{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Data.Taskell.Date
    ( Day
    , Deadline(..)
    , Due(..)
    , timeToText
    , timeToDisplay
    , timeToOutput
    , timeToOutputLocal
    , textToTime
    , inputToTime
    , isoToTime
    , deadline
    ) where

import ClassyPrelude

import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)

import Data.Time.LocalTime (ZonedTime (ZonedTime))
import Data.Time.Zones     (TZ, localTimeToUTCTZ, timeZoneForUTCTime, utcToLocalTimeTZ)

import Data.Time.Calendar (diffDays)
import Data.Time.Format   (FormatTime, ParseTime, formatTime, iso8601DateFormat, parseTimeM)

import Data.Taskell.Date.RelativeParser (parseRelative)

data Due
    = DueTime UTCTime
    | DueDate Day
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Ord Due where
    compare (DueTime t) (DueDate d)   = t `compare` UTCTime d 0
    compare (DueDate d) (DueTime t)   = UTCTime d 0 `compare` t
    compare (DueDate d1) (DueDate d2) = d1 `compare` d2
    compare (DueTime t1) (DueTime t2) = t1 `compare` t2

data Deadline
    = Passed
    | Today
    | Tomorrow
    | ThisWeek
    | Plenty
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- formats
dateFormat :: String
dateFormat = "%Y-%m-%d"

timeDisplayFormat :: String
timeDisplayFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"

timeFormat :: String
timeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z"

isoFormat :: String
isoFormat = iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S%Q%Z")

-- utility functions
utcToZonedTime :: TZ -> UTCTime -> ZonedTime
utcToZonedTime tz time = ZonedTime (utcToLocalTimeTZ tz time) (timeZoneForUTCTime tz time)

appendYear :: (FormatTime t, FormatTime s) => String -> t -> s -> String
appendYear txt t1 t2 =
    if format "%Y" t1 == format "%Y" t2
        then txt
        else txt <> " %Y"

-- output
format :: (FormatTime t) => String -> t -> Text
format fmt = pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale fmt

timeToText :: TZ -> UTCTime -> Due -> Text
timeToText _ now (DueDate day) = format fmt day
    fmt = appendYear "%d-%b" now day
timeToText tz now (DueTime time) = format fmt local
    local = utcToLocalTimeTZ tz time
    fmt = appendYear "%H:%M %d-%b" now local

timeToDisplay :: TZ -> Due -> Text
timeToDisplay _ (DueDate day)   = format dateFormat day
timeToDisplay tz (DueTime time) = format timeDisplayFormat (utcToLocalTimeTZ tz time)

timeToOutput :: Due -> Text
timeToOutput (DueDate day)  = format dateFormat day
timeToOutput (DueTime time) = format timeFormat time

timeToOutputLocal :: TZ -> Due -> Text
timeToOutputLocal _ (DueDate day)   = format dateFormat day
timeToOutputLocal tz (DueTime time) = format timeFormat (utcToZonedTime tz time)

-- input
parseT :: (Monad m, MonadFail m, ParseTime t) => String -> Text -> m t
parseT fmt txt = parseTimeM False defaultTimeLocale fmt (unpack txt)

parseDate :: Text -> Maybe Due
parseDate txt = DueDate <$> parseT dateFormat txt

(<?>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
(<?>) Nothing b = b
(<?>) a _       = a

textToTime :: Text -> Maybe Due
textToTime txt = parseDate txt <?> (DueTime <$> parseT timeFormat txt)

inputToTime :: TZ -> UTCTime -> Text -> Maybe Due
inputToTime tz now txt =
    parseDate txt <?> (DueTime . localTimeToUTCTZ tz <$> parseT timeDisplayFormat txt) <?>
    case parseRelative now txt of
        Right utc -> Just $ DueTime utc
        Left _    -> Nothing

isoToTime :: Text -> Maybe Due
isoToTime txt = DueTime <$> parseT isoFormat txt

-- deadlines
deadline :: UTCTime -> Due -> Deadline
deadline now date
    | days < 0 = Passed
    | days == 0 = Today
    | days == 1 = Tomorrow
    | days < 7 = ThisWeek
    | otherwise = Plenty
    days =
        case date of
            DueTime t -> diffDays (utctDay t) (utctDay now)
            DueDate d -> diffDays d (utctDay now)