syntactic-0.5: Generic abstract syntax, and utilities for embedded languages




Generic representation of typed syntax trees

As a simple demonstration, take the following simple language:

 data Expr1 a
     Num1 :: Int -> Expr1 Int
     Add1 :: Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int

Using the present library, this can be rewritten as follows:

 data Num2 a where Num2 :: Int -> Num2 (Full Int)
 data Add2 a where Add2 :: Add2 (Int :-> Int :-> Full Int)

 type Expr2 a = ASTF (Num2 :+: Add2) a

Note that Num2 and Add2 are non-recursive. The only recursive data type here is AST, which is provided by the library. Now, the important point is that Expr1 and Expr2 are completely isomorphic! This is indicated by the following conversions:

 conv12 :: Expr1 a -> Expr2 a
 conv12 (Num1 n)   = inject (Num2 n)
 conv12 (Add1 a b) = inject Add2 :$: conv12 a :$: conv12 b

 conv21 :: Expr2 a -> Expr1 a
 conv21 (project -> Just (Num2 n))           = Num1 n
 conv21 ((project -> Just Add2) :$: a :$: b) = Add1 (conv21 a) (conv21 b)

A key property here is that the patterns in conv21 are actually complete.

So, why should one use Expr2 instead of Expr1? The answer is that Expr2 can be processed by generic algorithms defined over AST, for example:

 countNodes :: ASTF domain a -> Int
 countNodes = count
     count :: AST domain a -> Int
     count (Symbol _) = 1
     count (a :$: b)  = count a + count b

Furthermore, although Expr2 was defined to use exactly the constructors Num2 and Add2, it is possible to leave the set of constructors open, leading to more modular and reusable code. This can be seen by relaxing the types of conv12 and conv21:

 conv12 :: (Num2 :<: dom, Add2 :<: dom) => Expr1 a -> ASTF dom a
 conv21 :: (Num2 :<: dom, Add2 :<: dom) => ASTF dom a -> Expr1 a

This way of encoding open data types is taken from Data types  la carte (Wouter Swierstra, Journal of Functional Programming, 2008). However, we do not need Swierstra's fixed-point machinery for recursive data types. Instead we rely on AST being recursive.


Syntax trees

newtype Full a Source

The type of a fully applied constructor




result :: a


Typeable1 Full 
(Typeable a, Sat ctx a, NAry ctx b dom, Typeable (NAryEval b)) => NAry ctx (ASTF dom a -> b) dom 
Sat ctx a => NAry ctx (ASTF dom a) dom 
Eq a => Eq (Full a) 
Show a => Show (Full a) 
ConsType' (Full a) 
Typeable a => Syntactic (ASTF dom a) dom 
(ia ~ Internal a, Syntactic a dom, SyntacticN b ib) => SyntacticN (a -> b) (AST dom (Full ia) -> ib) 

newtype a :-> b Source

The type of a partially applied (or unapplied) constructor


Partial (a -> b) 


Typeable2 :-> 
ConsType' b => ConsType' (:-> a b) 

data family HList c a Source

Heterogeneous list, indexed by a container type and a ConsType

class ConsType' a => ConsType a Source

Fully or partially applied constructor

This is a public alias for the hidden class ConsType'. The only instances are:

 instance ConsType' (Full a)
 instance ConsType' b => ConsType' (a :-> b)


ConsType' a => ConsType a 

type ConsEval a = ConsEval' aSource

Maps a ConsType to a simpler form where :-> has been replaced by ->, and Full has been removed. This is a public alias for the hidden type ConsEval'.

type EvalResult a = EvalResult' aSource

Returns the result type (Full removed) of a ConsType. This is a public alias for the hidden type EvalResult'.

data ConsWit a whereSource

A witness of (ConsType a)


ConsWit :: ConsType a => ConsWit a 

class WitnessCons expr whereSource

Expressions in syntactic are supposed to have the form (ConsType a => expr a). This class lets us witness the ConsType constraint of an expression without examining the expression.


witnessCons :: expr a -> ConsWit aSource

fromEval :: ConsType a => ConsEval a -> aSource

Make a constructor evaluation from a ConsEval representation

listHList :: ConsType a => (forall a. c (Full a) -> b) -> HList c a -> [b]Source

Convert a heterogeneous list to a normal list

listHListM :: (Monad m, ConsType a) => (forall a. c (Full a) -> m b) -> HList c a -> m [b]Source

Convert a heterogeneous list to a normal list

mapHList :: ConsType a => (forall a. c1 (Full a) -> c2 (Full a)) -> HList c1 a -> HList c2 aSource

Change the container of each element in a heterogeneous list

appHList :: ConsType a => AST dom a -> HList (AST dom) a -> ASTF dom (EvalResult a)Source

Apply the syntax tree to listed arguments

($:) :: (a :-> b) -> a -> bSource

Semantic constructor application

data AST dom a whereSource

Generic abstract syntax tree, parameterized by a symbol domain

In general, (AST dom (a :-> b)) represents a partially applied (or unapplied) constructor, missing at least one argument, while (AST dom (Full a)) represents a fully applied constructor, i.e. a complete syntax tree. It is not possible to construct a total value of type (AST dom a) that does not fulfill the constraint (ConsType a).

