{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot.TDigest where

import Control.Lens
import Data.Colour              (black, dissolve, opaque)
import Data.Foldable            (for_, toList)
import Data.List.NonEmpty       (NonEmpty)
import Data.Semigroup           (Max (..))
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable  (foldMap1)
import Data.TDigest.Postprocess
import Numeric                  (showFFloat)
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Drawing
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Geometry
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Layout
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Plot.Types
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.State

data PlotTDigest td = PlotTDigest
    { _plot_tdigest_data         :: td            -- ^ Plot tdigest, i.e .data
    , _plot_tdigest_normalize    :: Bool          -- ^ Normalize histogram so total weight is 1.
    , _plot_tdigest_title        :: String        -- ^ Plot tile
    , _plot_tdigest_fill_style   :: FillStyle     -- ^ Fill style of the bins
    , _plot_tdigest_line_style   :: LineStyle     -- ^ Line style of the bin outlines
    , _plot_tdigest_quantiles    :: [Double]      -- ^ Which quantile lines to plot
    , _plot_tdigest_q_line_style :: LineStyle     -- ^ Line style of quantile lines
    , _plot_tdigest_deviations   :: Maybe Int     -- ^ Which stddev lines to plot
    , _plot_tdigest_d_line_style :: LineStyle     -- ^ Line style of deviation lines

-- | Construct a bar chart with the given title and tdigest, using the next available colors
tdigestPlot :: String -> td -> EC l (PlotTDigest td)
tdigestPlot title td = do
    color <- takeColor
    pure $ PlotTDigest
        { _plot_tdigest_data         = td
        , _plot_tdigest_normalize    = False
        , _plot_tdigest_title        = title
        , _plot_tdigest_fill_style   = solidFillStyle (dissolve 0.375 color)
        , _plot_tdigest_line_style   = solidLine 1.0 color
        , _plot_tdigest_quantiles    = []
        , _plot_tdigest_q_line_style = dashedLine 1.0 [1,1] $ opaque black
        , _plot_tdigest_deviations   = Nothing
        , _plot_tdigest_d_line_style = dashedLine 1.0 [5,5] $ opaque black

tdigestPlot' :: HasHistogram td f => String -> td -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
tdigestPlot' title td = plot (fmap tdigestToPlot (tdigestPlot title td))

tdigestToPlot :: forall td f. HasHistogram td f => PlotTDigest td -> Plot Double Double
tdigestToPlot ptd = Plot
    { _plot_render     = renderHistogram
    , _plot_legend     =
        [(_plot_tdigest_title ptd, renderLegend)] ++
        [(quantileTitle q, renderQuantileLegend) | q <- _plot_tdigest_quantiles ptd] ++
        maybe [] deviationLegend (_plot_tdigest_deviations ptd)
    , _plot_all_points = unzip allPoints
    td         = _plot_tdigest_data ptd
    hist'      = histogram td :: f (NonEmpty HistBin)
    hist       = affine [] toList hist' :: [HistBin]
    lineStyle  = _plot_tdigest_line_style ptd
    fillStyle  = _plot_tdigest_fill_style ptd
    qLineStyle = _plot_tdigest_q_line_style ptd
    dLineStyle = _plot_tdigest_d_line_style ptd

    showFFloat' = showFFloat (Just 6)

    tw' = totalWeight td
    tw | _plot_tdigest_normalize ptd = tw'
       | otherwise                   = 1.0

    maxy = maxy' * 1.1
    maxy' = affine 1.0 (getMax . foldMap1 (Max . f)) hist'
        f (HistBin mi ma _ w _) =  w / (ma - mi) / tw

    somex = 0

    sigma = affine 0 (runIdentity . stddev) hist'
    mu    = affine 9 (runIdentity . mean) hist'

    allPoints = ((somex, maxy) :) $ flip map hist $ \(HistBin mi ma x w _) ->
        let d = ma - mi
            y = w / d / tw
        in (x, y)

