tabular- Two-dimensional data tables with rendering functions




Note: the core types and comibnators from this module are from Toxaris in a #haskell conversation on 2008-08-24



data Header h Source


Header h 
Group Properties [Header h] 


data Table rh ch a Source

 example = Table
   (Group SingleLine
      [ Group NoLine [Header "A 1", Header "A 2"]
      , Group NoLine [Header "B 1", Header "B 2", Header "B 3"]
   (Group DoubleLine
      [ Group SingleLine [Header "memtest 1", Header "memtest 2"]
      , Group SingleLine [Header "time test 1", Header "time test 2"]
   [ ["hog", "terrible", "slow", "slower"]
   , ["pig", "not bad",  "fast", "slowest"]
   , ["good", "awful" ,  "intolerable", "bearable"]
   , ["better", "no chance", "crawling", "amazing"]
   , ["meh",  "well...", "worst ever", "ok"]
 -- Text.Tabular.AsciiArt.render example id
 --     || memtest 1 | memtest 2 ||  time test  | time test 2
 -- ====++===========+===========++=============+============
 -- A 1 ||       hog |  terrible ||        slow |      slower
 -- A 2 ||       pig |   not bad ||        fast |     slowest
 -- ----++-----------+-----------++-------------+------------
 -- B 1 ||      good |     awful || intolerable |    bearable
 -- B 2 ||    better | no chance ||    crawling |     amazing
 -- B 3 ||       meh |   well... ||  worst ever |          ok


Table (Header rh) (Header ch) [[a]] 

Helper functions for rendering

headerContents :: Header h -> [h]Source

Retrieve the contents of a header

zipHeader :: h -> [h] -> Header a -> Header (h, a)Source

zipHeader e ss h returns the same structure as h except with all the text replaced by the contents of ss.

If ss has too many cells, the excess is ignored. If it has too few cells, the missing ones (at the end) and replaced with the empty contents e

squish :: (Properties -> b -> b) -> (h -> b) -> Header h -> [b]Source

The idea is to deal with the fact that Properties (e.g. borders) are not standalone cells but attributes of a cell. A border is just a CSS decoration of a TD element.

squish decorator f h applies f to every item in the list represented by h (see flattenHeader), additionally applying decorator if the item is followed by some kind of boundary

So o o o | o o o | o o gets converted into O O X O O X O O


data SemiTable h a Source

Convenience type for just one row (or column). To be used with combinators as follows:

 example2 =
   empty ^..^ col "memtest 1" [] ^|^ col "memtest 2"   []
         ^||^ col "time test "[] ^|^ col "time test 2" []
   +.+ row "A 1" ["hog", "terrible", "slow", "slower"]
   +.+ row "A 2" ["pig", "not bad", "fast", "slowest"]
       row "B 1" ["good", "awful", "intolerable", "bearable"]
   +.+ row "B 2" ["better", "no chance", "crawling", "amazing"]
   +.+ row "B 3" ["meh",  "well...", "worst ever", "ok"]


SemiTable (Header h) [a] 

empty :: Table rh ch aSource

col :: ch -> [a] -> SemiTable ch aSource

colH :: ch -> SemiTable ch aSource

Column header

row :: rh -> [a] -> SemiTable rh aSource

rowH :: rh -> SemiTable rh aSource

beside :: Properties -> Table rh ch a -> SemiTable ch a -> Table rh ch aSource

below :: Properties -> Table rh ch a -> SemiTable rh a -> Table rh ch aSource

(^..^) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable ch a -> Table rh ch aSource


(^|^) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable ch a -> Table rh ch aSource

besides with a line

(^||^) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable ch a -> Table rh ch aSource

besides with a double line

(+.+) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable rh a -> Table rh ch aSource


(+----+) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable rh a -> Table rh ch aSource

below with a line

(+====+) :: Table rh ch a -> SemiTable rh a -> Table rh ch aSource

below with a double line