sydtest- A modern testing framework for Haskell with good defaults and advanced testing features.
Safe HaskellNone




eit :: HasCallStack => String -> ReaderT env IO () -> TestDef outers env Source #

For defining a part of a test suite in 'ReaderT IO' instead of in IO.

This way you can write this:

spec :: Spec
spec = around withConnectionPool $
  it "can read what it writes" $ \pool ->
    let person = Person { name = "Dave", age = 25 }
    i <- runSqlPool (insert person) pool
    person' <- runSqlPool (get i) pool
    person' `shouldBe` person

like this instead:

spec :: Spec
spec = around withConnectionPool $
  eit "can read what it writes" $ do
    let person = Person { name = "Dave", age = 25 }
    i <- runDB $ insert person
    person' <- runDB $ get i
    liftIO $ person' `shouldBe` person

runDB :: ReaderT ConnectionPool IO a -> IO a

Note that you use eit with a property test. In that case you would have to write it like this:

spec :: Spec
spec = around withConnectionPool $
  it "can read what it writes" $ \pool -> do
    forAllValid $ \person -> withTestEnv pool $ do
      i <- runDB $ insert person
      person' <- runDB $ get i
      liftIO $ person' `shouldBe` person

withTestEnv :: env -> ReaderT env IO a -> IO a Source #

Helper function to run a property test with an env.

withTestEnv = flip runReaderT