synthesizer-0.0.3: Audio signal processing coded in HaskellSource codeContentsIndex
Control curve generation
Auxiliary functions
constant :: y -> T y
linear :: C y => y -> y -> T y
linearMultiscale :: C y => y -> y -> T y
linearMultiscaleNeutral :: C y => y -> T y
linearStable :: C y => y -> y -> T y
linearMean :: C y => y -> y -> T y
linearSubdivision :: C y => T y -> T y
exponentialMultiscale :: C y => y -> y -> T y
exponentialMultiscaleNeutral :: C y => y -> T y
exponential2Multiscale :: C y => y -> y -> T y
exponential2MultiscaleNeutral :: C y => y -> T y
exponentialFromToMultiscale :: C y => y -> y -> y -> T y
exponentialStableGen :: (C y, C t) => (t -> y) -> t -> y -> T y
vectorExponential :: (C y, C y v) => y -> v -> T v
vectorExponential2 :: (C y, C y v) => y -> v -> T v
cosineMultiscale :: C y => y -> y -> T y
cosineSubdivision :: C y => y -> T y -> T y
cosineWithSlope :: C y => (y -> y -> signal) -> y -> y -> signal
cubicHermite :: C y => (y, (y, y)) -> (y, (y, y)) -> T y
cubicFunc :: C y => (y, (y, y)) -> (y, (y, y)) -> y -> y
cubicHermiteStable :: C y => (y, (y, y)) -> (y, (y, y)) -> T y
cubicSubdivision :: C y => T y -> T y
data Control y
= CtrlStep
| CtrlLin
| CtrlExp {
ctrlExpSaturation :: y
| CtrlCos
| CtrlCubic {
ctrlCubicGradient0 :: y
ctrlCubicGradient1 :: y
data ControlPiece y = ControlPiece {
pieceType :: Control y
pieceY0 :: y
pieceY1 :: y
pieceDur :: y
newtype PieceRightSingle y = PRS y
newtype PieceRightDouble y = PRD y
type ControlDist y = (y, Control y, y)
(#|-) :: (y, Control y) -> (PieceRightSingle y, [ControlPiece y]) -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y])
(-|#) :: y -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y]) -> (PieceRightSingle y, [ControlPiece y])
(#|=) :: (y, Control y) -> (PieceRightDouble y, [ControlPiece y]) -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y])
(=|#) :: (y, y) -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y]) -> (PieceRightDouble y, [ControlPiece y])
(#|) :: (y, Control y) -> y -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y])
(|#) :: y -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y]) -> [ControlPiece y]
piecewise :: (C y, C y) => [ControlPiece y] -> T y
piecewisePart :: C y => y -> y -> y -> y -> Int -> Control y -> T y
curveStable :: C t => (t -> y) -> (y -> y -> y) -> t -> y -> T y
unreachable :: a
double :: C t => t -> t
concatMapPair :: (a -> (b, b)) -> T a -> T b
flattenPairs :: T (a, a) -> T a
subdivide :: (y -> y -> y) -> T y -> T y
concatMapPair' :: (a -> (b, b)) -> T a -> T b
curveMultiscale :: (y -> y -> y) -> y -> y -> T y
curveMultiscaleNeutral :: (y -> y -> y) -> y -> y -> T y
Control curve generation
constant :: y -> T ySource
:: C y
=> ysteepness
-> yinitial value
-> T ylinear progression
linearMultiscale :: C y => y -> y -> T ySource
Minimize rounding errors by reducing number of operations per element to a logarithmuc number.
linearMultiscaleNeutral :: C y => y -> T ySource
Linear curve starting at zero.
linearStable :: C y => y -> y -> T ySource
As stable as the addition of time values.
linearMean :: C y => y -> y -> T ySource

It computes the same like linear but in a numerically more stable manner, namely using a subdivision scheme. The division needed is a division by two.

