tagsoup-ht-0.3: alternative parser for the tagsoup packageSource codeContentsIndex

This is a tag soup parser with a custom tag data structure.

The parser works only on proper Unicode texts, that is, you must have decoded it before, e.g. using decoding functions from hxt or encoding package.

class CharType char
runSoup :: (C source, StringType sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name) => source -> [T name sink]
runSoupWithPositions :: (C source, StringType sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name) => source -> [T name sink]
runSoupWithPositionsName :: (C source, StringType sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name) => FilePath -> source -> [T name sink]
runTag :: (C source, StringType sink, Show sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name, Show name) => source -> T name sink
runInnerOfTag :: (StringType sink, Show sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name, Show name) => String -> T name sink
class CharType char Source
show/hide Instances
runSoup :: (C source, StringType sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name) => source -> [T name sink]Source
Like runSoupWithPositions but hides source file positions.
runSoupWithPositions :: (C source, StringType sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name) => source -> [T name sink]Source
Parse an HTML document to a list of T. Automatically expands out escape characters.
runSoupWithPositionsName :: (C source, StringType sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name) => FilePath -> source -> [T name sink]Source
runTag :: (C source, StringType sink, Show sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name, Show name) => source -> T name sinkSource
Parse a single tag, throws an error if there is a syntax error. This is useful for parsing a match pattern.
runInnerOfTag :: (StringType sink, Show sink, Attribute name, Tag name, Eq name, Show name) => String -> T name sinkSource
Parse the inner of a single tag. That is, runTag "<bla>" is the same as runInnerOfTag "<bla>".
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