDegreesOptions :: [SplitDegreesOption]
- solarEclipseTypeToFlag :: SolarEclipseType -> EclipseFlag
- lunarEclipseTypeToFlag :: LunarEclipseType -> EclipseFlag
- eclipseFlagToTypeSolar :: EclipseFlag -> Maybe SolarEclipseType
- eclipseFlagToTypeLunar :: EclipseFlag -> Maybe LunarEclipseType
- match :: EclipseFlag -> EclipseFlag -> Bool
- foldEclipseOptions :: [EclipseFlag] -> EclipseFlag
- defaultEclipseFlag :: EclipseFlag
- totalSolarEclipseFlag :: EclipseFlag
- annularSolarEclipseFlag :: EclipseFlag
- hybridSolarEclipseFlag :: EclipseFlag
- partialSolarEclipseFlag :: EclipseFlag
- totalLunarEclipseFlag :: EclipseFlag
- partialLunarEclipseFlag :: EclipseFlag
- penumbralLunarEclipseFlag :: EclipseFlag
- toHouseSystemFlag :: HouseSystem -> Int
- coordinatesFromList :: [Double] -> EclipticPosition
- eclipticFromList :: [Double] -> EclipticPosition
- eclipticToList :: EclipticPosition -> [Double]
- equatorialFromList :: [Double] -> EquatorialPosition
- equatorialToList :: EquatorialPosition -> [Double]
- obliquityNutationFromList :: [Double] -> ObliquityInformation
- anglesFromList :: [Double] -> Angles
- planetNumber :: Planet -> PlanetNumber
- numberToPlanet :: PlanetNumber -> Planet
- allocaErrorMessage :: (Ptr CChar -> IO b) -> IO b
- calendarOptionToFlag :: CalendarOption -> GregFlag
- ephemerisOptionToFlag :: EphemerisOption -> EpheFlag
- moonPhaseToAngle :: LunarPhaseName -> Double
class Eq a => HasEclipticLongitude a where Source #
For objects that can be placed along the ecliptic in a 1-dimensional "longitude-only" manner.
getEclipticLongitude :: a -> Double Source #
setEclipticLongitude :: a -> Double -> a Source #
HasEclipticLongitude EclipticPosition Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal | |
(Real a, Eq a, Fractional a) => HasEclipticLongitude (EphemerisPosition a) Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Precalculated getEclipticLongitude :: EphemerisPosition a -> Double Source # setEclipticLongitude :: EphemerisPosition a -> Double -> EphemerisPosition a Source # |
All bodies for which a position can be calculated. Covers planets in the solar system, points between the Earth and the Moon, and astrologically significant asteroids (currently, only Chiron, but ephemerides data is available for others.) More at 2.1 Planetary and lunar ephemerides and 3.2 bodies
Sun | |
Moon | |
Mercury | |
Venus | |
Mars | |
Jupiter | |
Saturn | |
Uranus | |
Neptune | |
Pluto | |
MeanNode | |
TrueNode | |
MeanApog | |
OscuApog | |
Earth | |
Chiron |
data HouseSystem Source #
The major house systems. The underlying library supports many more, including the 36-cusp outlier Gauquelin. More info at 6.2 Astrological house systems and 14. House cusp calculation
data ZodiacSignName Source #
Represents western zodiac signs. Unless otherwise stated, they correspond to tropical divisions of the ecliptic, vs. the actual constellations.
data NakshatraName Source #
Nakshatras, provided for thoroughness, please excuse any misspellings! List from: note that the underlying library uses 27 nakshatras, so Abhijit is omitted.
data SplitDegreesOption Source #
Options to split a Double
representing degrees:
RoundSeconds -- round at the seconds granularity (omits seconds fraction.)
RoundMinutes -- round at the minutes granularity.
RoundDegrees -- round at the degrees granularity.
SplitZodiacal -- relative to zodiac signs.
SplitNakshatra -- relative to nakshatra.
KeepSign -- when rounding, don't round if it'll move it to the next zodiac/nakshatra sector.
KeepDegrees -- when rounding, don't round if it'll move it to the next degree.
data CalendarOption Source #
Calendar options
Eq CalendarOption Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal (==) :: CalendarOption -> CalendarOption -> Bool # (/=) :: CalendarOption -> CalendarOption -> Bool # | |
Show CalendarOption Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal showsPrec :: Int -> CalendarOption -> ShowS # show :: CalendarOption -> String # showList :: [CalendarOption] -> ShowS # |
data EphemerisOption Source #
Eq EphemerisOption Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal (==) :: EphemerisOption -> EphemerisOption -> Bool # (/=) :: EphemerisOption -> EphemerisOption -> Bool # | |
Show EphemerisOption Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal showsPrec :: Int -> EphemerisOption -> ShowS # show :: EphemerisOption -> String # showList :: [EphemerisOption] -> ShowS # |
data EventSearchDirection Source #
When looking for eclipses, occulations or crossings, determine the temporal direction to take from the provided start time.