0 4 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

linearSubdivision :: C y => T y -> T ySource
Intersperse linearly interpolated values.
:: C y
=> ytime where the function reaches 1/e of the initial value
-> yinitial value
-> T yexponential decay
:: C y
=> ytime where the function reaches 1/e of the initial value
-> T yexponential decay
:: C y
=> yhalf life
-> yinitial value
-> T yexponential decay
:: C y
=> yhalf life
-> T yexponential decay
:: C y
=> ytime where the function reaches 1/e of the initial value
-> yinitial value
-> yvalue after given time
-> T yexponential decay
exponentialStableGen :: (C y, C t) => (t -> y) -> t -> y -> T ySource
:: (C y, C y v)
=> ytime where the function reaches 1/e of the initial value
-> vinitial value
-> T vexponential decay
This is an extension of exponential to vectors which is straight-forward but requires more explicit signatures. But since it is needed rarely I setup a separate function.
:: (C y, C y v)
=> yhalf life
-> vinitial value
-> T vexponential decay
:: C y
=> ytime t0 where 1 is approached
-> ytime t1 where -1 is approached
-> T ya cosine wave where one half wave is between t0 and t1
cosineSubdivision :: C y => y -> T y -> T ySource
cosineWithSlope :: C y => (y -> y -> signal) -> y -> y -> signalSource
cubicHermite :: C y => (y, (y, y)) -> (y, (y, y)) -> T ySource
cubicFunc :: C y => (y, (y, y)) -> (y, (y, y)) -> y -> ySource
0 16 0 8 16 0 4 8 12 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
cubicHermiteStable :: C y => (y, (y, y)) -> (y, (y, y)) -> T ySource
cubicSubdivision :: C y => T y -> T ySource
data Control y Source
The curve type of a piece of a piecewise defined control curve.
ctrlExpSaturation :: y
ctrlCubicGradient0 :: y
ctrlCubicGradient1 :: y
show/hide Instances
Eq y => Eq (Control y)
Show y => Show (Control y)
data ControlPiece y Source
The full description of a control curve piece.
pieceType :: Control y
pieceY0 :: y
pieceY1 :: y
pieceDur :: y
show/hide Instances
newtype PieceRightSingle y Source
newtype PieceRightDouble y Source
type ControlDist y = (y, Control y, y)Source
(#|-) :: (y, Control y) -> (PieceRightSingle y, [ControlPiece y]) -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y])Source

The 6 operators simplify constructing a list of ControlPiece a. The description consists of nodes (namely the curve values at nodes) and the connecting curve types. The naming scheme is as follows: In the middle there is a bar |. With respect to the bar, the pad symbol # is at the side of the curve type, at the other side there is nothing, a minus sign -, or an equality sign =.

  1. Nothing means that here is the start or the end node of a curve.
  2. Minus means that here is a node where left and right curve meet at the same value. The node description is thus one value.
  3. Equality sign means that here is a split node, where left and right curve might have different ending and beginning values, respectively. The node description consists of a pair of values.
(-|#) :: y -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y]) -> (PieceRightSingle y, [ControlPiece y])Source
(#|=) :: (y, Control y) -> (PieceRightDouble y, [ControlPiece y]) -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y])Source
(=|#) :: (y, y) -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y]) -> (PieceRightDouble y, [ControlPiece y])Source
(#|) :: (y, Control y) -> y -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y])Source
(|#) :: y -> (ControlDist y, [ControlPiece y]) -> [ControlPiece y]Source
piecewise :: (C y, C y) => [ControlPiece y] -> T ySource
piecewisePart :: C y => y -> y -> y -> y -> Int -> Control y -> T ySource
Auxiliary functions
curveStable :: C t => (t -> y) -> (y -> y -> y) -> t -> y -> T ySource
unreachable :: aSource
double :: C t => t -> tSource
concatMapPair :: (a -> (b, b)) -> T a -> T bSource
flattenPairs :: T (a, a) -> T aSource
subdivide :: (y -> y -> y) -> T y -> T ySource
concatMapPair' :: (a -> (b, b)) -> T a -> T bSource
curveMultiscale :: (y -> y -> y) -> y -> y -> T ySource
curveMultiscaleNeutral :: (y -> y -> y) -> y -> y -> T ySource
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