synthesizer-core-0.8.3: Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Low level part
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




type Cell sig y = T (sig y) Source #

makeCell :: Transform sig y => Int -> sig y -> Cell sig y Source #

interpolateCell :: Read sig y => T a y -> T b y -> (a, b) -> Cell sig y -> y Source #

cells are organised in a transposed style, when compared with Plain.ToneModulation

data Prototype sig a v Source #

makePrototype :: (C a, Read sig v) => Margin -> Margin -> a -> sig v -> Prototype sig a v Source #

sampledToneCell :: (C a, Transform sig v) => Prototype sig a v -> a -> T a -> ((a, a), Cell sig v) Source #

oscillatorCells :: (C t, Transform sig y) => Margin -> Margin -> t -> sig y -> (t, T t) -> (T t, T t) -> T ((t, t), Cell sig y) Source #

Deprecated: This function recomputes the shape and phase signals. Better use Causal.ToneModulation.oscillatorCells

This function should not be used, since it requires recomputation of shapes and freqs lists.

checkNonNeg :: (Ord a, C a, Show a) => a -> a Source #

oscillatorCoords :: C t => Int -> t -> (t, T t) -> (T t, T t) -> T (Coords t) Source #

limitRelativeShapes :: C t => Margin -> Margin -> Int -> (t, T t) -> (t, T t) Source #

limitMinRelativeValues :: (C t, Ord t) => t -> (t, T t) -> (t, T t) Source #