tamarin-prover-utils- Utility library for the tamarin prover.

PortabilityGHC only
MaintainerSimon Meier <iridcode@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone




Computations that need a fresh name supply.


MonadFresh class

class (Applicative m, Monad m) => MonadFresh m whereSource




:: String

Desired name

-> m Integer 

Get the integer of the next fresh identifier of this name.



:: Integer

Number of desired fresh identifiers.

-> m Integer

The first Fresh identifier.

Get a number of fresh identifiers. This reserves the required number of identifiers on all names.

scopeFreshness :: m a -> m aSource

Scope the freshIdent and freshIdents requests such that these variables are not marked as used once the scope is left.


MonadFresh m => MonadFresh (MaybeT m) 
(Functor m, Monad m) => MonadFresh (FreshT m) 
(Functor m, Monad m) => MonadFresh (FreshT m) 
MonadFresh m => MonadFresh (ReaderT r m) 
MonadFresh m => MonadFresh (StateT s m) 
(Monoid w, MonadFresh m) => MonadFresh (WriterT w m) 

The Fresh monad

runFresh :: Fresh a -> FreshState -> (a, FreshState)Source

Run a computation with a fresh name supply.

evalFresh :: Fresh a -> FreshState -> aSource

Evaluate a computation with a fresh name supply.

execFresh :: Fresh a -> FreshState -> FreshStateSource

Execute a computation with a fresh name supply.

The fast FreshT monad transformer

newtype FreshT m a Source

A computation that can generate fresh variables from name hints.




unFreshT :: StateT FreshState m a


MonadTrans FreshT 
MonadBind k v m => MonadBind k v (FreshT m) 
MonadError e m => MonadError e (FreshT m) 
MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (FreshT m) 
MonadState s m => MonadState s (FreshT m) 
Monad m => Monad (FreshT m) 
Functor m => Functor (FreshT m) 
MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (FreshT m) 
(Monad m, Functor m) => Applicative (FreshT m) 
(Functor m, MonadPlus m) => Alternative (FreshT m) 
(Functor m, Monad m) => MonadFresh (FreshT m) 
MonadDisj m => MonadDisj (FreshT m) 

freshT :: (FreshState -> m (a, FreshState)) -> FreshT m aSource

Construct a FreshT action from a FreshState modification.

runFreshT :: FreshT m a -> FreshState -> m (a, FreshState)Source

Run a computation with a fresh name supply.

evalFreshT :: Monad m => FreshT m a -> FreshState -> m aSource

Evaluate a computation with a fresh name supply.

execFreshT :: Monad m => FreshT m a -> FreshState -> m FreshStateSource

Execute a computation with a fresh name supply.

Fresh name generation

type FreshState = IntegerSource

The state of the name supply: the first unused sequence number of every name.

nothingUsed :: FreshStateSource

The empty fresh state.