Note that the hidden class ConsType' mentioned in the type of Symbol is interchangeable with ConsType.


Symbol :: ConsType' a => dom a -> AST dom a 
:$: :: Typeable a => AST dom (a :-> b) -> ASTF dom a -> AST dom b 


sub :<: sup => sub :<: (AST sup) 
(Typeable a, Sat ctx a, NAry ctx b dom, Typeable (NAryEval b)) => NAry ctx (ASTF dom a -> b) dom 
Sat ctx a => NAry ctx (ASTF dom a) dom 
ExprEq dom => ExprEq (AST dom) 
ToTree dom => ToTree (AST dom) 
Render dom => Render (AST dom) 
Eval dom => Eval (AST dom) 
ExprEq dom => Eq (AST dom a) 
Render dom => Show (AST dom a) 
Typeable a => Syntactic (ASTF dom a) dom 
(ia ~ Internal a, Syntactic a dom, SyntacticN b ib) => SyntacticN (a -> b) (AST dom (Full ia) -> ib) 

type ASTF dom a = AST dom (Full a)Source

Fully applied abstract syntax tree

data dom1 :+: dom2 whereSource

Co-product of two symbol domains


InjectL :: dom1 a -> (dom1 :+: dom2) a 
InjectR :: dom2 a -> (dom1 :+: dom2) a 


expr1 :<: expr3 => expr1 :<: (:+: expr2 expr3) 
expr1 :<: (:+: expr1 expr2) 
(ExprEq expr1, ExprEq expr2) => ExprEq (:+: expr1 expr2) 
(ToTree expr1, ToTree expr2) => ToTree (:+: expr1 expr2) 
(Render expr1, Render expr2) => Render (:+: expr1 expr2) 
(Eval expr1, Eval expr2) => Eval (:+: expr1 expr2) 
(ExprEq expr1, ExprEq expr2) => Eq (:+: expr1 expr2 a) 
(Render expr1, Render expr2) => Show (:+: expr1 expr2 a) 


class sub :<: sup whereSource


inject :: ConsType a => sub a -> sup aSource

Injection from sub to sup

project :: sup a -> Maybe (sub a)Source

Partial projection from sup to sub


expr :<: expr 
sub :<: sup => sub :<: (AST sup) 
expr1 :<: expr3 => expr1 :<: (:+: expr2 expr3) 
expr1 :<: (:+: expr1 expr2) 

Syntactic sugar

class Typeable (Internal a) => Syntactic a dom | a -> dom whereSource

It is assumed that for all types A fulfilling (Syntactic A dom):

 eval a == eval (desugar $ (id :: A -> A) $ sugar a)

(using Language.Syntactic.Analysis.Evaluation.eval)

Associated Types

type Internal a Source


desugar :: a -> ASTF dom (Internal a)Source

sugar :: ASTF dom (Internal a) -> aSource


(Syntactic a dom, Syntactic b dom, (Tuple Poly) :<: dom, (Select Poly) :<: dom) => Syntactic (a, b) dom 
Typeable a => Syntactic (ASTF dom a) dom 
(Syntactic a dom, Syntactic b dom, Syntactic c dom, (Tuple Poly) :<: dom, (Select Poly) :<: dom) => Syntactic (a, b, c) dom 
(Syntactic a dom, Syntactic b dom, Syntactic c dom, Syntactic d dom, (Tuple Poly) :<: dom, (Select Poly) :<: dom) => Syntactic (a, b, c, d) dom 
(Syntactic a dom, Syntactic b dom, Syntactic c dom, Syntactic d dom, Syntactic e dom, (Tuple Poly) :<: dom, (Select Poly) :<: dom) => Syntactic (a, b, c, d, e) dom 
(Syntactic a dom, Syntactic b dom, Syntactic c dom, Syntactic d dom, Syntactic e dom, Syntactic f dom, (Tuple Poly) :<: dom, (Select Poly) :<: dom) => Syntactic (a, b, c, d, e, f) dom 
(Syntactic a dom, Syntactic b dom, Syntactic c dom, Syntactic d dom, Syntactic e dom, Syntactic f dom, Syntactic g dom, (Tuple Poly) :<: dom, (Select Poly) :<: dom) => Syntactic (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) dom 

resugar :: (Syntactic a dom, Syntactic b dom, Internal a ~ Internal b) => a -> bSource

