-- | The test generator boilerplate module.
-- Any test that is supported (HUnit, HSpec, etc.) provides here, a
-- generator type with all the context necessary for outputting the
-- necessary boilerplate for the generated main function that will
-- run all the tests.

module Test.Tasty.Generator
  -- * Types
  Generator (..)
  , Test (..)

  -- * Generators
  , generators
  , getGenerator
  , getGenerators

  -- * Boilerplate Formatter
  , showSetup

  -- * Type Constructor
  , mkTest
  ) where

import           Data.Function   (on)
import           Data.List       (find, groupBy, isPrefixOf, sortOn)
import           Data.Maybe      (fromJust)
import           System.FilePath (dropExtension, isPathSeparator)

-- | The test type.
data Test = Test
  { testModule   :: String -- ^ Module name.
  , testFunction :: String -- ^ Function name.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

-- | 'Test' constructor.
mkTest :: FilePath -> String -> Test
mkTest = Test . replacePathSepTo '.' . dropExtension
  where replacePathSepTo c1 = map $ \c2 -> if isPathSeparator c2 then c1 else c2

-- | The generator type.
data Generator = Generator
  { generatorPrefix :: String          -- ^ Generator prefix.
  , generatorImport :: String          -- ^ Module import path.
  , generatorClass  :: String          -- ^ Generator class.
  , generatorSetup  :: Test -> String  -- ^ Generator setup.

-- | Module import qualifier.
qualifyFunction :: Test -> String
qualifyFunction t = testModule t ++ "." ++ testFunction t

-- | Function namer.
name :: Test -> String
name = chooser '_' ' ' . tail . dropWhile (/= '_') . testFunction
  where chooser c1 c2 = map $ \c3 -> if c3 == c1 then c2 else c3

-- | Generator retriever (single).
getGenerator :: Test -> Generator
getGenerator t = fromJust $ getPrefix generators
  where getPrefix = find ((`isPrefixOf` testFunction t) . generatorPrefix)

-- | Generator retriever (many).
getGenerators :: [Test] -> [Generator]
getGenerators =
  map head .
  groupBy  ((==) `on` generatorPrefix) .
  sortOn generatorPrefix .
  map getGenerator

-- | Boilerplate formatter.
showSetup :: Test -> String -> String
showSetup t var = "  " ++ var ++ " <- " ++ setup ++ "\n"
  where setup = generatorSetup (getGenerator t) t

-- | All types of tests supported for boilerplate generation.
generators :: [Generator]
generators =
  [ quickCheckPropertyGenerator
  , smallCheckPropertyGenerator
  , hedgehogPropertyGenerator
  , hunitTestCaseGenerator
  , hspecTestCaseGenerator
  , tastyTestGroupGenerator

-- | Quickcheck group generator prefix.
hedgehogPropertyGenerator :: Generator
hedgehogPropertyGenerator = Generator
  { generatorPrefix = "hprop_"
  , generatorImport = "import qualified Test.Tasty.Hedgehog as H\n"
  , generatorClass  = ""
  , generatorSetup  = \t -> "pure $ H.testProperty \"" ++ name t ++ "\" " ++ qualifyFunction t

-- | Quickcheck group generator prefix.
quickCheckPropertyGenerator :: Generator
quickCheckPropertyGenerator = Generator
  { generatorPrefix = "prop_"
  , generatorImport = "import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC\n"
  , generatorClass  = ""
  , generatorSetup  = \t -> "pure $ QC.testProperty \"" ++ name t ++ "\" " ++ qualifyFunction t

-- | Smallcheck group generator prefix.
smallCheckPropertyGenerator :: Generator
smallCheckPropertyGenerator = Generator
  { generatorPrefix = "scprop_"
  , generatorImport = "import qualified Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC\n"
  , generatorClass  = ""
  , generatorSetup  = \t -> "pure $ SC.testProperty \"" ++ name t ++ "\" " ++ qualifyFunction t

-- | HUnit generator prefix.
hunitTestCaseGenerator :: Generator
hunitTestCaseGenerator = Generator
  { generatorPrefix = "unit_"
  , generatorImport = "import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU\n"
  , generatorClass  = concat
    [ "class TestCase a where testCase :: String -> a -> IO T.TestTree\n"
    , "instance TestCase (IO ())                      where testCase n = pure . HU.testCase      n\n"
    , "instance TestCase (IO String)                  where testCase n = pure . HU.testCaseInfo  n\n"
    , "instance TestCase ((String -> IO ()) -> IO ()) where testCase n = pure . HU.testCaseSteps n\n"
  , generatorSetup  = \t -> "testCase \"" ++ name t ++ "\" " ++ qualifyFunction t

-- | Hspec generator prefix.
hspecTestCaseGenerator :: Generator
hspecTestCaseGenerator = Generator
  { generatorPrefix = "spec_"
  , generatorImport = "import qualified Test.Tasty.Hspec as HS\n"
  , generatorClass  = ""
  , generatorSetup  = \t -> "HS.testSpec \"" ++ name t ++ "\" " ++ qualifyFunction t

-- | Tasty group generator prefix.
tastyTestGroupGenerator :: Generator
tastyTestGroupGenerator = Generator
  { generatorPrefix = "test_"
  , generatorImport = ""
  , generatorClass  = concat
    [ "class TestGroup a where testGroup :: String -> a -> IO T.TestTree\n"
    , "instance TestGroup T.TestTree        where testGroup _ a = pure a\n"
    , "instance TestGroup [T.TestTree]      where testGroup n a = pure $ T.testGroup n a\n"
    , "instance TestGroup (IO T.TestTree)   where testGroup _ a = a\n"
    , "instance TestGroup (IO [T.TestTree]) where testGroup n a = T.testGroup n <$> a\n"
  , generatorSetup  = \t -> "testGroup \"" ++ name t ++ "\" " ++ qualifyFunction t