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symantic-base- Basic symantics for writing Embedded Domain-Specific Languages (EDSL).

Safe HaskellNone




Class Composable

class Composable repr where Source #

Minimal complete definition



(<.>) :: Transformable repr => Composable (UnTrans repr) => repr a b -> repr b c -> repr a c infixr 4 Source #

(<.>) :: repr a b -> repr b c -> repr a c infixr 4 Source #

Class Voidable

class Voidable repr where Source #

Minimal complete definition



void :: Transformable repr => Voidable (UnTrans repr) => a -> repr (a -> b) k -> repr b k Source #

void :: a -> repr (a -> b) k -> repr b k Source #

Class Transformable

class Transformable repr where Source #

Used with DefaultSignatures and default methods, in the symantics class definition, it then avoids on an interpreter instance to define unused methods.

Minimal complete definition

noTrans, unTrans

Associated Types

type UnTrans repr :: * -> * -> * Source #

The underlying representation that (repr) transforms.


noTrans :: UnTrans repr a b -> repr a b Source #

Lift the underlying representation to (repr). Useful to define a combinator that does nothing in a transformation.

unTrans :: repr a b -> UnTrans repr a b Source #

Unlift a representation. Useful when a transformation combinator needs to access the UnTransformed representation, or at the end to get the underlying UnTransformed representation from the inferred (repr) value.

trans1 :: (UnTrans repr a b -> UnTrans repr c d) -> repr a b -> repr c d Source #

Convenient helper lifing an unary operator, but also enables to identify unary operators.

trans2 :: (UnTrans repr a b -> UnTrans repr c d -> UnTrans repr e f) -> repr a b -> repr c d -> repr e f Source #

Convenient helper lifting a binary operator, but also enables to identify binary operators.

Transformable (IdentityTrans repr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Symantic.Base.Composable

Associated Types

type UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) :: Type -> Type -> Type Source #


noTrans :: UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) a b -> IdentityTrans repr a b Source #

unTrans :: IdentityTrans repr a b -> UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) a b Source #

trans1 :: (UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) a b -> UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) c d) -> IdentityTrans repr a b -> IdentityTrans repr c d Source #

trans2 :: (UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) a b -> UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) c d -> UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) e f) -> IdentityTrans repr a b -> IdentityTrans repr c d -> IdentityTrans repr e f Source #

Type IdentityTrans

newtype IdentityTrans repr a k Source #

A Transformable that does nothing.




Transformable (IdentityTrans repr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Symantic.Base.Composable

Associated Types

type UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) :: Type -> Type -> Type Source #


noTrans :: UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) a b -> IdentityTrans repr a b Source #

unTrans :: IdentityTrans repr a b -> UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) a b Source #

trans1 :: (UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) a b -> UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) c d) -> IdentityTrans repr a b -> IdentityTrans repr c d Source #

trans2 :: (UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) a b -> UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) c d -> UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) e f) -> IdentityTrans repr a b -> IdentityTrans repr c d -> IdentityTrans repr e f Source #

type UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Symantic.Base.Composable

type UnTrans (IdentityTrans repr) = repr

Class Dimapable

class Dimapable repr where Source #

Minimal complete definition



dimap :: Transformable repr => Dimapable (UnTrans repr) => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> repr (a -> k) k -> repr (b -> k) k Source #

dimap :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> repr (a -> k) k -> repr (b -> k) k Source #