Syntactic type casting

class SyntacticN a internal | a -> internal whereSource

N-ary syntactic functions

desugarN has any type of the form:

 desugarN ::
     ( Syntactic a dom
     , Syntactic b dom
     , ...
     , Syntactic x dom
     ) => (a -> b -> ... -> x)
       -> (  AST dom (Full (Internal a))
          -> AST dom (Full (Internal b))
          -> ...
          -> AST dom (Full (Internal x))

...and vice versa for sugarN.


desugarN :: a -> internalSource

sugarN :: internal -> aSource


(ia ~ AST dom (Full (Internal a)), Syntactic a dom) => SyntacticN a ia 
(ia ~ Internal a, Syntactic a dom, SyntacticN b ib) => SyntacticN (a -> b) (AST dom (Full ia) -> ib) 

AST processing

queryNodeI :: forall dom a b. (forall a. ConsType a => dom a -> HList (AST dom) a -> b (EvalResult a)) -> ASTF dom a -> b aSource

Like queryNode but with the result indexed by the constructor's result type

queryNode :: forall dom a b. (forall a. ConsType a => dom a -> HList (AST dom) a -> b) -> ASTF dom a -> bSource

Query an AST using a function that gets direct access to the top-most constructor and its sub-trees

This function can be used to create AST traversal functions indexed by the symbol types, for example:

 class Count subDomain
     count' :: Count domain => subDomain a -> HList (AST domain) a -> Int

 instance (Count sub1, Count sub2) => Count (sub1 :+: sub2)
     count' (InjectL a) args = count' a args
     count' (InjectR a) args = count' a args

 count :: Count dom => ASTF dom a -> Int
 count = queryNode count'

Here, count represents some static analysis on an AST. Each constructor in the tree will be queried by count' indexed by the corresponding symbol type. That way, count' can be seen as an open-ended function on an open data type. The (Count domain) constraint on count' is to allow recursion over sub-trees.

Let's say we have a symbol

 data Add a
     Add :: Add (Int :-> Int :-> Full Int)

Then the Count instance for Add might look as follows:

 instance Count Add
     count' Add (a :*: b :*: Nil) = 1 + count a + count b

transformNode :: forall dom dom' a. (forall a. ConsType a => dom a -> HList (AST dom) a -> ASTF dom' (EvalResult a)) -> ASTF dom a -> ASTF dom' aSource

Transform an AST using a function that gets direct access to the top-most constructor and its sub-trees. This function is similar to queryNode, but returns a transformed AST rather than abstract interpretation.

Restricted syntax trees

class Sat ctx a whereSource

An abstract representation of a constraint on a. An instance might look as follows:

 instance MyClass a => Sat MyContext a
     data Witness MyContext a = MyClass a => MyWitness
     witness = MyWitness

This allows us to use (Sat MyContext a) instead of (MyClass a). The point with this is that MyContext can be provided as a parameter, so this effectively allows us to parameterize on class constraints. Note that the existential context in the data definition is important. This means that, given a constraint (Sat MyContext a), we can always construct the context (MyClass a) by calling the witness method (the class instance only declares the reverse relationship).

This way of parameterizing over type classes was inspired by Restricted Data Types in Haskell (John Hughes, Haskell Workshop, 1999).

Associated Types

data Witness ctx a Source


witness :: Witness ctx aSource


Sat Poly a 

data Witness' ctx a whereSource

Witness of a (Sat ctx a) constraint. This is different from (Witness ctx a), which witnesses the class encoded by ctx. Witness' has a single constructor for all contexts, while Witness has different constructors for different contexts.


Witness' :: Sat ctx a => Witness' ctx a 

witness' :: Witness' ctx a -> Witness ctx aSource

class WitnessSat sym whereSource

Symbols that act as witnesses of their result type

Associated Types

type Context sym Source


witnessSat :: sym a -> Witness' (Context sym) (EvalResult a)Source


withContext :: sym ctx a -> Proxy ctx -> sym ctx aSource

Type application for constraining the ctx type of a parameterized symbol

data Poly Source

Representation of a fully polymorphic constraint -- i.e. (Sat Poly a) is satisfied by all types a.


Sat Poly a