{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module Text.HTML.TagSoup.Navigate.Types.Tag(
, HasTag(..)
, AsTag(..)
, tagOpen
, tagAttributes
, tagAttributeNames
, tagAttributeValues
, tagRows
, tagColumns
, tagsoupTag
) where

import Control.Applicative((<*>), pure)
import Control.Category(id, (.))
import Control.Lens(Lens', Prism', Traversal', Each(each), Iso, iso, prism', view, from, _1, _2, (^.), ( # ))
import Data.Eq(Eq)
import Data.Eq.Deriving(deriveEq1)
import Data.Maybe(Maybe(Nothing, Just))
import Data.Ord(Ord)
import Data.Ord.Deriving(deriveOrd1)
import Data.Foldable(Foldable(foldMap))
import Data.Functor(Functor(fmap), (<$>))
import Data.Monoid(mappend, mempty)
import Data.Traversable(Traversable(traverse))
import Prelude(Show)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Navigate.Types.Attribute(Attribute, Row, Column, attributeName, attributeValue, tagsoupAttribute)
import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup as TagSoup(Tag(TagOpen, TagClose, TagText, TagComment, TagWarning, TagPosition))
import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup.Tree as TagSoup(TagTree(TagBranch, TagLeaf))
import Text.Show.Deriving(deriveShow1)

data Tag str
  = TagOpen str [Attribute str]
  | TagClose str
  | TagText str
  | TagComment str
  | TagWarning str
  | TagPosition Row Column
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Functor Tag where
  fmap f (TagOpen s as) =
    TagOpen (f s) (fmap (fmap f) as)
  fmap f (TagClose s) =
    TagClose (f s)
  fmap f (TagText s) =
    TagText (f s)
  fmap f (TagComment s) =
    TagComment (f s)
  fmap f (TagWarning s) =
    TagWarning (f s)
  fmap _ (TagPosition r c) =
    TagPosition r c

instance Foldable Tag where
  foldMap f (TagOpen s as) =
    f s `mappend` foldMap (foldMap f) as
  foldMap f (TagClose s) =
    f s
  foldMap f (TagText s) =
    f s
  foldMap f (TagComment s) =
    f s
  foldMap f (TagWarning s) =
    f s
  foldMap _ (TagPosition _ _) =

instance Traversable Tag where
  traverse f (TagOpen s as) =
    TagOpen <$> f s <*> traverse (traverse f) as
  traverse f (TagClose s) =
    TagClose <$> f s
  traverse f (TagText s) =
    TagText <$> f s
  traverse f (TagComment s) =
    TagComment <$> f s
  traverse f (TagWarning s) =
    TagWarning <$> f s
  traverse _ (TagPosition r c) =
    pure (TagPosition r c)

deriveEq1 ''Tag
deriveOrd1 ''Tag
deriveShow1 ''Tag

instance Each (Tag str) (Tag str') str str' where
  each f (TagOpen a as) =
    TagOpen <$> f a <*> traverse (traverse f) as
  each f (TagClose s) =
    TagClose <$> f s
  each f (TagText s) =
    TagClose <$> f s
  each f (TagComment s) =
    TagClose <$> f s
  each f (TagWarning s) =
    TagClose <$> f s
  each _ (TagPosition r c) =
    pure (TagPosition r c)

class HasTag a str | a -> str where
  tag ::
    Lens' a (Tag str)

instance HasTag (Tag str) str where
  tag =

instance HasTag (TagSoup.Tag str) str where
  tag =
    from tagsoupTag . tag

class AsTag a str | a -> str where
  _Tag ::
    Prism' a (Tag str)
  _TagOpen ::
    Prism' a (str, [Attribute str])
  _TagOpen =
    _Tag . _TagOpen
  _TagClose ::
    Prism' a str
  _TagClose =
    _Tag . _TagClose
  _TagText ::
    Prism' a str
  _TagText =
    _Tag . _TagText
  _TagComment ::
    Prism' a str
  _TagComment =
    _Tag . _TagComment
  _TagWarning ::
    Prism' a str
  _TagWarning =
    _Tag . _TagWarning
  _TagPosition ::
    Prism' a (Row, Column)
  _TagPosition =
    _Tag . _TagPosition

instance AsTag (Tag str) str where
  _Tag =
  _TagOpen =
      (\(s, as) -> TagOpen s as)
        TagOpen s as ->
          Just (s, as)
        _ ->
  _TagClose =
        TagClose s ->
          Just s
        _ ->
  _TagText =
        TagText s ->
          Just s
        _ ->
  _TagComment =
        TagComment s ->
          Just s
        _ ->
  _TagWarning =
        TagWarning s ->
          Just s
        _ ->
  _TagPosition =
      (\(r, c) -> TagPosition r c)
        TagPosition r c ->
          Just (r, c)
        _ ->

instance AsTag (TagSoup.Tag str) str where
  _Tag =
    from tagsoupTag . _Tag

instance AsTag (TagSoup.TagTree str) str where
  _Tag =
      (\t -> TagSoup.TagLeaf (view tagsoupTag t))
        TagSoup.TagLeaf x ->
          Just (view (from tagsoupTag) x)
        TagSoup.TagBranch _ _ _ ->

tagOpen ::
  AsTag a str =>
  Traversal' a str
tagOpen =
  _TagOpen . _1

tagAttributes ::
  AsTag a str =>
  Traversal' a (Attribute str)
tagAttributes =
  _TagOpen . _2 . traverse

tagAttributeNames ::
  AsTag a str =>
  Traversal' a str
tagAttributeNames =
  tagAttributes . attributeName

tagAttributeValues ::
  AsTag a str =>
  Traversal' a str
tagAttributeValues =
  tagAttributes . attributeValue

tagRows ::
  AsTag a str =>
  Traversal' a Row
tagRows =
  _TagPosition . _1

tagColumns ::
  AsTag a str =>
  Traversal' a Column
tagColumns =
  _TagPosition . _2

tagsoupTag ::
  Iso (Tag str) (Tag str') (TagSoup.Tag str) (TagSoup.Tag str')
tagsoupTag =
    (\t ->
      case t of
        TagOpen s as ->
          TagSoup.TagOpen s (fmap (^. tagsoupAttribute) as)
        TagClose s ->
          TagSoup.TagClose s
        TagText s ->
          TagSoup.TagText s
        TagComment s ->
          TagSoup.TagComment s
        TagWarning s ->
          TagSoup.TagWarning s
        TagPosition r c ->
          TagSoup.TagPosition r c)
    (\t ->
      case t of
        TagSoup.TagOpen s as ->
          TagOpen s (fmap (tagsoupAttribute #) as)
        TagSoup.TagClose s ->
          TagClose s
        TagSoup.TagText s ->
          TagText s
        TagSoup.TagComment s ->
          TagComment s
        TagSoup.TagWarning s ->
          TagWarning s
        TagSoup.TagPosition r c ->
          TagPosition r c)