tensor-safe- Create valid deep neural network architectures

Safe HaskellNone



This module is the core of TensorSafe. It defines all Network data structures -- and types functions that respresent Layers modifications of shapes, as well as -- all needed information for compiling the Network structures to CNetworks for later code -- generation.



data Network :: [Type] -> Type where Source #

A network that defines a specific sequence of layers


NNil :: Network '[] 
(:~~) :: Layer x => !x -> !(Network xs) -> Network (x ': xs) infixr 5 
(Show x, Show (Network xs)) => Show (Network (x ': xs)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in TensorSafe.Network


showsPrec :: Int -> Network (x ': xs) -> ShowS #

show :: Network (x ': xs) -> String #

showList :: [Network (x ': xs)] -> ShowS #

Show (Network ([] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in TensorSafe.Network


showsPrec :: Int -> Network [] -> ShowS #

show :: Network [] -> String #

showList :: [Network []] -> ShowS #

data INetwork :: [Type] -> [Shape] -> Type where Source #

A network that defines a specific sequence of layers with the corresponding shape transformation along the network. It's an Instance of a Network: given a Network and a initial Shape, this type structure can be generated automatically using the type functions defined in this module, like Out and MkINetwork.


INNil :: SingI i => INetwork '[] '[i] 
(:~>) :: (SingI i, SingI h, Layer x) => !x -> !(INetwork xs (h ': hs)) -> INetwork (x ': xs) (i ': (h ': hs)) infixr 5 
(Show x, Show (INetwork xs rs)) => Show (INetwork (x ': xs) (i ': rs)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in TensorSafe.Network


showsPrec :: Int -> INetwork (x ': xs) (i ': rs) -> ShowS #

show :: INetwork (x ': xs) (i ': rs) -> String #

showList :: [INetwork (x ': xs) (i ': rs)] -> ShowS #

Show (INetwork ([] :: [Type]) (i ': ([] :: [Shape]))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in TensorSafe.Network


showsPrec :: Int -> INetwork [] (i ': []) -> ShowS #

show :: INetwork [] (i ': []) -> String #

showList :: [INetwork [] (i ': [])] -> ShowS #

ValidNetwork ls ss => Layer (INetwork ls ss) Source #

This instance of INetwork as a Layer makes possible nesting INetworks

Instance details

Defined in TensorSafe.Network

type family ComputeOut (layers :: [Type]) (s :: Shape) :: Shape where ... Source #

Returns the result of applying all the layers transformation to a specific shape. Given a list of layers, this returns the expected output for the computation of each layer starting with the first layer transforming the Shape s. For example, if the initial Shape is [28, 28] and the layers are [Relu, Flatten], the result will be [784].


ComputeOut '[] s = s 
ComputeOut (l ': ls) s = ComputeOut ls (Out l s) 

type family ComposeOut' (layers :: [Type]) (s :: Shape) :: [Shape] where ... Source #

Returns a list of shapes describing ALL the transformations applied to a specific shape. Given a list of layers return a type with all the Shapes from the initial Shape until the last one. In theory, the last Shape should be the same than the ComputeOut function applied to this same parameters.


ComposeOut' '[] s = '[] 
ComposeOut' (l ': ls) s = Out l s ': ComposeOut' ls (Out l s) 

type family ComposeOut (layers :: [Type]) (s :: Shape) :: [Shape] where ... Source #

Same than ComposeOut' but the Shape list includes the initial Shape


ComposeOut '[] s = '[] 
ComposeOut ls s = s ': ComposeOut' ls s 

type family ValidateOutput (layers :: [Type]) (sIn :: Shape) (sOut :: Shape) :: Bool where ... Source #

Compares the layers shape computation and the expected output


ValidateOutput ls sIn sOut = ShapeEquals' (ComputeOut ls sIn) sOut 

type family MkINetworkUnconstrained (layers :: [Type]) (s :: Shape) :: Type where ... Source #

Creates an INetwork type, and by "unconstrained" I mean that I don't check for an expected output


MkINetworkUnconstrained ls s = INetwork ls (ComposeOut ls s) 

type family MaybeType (t :: Type) (b :: Bool) :: Type where ... Source #

If the second type argument is 'True, then it returns the type t, otherwise it returns a default type. Note that for this example, ValidateOutput would raise an exception if the expected output and the actual one do not match.


