-- | Serialize the state of unification

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module AST.Unify.Binding.Save
    ( save
    ) where

import           AST
import           AST.Class.Has (HasChild(..))
import           AST.Class.Unify (Unify(..), UVarOf, BindingDict(..))
import           AST.Recurse
import           AST.Unify.Binding (Binding, _Binding, UVar(..))
import           AST.Unify.Term (UTerm(..), uBody)
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import           Control.Lens.Operators
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import           Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT(..))
import           Data.Constraint (withDict)
import           Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sequence

import           Prelude.Compat

saveUTerm ::
    forall m typeVars t.
    (Unify m t, Recursively (HasChild typeVars) t) =>
    Tree (UTerm (UVarOf m)) t ->
    StateT (Tree typeVars Binding, [m ()]) m (Tree (UTerm UVar) t)
saveUTerm (UUnbound c) = UUnbound c & pure
saveUTerm (USkolem c) = USkolem c & pure
saveUTerm (UToVar v) = saveVar v <&> UToVar
saveUTerm (UTerm u) = uBody saveBody u <&> UTerm
saveUTerm UInstantiated{} = error "converting bindings during instantiation"
saveUTerm UResolving{} = error "converting bindings after resolution"
saveUTerm UResolved{} = error "converting bindings after resolution"
saveUTerm UConverted{} = error "converting variable again"

saveVar ::
    forall m t typeVars.
    (Unify m t, Recursively (HasChild typeVars) t) =>
    Tree (UVarOf m) t ->
    StateT (Tree typeVars Binding, [m ()]) m (Tree UVar t)
saveVar v =
    withDict (recursively (Proxy @(HasChild typeVars t))) $
    lookupVar binding v & lift
    UConverted i -> pure (UVar i)
    srcBody ->
            pb <- Lens.use (Lens._1 . getChild)
            let r = pb ^. _Binding & Sequence.length
            UConverted r & bindVar binding v & lift
            Lens._2 %= (<> [bindVar binding v srcBody])
            dstBody <- saveUTerm srcBody
            Lens._1 . getChild .= (pb & _Binding %~ (Sequence.|> dstBody))
            UVar r & pure

saveBody ::
    forall m typeVars t.
    (Unify m t, Recursively (HasChild typeVars) t) =>
    Tree t (UVarOf m) ->
    StateT (Tree typeVars Binding, [m ()]) m (Tree t UVar)
saveBody =
    withDict (recurse (Proxy @(Unify m t))) $
    withDict (recursively (Proxy @(HasChild typeVars t))) $
    ( Proxy @(Unify m) #*# Proxy @(Recursively (HasChild typeVars))
        #> saveVar

-- | Serialize the state of unification for
-- the unification variables in a given value,
-- and transform the value's unification variables
-- to their serialized identifiers.
save ::
    (Unify m t, Recursively (HasChild typeVars) t) =>
    Tree t (UVarOf m) ->
    StateT (Tree typeVars Binding) m (Tree t UVar)
save collection =
    StateT $
    \dstState ->
        (r, (finalState, recover)) <- runStateT (saveBody collection) (dstState, [])
        (r, finalState) <$ sequence_ recover