symbol-parser-0.1.0: Type level string parser combinators
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Parse Naturals from type-level Symbols.

The type functions here may return errors. Use the provided and throw with TypeError, or wrap in your own error handling.


  • Oh dear. Oh dear. Oh dear. If I want to get proper working composition with meaningful errors, where the index pays attention to what we Drop... then I need to write a type-level parser monad. That's it. These parsers need to take in parser state (well, just character index is OK), and emit that state on success. Oh dear. Oh no.


type ParseBinarySymbol sym = ParseSymbolDigits 2 ParseBinaryDigitSym sym Source #

Parse a Symbol describing a binary (base 2) natural to its Natural value.

type ParseOctalSymbol sym = ParseSymbolDigits 8 ParseOctalDigitSym sym Source #

Parse a Symbol describing an octal (base 8) natural to its Natural value.

type ParseDecimalSymbol sym = ParseSymbolDigits 10 ParseDecimalDigitSym sym Source #

Parse a Symbol describing a decimal (base 10) natural to its Natural value.

type ParseHexSymbol sym = ParseSymbolDigits 16 ParseHexDigitSym sym Source #

Parse a Symbol describing a hexadecimal (base 16) natural to its Natural value.

type family PrettyE e where ... Source #


PrettyE 'EEmptySymbol = 'Text "empty symbol" 
PrettyE ('EBadDigit base ch idx) = PrettyEBadDigit base ch idx 

type family MapLeftPrettyE e where ... Source #


MapLeftPrettyE ('Right a) = 'Right a 
MapLeftPrettyE ('Left e) = 'Left (PrettyE e) 

type family FromRightParseResult sym eab where ... Source #


FromRightParseResult _ ('Right a) = a 
FromRightParseResult sym ('Left e) = TypeError (('Text "error while parsing symbol: " :<>: 'Text sym) :$$: PrettyE e) 

type PrettyEBadDigit base ch idx = (('Text "could not parse character as base " :<>: 'ShowType base) :<>: 'Text " digit") :$$: (('ShowType ch :<>: 'Text " at index ") :<>: 'ShowType idx) Source #

type ParseSymbolDigits base tfDigitValue sym = If (Length sym == 0) ('Left 'EEmptySymbol) (WrapEBadDigit base (ParseSymbolDigits' base tfDigitValue ('Just 0) '\NUL' 0 (Length sym - 1) (UnconsSymbol sym))) Source #

Parse a symbol to a Natural using the given base and digit parser.

type family WrapEBadDigit base eab where ... Source #


WrapEBadDigit _ ('Right b) = 'Right b 
WrapEBadDigit base ('Left '(ch, sym)) = 'Left ('EBadDigit base ch sym) 

type family ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit mn prevCh idx expo mchsym where ... Source #


ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit ('Just n) prevCh idx expo 'Nothing = 'Right n 
ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit 'Nothing prevCh idx expo mchsym = 'Left '(prevCh, idx - 1) 
ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit ('Just n) prevCh idx expo ('Just '(ch, sym)) = ParseSymbolDigits' base tfParseDigit (ParseSymbolDigits'Inc (base ^ expo) n (tfParseDigit @@ ch)) ch (idx + 1) (expo - 1) (UnconsSymbol sym) 

type family ParseSymbolDigits'Inc mult n mDigit where ... Source #


ParseSymbolDigits'Inc mult n 'Nothing = 'Nothing 
ParseSymbolDigits'Inc mult n ('Just digit) = 'Just (n + (digit * mult)) 

data ParseBinaryDigitSym a Source #


Instances details
type App ParseBinaryDigitSym (a :: Char) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Type.Symbol.Natural

data ParseOctalDigitSym a Source #


Instances details
type App ParseOctalDigitSym (a :: Char) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Type.Symbol.Natural

data ParseDecimalDigitSym a Source #


Instances details
type App ParseDecimalDigitSym (a :: Char) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Type.Symbol.Natural

data ParseHexDigitSym a Source #


Instances details
type App ParseHexDigitSym (a :: Char) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Type.Symbol.Natural