synthesizer-core-0.2: Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Low level partSource codeContentsIndex
This module allows abstraction of operations that operate on the time axis and do also work on signal types without sample values. The most distinctive instances are certainly Dirac signals and chunky time values.
class Read sig where
null :: sig -> Bool
length :: sig -> Int
class (Read sig, Monoid sig) => Transform sig where
take :: Int -> sig -> sig
drop :: Int -> sig -> sig
dropMarginRem :: Int -> Int -> sig -> (Int, sig)
splitAt :: Int -> sig -> (sig, sig)
reverse :: sig -> sig
intToChunky :: C a => String -> Int -> T a
empty :: Monoid sig => sig
cycle :: Monoid sig => sig -> sig
append :: Monoid sig => sig -> sig -> sig
concat :: Monoid sig => [sig] -> sig
lengthAtLeast :: Transform sig => Int -> sig -> Bool
lengthAtMost :: Transform sig => Int -> sig -> Bool
sliceVertical :: Transform sig => Int -> sig -> T sig
class Read sig whereSource
null :: sig -> BoolSource
length :: sig -> IntSource
show/hide Instances
Read ([] y)
Integral a => Read (T a)
Storable y => Read (Vector y)
Read (T y)
Read (T y)
class (Read sig, Monoid sig) => Transform sig whereSource
take :: Int -> sig -> sigSource
drop :: Int -> sig -> sigSource
dropMarginRem :: Int -> Int -> sig -> (Int, sig)Source
splitAt :: Int -> sig -> (sig, sig)Source
reverse :: sig -> sigSource
show/hide Instances
intToChunky :: C a => String -> Int -> T aSource
empty :: Monoid sig => sigSource
cycle :: Monoid sig => sig -> sigSource
append :: Monoid sig => sig -> sig -> sigSource
concat :: Monoid sig => [sig] -> sigSource
lengthAtLeast :: Transform sig => Int -> sig -> BoolSource
Like lengthAtLeast n xs = length xs >= n, but is more efficient, because it is more lazy.
lengthAtMost :: Transform sig => Int -> sig -> BoolSource
sliceVertical :: Transform sig => Int -> sig -> T sigSource
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