syntactic-0.6: Generic abstract syntax, and utilities for embedded languages



This module provides binding constructs using higher-order syntax and a function for translating to first-order syntax. Expressions constructed using the exported interface are guaranteed to have a well-behaved translation.



data Variable ctx a Source



WitnessSat (Variable ctx) 
WitnessCons (Variable ctx) 
ExprEq (Variable ctx)

exprEq does strict identifier comparison; i.e. no alpha equivalence.

exprHash assigns the same hash to all variables. This is a valid over-approximation that enables the following property:

alphaEq a b  ==>  exprHash a == exprHash b
ToTree (Variable ctx) 
Render (Variable ctx) 
PartialEval dom ctx dom => PartialEval (Variable ctx) ctx dom 

evalLambda :: Eval dom => ASTF (Lambda ctx :+: (Variable ctx :+: dom)) a -> aSource

Evaluation of closed lambda expressions

data Let ctxa ctxb a whereSource

Let binding

A Let expression is really just an application of a lambda binding (the argument (a -> b) is preferably constructed by Lambda).


Let :: (Sat ctxa a, Sat ctxb b) => Let ctxa ctxb (a :-> ((a -> b) :-> Full b)) 


WitnessSat (Let ctxa ctxb) 
WitnessCons (Let ctxa ctxb) 
ExprEq (Let ctxa ctxb) 
ToTree (Let ctxa ctxb) 
Render (Let ctxa ctxb) 
Eval (Let ctxa ctxb) 
((Let ctxa ctxb) :<: dom, PartialEval dom ctx dom) => PartialEval (Let ctxa ctxb) ctx dom 

data HOLambda ctx dom a whereSource

Higher-order lambda binding


HOLambda :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Sat ctx a) => (HOASTF ctx dom a -> HOASTF ctx dom b) -> HOLambda ctx dom (Full (a -> b)) 


WitnessCons (HOLambda ctx dom) 

type HOAST ctx dom = AST (HOLambda ctx dom :+: (Variable ctx :+: dom))Source

type HOASTF ctx dom a = HOAST ctx dom (Full a)Source

lambda :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Sat ctx a) => (HOASTF ctx dom a -> HOASTF ctx dom b) -> HOASTF ctx dom (a -> b)Source

Lambda binding

lambdaN :: forall ctx dom a. NAry ctx a (HOLambda ctx dom :+: (Variable ctx :+: dom)) => a -> HOASTF ctx dom (NAryEval a)Source

N-ary lambda binding

letBindCtx :: forall ctxa ctxb dom a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b, (Let ctxa ctxb) :<: dom, Sat ctxa a, Sat ctxb b) => Proxy ctxb -> HOASTF ctxa dom a -> (HOASTF ctxa dom a -> HOASTF ctxa dom b) -> HOASTF ctxa dom bSource

Let binding with explicit context

letBind :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, (Let Poly Poly) :<: dom) => HOASTF Poly dom a -> (HOASTF Poly dom a -> HOASTF Poly dom b) -> HOASTF Poly dom bSource

Let binding

reifyM :: forall ctx dom a. Typeable a => HOAST ctx dom a -> State VarId (AST (Lambda ctx :+: (Variable ctx :+: dom)) a)Source

reifyTop :: Typeable a => HOAST ctx dom a -> AST (Lambda ctx :+: (Variable ctx :+: dom)) aSource

Translating expressions with higher-order binding to corresponding expressions using first-order binding

class (SyntacticN a internal, NAry ctx internal (HOLambda ctx dom :+: (Variable ctx :+: dom)), Typeable (NAryEval internal)) => Reifiable ctx a dom internal | a -> dom internalSource

Convenient class alias for n-ary syntactic functions


(SyntacticN a internal, NAry ctx internal (:+: (HOLambda ctx dom) (:+: (Variable ctx) dom)), Typeable (NAryEval internal)) => Reifiable ctx a dom internal 

reifyCtx :: Reifiable ctx a dom internal => Proxy ctx -> a -> ASTF (Lambda ctx :+: (Variable ctx :+: dom)) (NAryEval internal)Source

Reifying an n-ary syntactic function with explicit context

reify :: Reifiable Poly a dom internal => a -> ASTF (Lambda Poly :+: (Variable Poly :+: dom)) (NAryEval internal)Source

Reifying an n-ary syntactic function