    -- Mean & Variance

    deviationLegend _ = [ (t, renderDeviationLegend) ]
        t = showString "mean = "
          . showFFloat' mu
          . showString ", stddev = "
          . showFFloat' sigma
          $ ""

    renderDeviationLegend (Rect p1 p2) = withLineStyle dLineStyle $ do
        let y = (p_y p1 + p_y p2) / 2
        strokePath $ moveTo' (p_x p1) y `mappend` lineTo' (p_x p2) y

    renderDeviation pmap d = withLineStyle dLineStyle $ do
        let x = mu + fromIntegral d * sigma
        let path = moveTo (mapXY pmap (x, 0)) `mappend` lineTo (mapXY pmap (x, maxy))
        alignStrokePath path >>= strokePath

    -- Quantiles

    quantileTitle q
        = showFFloat' q
        . showString "q = "
        . showFFloat' (affine 0 (runIdentity . quantile q) hist')
        $ ""

    renderQuantileLegend (Rect p1 p2) = withLineStyle qLineStyle $ do
        let y = (p_y p1 + p_y p2) / 2
        strokePath $ moveTo' (p_x p1) y `mappend` lineTo' (p_x p2) y

    renderQuantile pmap q = withLineStyle qLineStyle $ do
        let x = affine 0 (runIdentity . quantile q) hist'
        let path = moveTo (mapXY pmap (x, 0)) `mappend` lineTo (mapXY pmap (x, maxy))
        alignStrokePath path >>= strokePath

    -- Histogram

    renderLegend r = withLineStyle lineStyle $ withFillStyle fillStyle $ do
        let path = rectPath r
        fillPath path
        strokePath path

    renderHistogram pmap = do
        withLineStyle lineStyle $ withFillStyle fillStyle $ do
            for_ hist $ \(HistBin mi ma _ w _) -> do
                let d = ma - mi
                    y = w / d / tw
                    path = rectPath $ Rect
                        (mapXY pmap (mi,0))
                        (mapXY pmap (ma,y))
                alignFillPath path >>= fillPath
                alignStrokePath path >>= strokePath

        for_ (_plot_tdigest_quantiles ptd) $ renderQuantile pmap
        for_ (_plot_tdigest_deviations ptd) $ \maxd ->
            for_ [-maxd .. maxd] $ renderDeviation pmap

-- Lenses

plot_tdigest_title :: Lens' (PlotTDigest td) String
plot_tdigest_title = lens _plot_tdigest_title $ \s x -> s { _plot_tdigest_title = x }

plot_tdigest_quantiles :: Lens' (PlotTDigest td) [Double]
plot_tdigest_quantiles = lens _plot_tdigest_quantiles $ \s x -> s { _plot_tdigest_quantiles = x }

plot_tdigest_q_line_style :: Lens' (PlotTDigest td) LineStyle
plot_tdigest_q_line_style = lens _plot_tdigest_q_line_style $ \s x -> s { _plot_tdigest_q_line_style = x }

plot_tdigest_normalize :: Lens' (PlotTDigest td) Bool
plot_tdigest_normalize = lens _plot_tdigest_normalize $ \s x -> s { _plot_tdigest_normalize = x }

plot_tdigest_line_style :: Lens' (PlotTDigest td) LineStyle
plot_tdigest_line_style = lens _plot_tdigest_line_style $ \s x -> s { _plot_tdigest_line_style = x }

plot_tdigest_fill_style :: Lens' (PlotTDigest td) FillStyle
plot_tdigest_fill_style = lens _plot_tdigest_fill_style $ \s x -> s { _plot_tdigest_fill_style = x }

plot_tdigest_deviations :: Lens' (PlotTDigest td) (Maybe Int)
plot_tdigest_deviations = lens _plot_tdigest_deviations $ \s x -> s { _plot_tdigest_deviations = x }

plot_tdigest_data :: Lens (PlotTDigest td) (PlotTDigest td') td td'
plot_tdigest_data = lens _plot_tdigest_data $ \s x -> s { _plot_tdigest_data = x }

plot_tdigest_d_line_style :: Lens' (PlotTDigest td) LineStyle
plot_tdigest_d_line_style = lens _plot_tdigest_d_line_style $ \s x -> s { _plot_tdigest_d_line_style = x }