Eq EventSearchDirection Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal (==) :: EventSearchDirection -> EventSearchDirection -> Bool # (/=) :: EventSearchDirection -> EventSearchDirection -> Bool # | |
Show EventSearchDirection Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal showsPrec :: Int -> EventSearchDirection -> ShowS # show :: EventSearchDirection -> String # showList :: [EventSearchDirection] -> ShowS # |
data SolarEclipseType Source #
All possible types of solar eclipses.
Eq SolarEclipseType Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal (==) :: SolarEclipseType -> SolarEclipseType -> Bool # (/=) :: SolarEclipseType -> SolarEclipseType -> Bool # | |
Show SolarEclipseType Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal showsPrec :: Int -> SolarEclipseType -> ShowS # show :: SolarEclipseType -> String # showList :: [SolarEclipseType] -> ShowS # |
data LunarEclipseType Source #
All possible types of lunar eclipses.
Eq LunarEclipseType Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal (==) :: LunarEclipseType -> LunarEclipseType -> Bool # (/=) :: LunarEclipseType -> LunarEclipseType -> Bool # | |
Show LunarEclipseType Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal showsPrec :: Int -> LunarEclipseType -> ShowS # show :: LunarEclipseType -> String # showList :: [LunarEclipseType] -> ShowS # |
data PlanetMotion Source #
Apparent motion of a planet, from a geocentric observation.
Eq PlanetMotion Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal (==) :: PlanetMotion -> PlanetMotion -> Bool # (/=) :: PlanetMotion -> PlanetMotion -> Bool # | |
Show PlanetMotion Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal showsPrec :: Int -> PlanetMotion -> ShowS # show :: PlanetMotion -> String # showList :: [PlanetMotion] -> ShowS # |
data LunarPhaseName Source #
Traditional western moon phases.
Eq LunarPhaseName Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal (==) :: LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName -> Bool # (/=) :: LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName -> Bool # | |
Ord LunarPhaseName Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal compare :: LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName -> Ordering # (<) :: LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName -> Bool # (<=) :: LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName -> Bool # (>) :: LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName -> Bool # (>=) :: LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName -> Bool # max :: LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName # min :: LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName -> LunarPhaseName # | |
Show LunarPhaseName Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal showsPrec :: Int -> LunarPhaseName -> ShowS # show :: LunarPhaseName -> String # showList :: [LunarPhaseName] -> ShowS # |
type HouseCusp = Double Source #
The cusp of a given "house" or "sector". It is an ecliptic longitude. see: 14.1 House cusp calculation and 6.2 Astrological house systems
data EclipticPosition Source #
Position data for a celestial body on the ecliptic, includes rotational speeds. see: 3.4 Position and speed
data GeographicPosition Source #
Represents a point on Earth, with negative values for latitude meaning South, and negative values for longitude meaning West. No speed information is included (or needed,) because all calculations are geocentric.
data EquatorialPosition Source #
Represents a position on the celestial sphere, with speed information included.
EquatorialPosition | |
data ObliquityInformation Source #
Includes the obliquity of the ecliptic, the Nutation as longitude as well as mean values.
data HousePosition Source #
The house a celestial body is in.
Relevant angles: ascendant and MC, plus other "exotic" ones: 14. House cusp calculation
Angles | |
data CuspsCalculation Source #
Result of calculating the cusps for a given event; will include a list of cusps (most systems use 12 cusps, Gauquelin uses 36.)
CuspsCalculation | |
data LongitudeComponents Source #
A longitude expressed in its constituent parts.
data PlanetPhenomenon Source #
A Planet's "phenomena" record
Eq PlanetPhenomenon Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal (==) :: PlanetPhenomenon -> PlanetPhenomenon -> Bool # (/=) :: PlanetPhenomenon -> PlanetPhenomenon -> Bool # | |
Show PlanetPhenomenon Source # | |
Defined in SwissEphemeris.Internal showsPrec :: Int -> PlanetPhenomenon -> ShowS # show :: PlanetPhenomenon -> String # showList :: [PlanetPhenomenon] -> ShowS # |
mkCalculationOptions :: [CalcFlag] -> CalcFlag Source #
defaultSplitDegreesOptions :: [SplitDegreesOption] Source #
Convenient defaults when using splitDegrees
Omit rounding if it would bring it over the next sign or degree.
match :: EclipseFlag -> EclipseFlag -> Bool Source #
Equivalent to flag & FLAG_VALUE
in C.
foldEclipseOptions :: [EclipseFlag] -> EclipseFlag Source #
toHouseSystemFlag :: HouseSystem -> Int Source #
coordinatesFromList :: [Double] -> EclipticPosition Source #
eclipticFromList :: [Double] -> EclipticPosition Source #
eclipticToList :: EclipticPosition -> [Double] Source #
equatorialToList :: EquatorialPosition -> [Double] Source #
anglesFromList :: [Double] -> Angles Source #
planetNumber :: Planet -> PlanetNumber Source #
numberToPlanet :: PlanetNumber -> Planet Source #
allocaErrorMessage :: (Ptr CChar -> IO b) -> IO b Source #
As per the programmers manual, error output strings
should accommodate at most 256 characters:
see sweodef.h#266
and the manual:
in e.g.