MaybeType t False = Type 
MaybeType t True = t 

type family MkINetwork (layers :: [Type]) (sIn :: Shape) (sOut :: Shape) :: Type where ... Source #

Creates an INetwork type validating the the expected output and the computed one match.


MkINetworkUnconstrained ls sIn sOut = MaybeType (INetwork ls (ComposeOut ls sIn)) (ValidateOutput ls sIn sOut) 

type family MaybeShape (s :: Shape) (b :: Bool) :: Shape where ... Source #


MaybeType s False = D1 0 
MaybeType s True = s 

type family Add' (layers :: [Type]) (layers2 :: [Type]) (shape :: Shape) where ... Source #


Add' ls1 _ sIn = ComputeOut ls1 sIn 

type family Out (l :: Type) (s :: Shape) :: Shape where ... Source #

Defines the expected output of a layer This type function should be instanciated for each of the Layers defined.


Out (INetwork ls (s ': ss)) s = ComputeOut ls s 
Out (Add ls1 ls2) sIn = Add' ls1 ls2 sIn 
Out (BatchNormalization _ _ _) s = s 
Out (Conv2D 1 1 k k' s s') (D2 inputRows inputColumns) = D2 (1 + Div (inputRows - k) s) (1 + Div (inputColumns - k') s') 
Out (Conv2D 1 filters k k' s s') (D2 inputRows inputColumns) = D3 (1 + Div (inputRows - k) s) (1 + Div (inputColumns - k') s') filters 
Out (Conv2D channels 1 k k' s s') (D3 inputRows inputColumns channels) = D2 (1 + Div (inputRows - k) s) (1 + Div (inputColumns - k') s') 
Out (Conv2D channels filters k k' s s') (D3 inputRows inputColumns channels) = D3 (1 + Div (inputRows - k) s) (1 + Div (inputColumns - k') s') filters 
Out (Dense i o) (D1 i) = D1 o 
Out (Dropout rate seed) s = s 
Out Flatten (D1 x) = D1 x 
Out Flatten (D2 x y) = D1 (x * y) 
Out Flatten (D3 x y z) = D1 ((x * y) * z) 
Out GlobalAvgPooling2D (D3 _ _ z) = D1 z 
Out Input s = s 
Out (LSTM units False) _ = D1 units 
Out (LSTM units True) (D2 x _) = D2 x units 
Out (LSTM units True) (D3 x _ _) = D2 x units 
Out (MaxPooling k k' s s') (D2 inputRows inputColumns) = D2 (1 + Div (inputRows - k) s) (1 + Div (inputColumns - k') s') 
Out (MaxPooling k k' s s') (D3 inputRows inputColumns channels) = D3 (1 + Div (inputRows - k) s) (1 + Div (inputColumns - k') s') channels 
Out Relu s = s 
Out Sigmoid s = s 
Out (ZeroPadding2D padding_rows padding_cols) (D2 inputRows inputColumns) = D2 (inputRows + (2 * padding_rows)) (inputColumns + (2 * padding_cols)) 
Out (ZeroPadding2D padding_rows padding_cols) (D3 inputRows inputColumns channels) = D3 (inputRows + (2 * padding_rows)) (inputColumns + (2 * padding_cols)) channels 
Out l sIn = TypeError ((((Text "Couldn't apply the Layer \"" :<>: ShowType l) :<>: Text "\" with the input Shape \"") :<>: ShowType sIn) :<>: Text "\"") 

class ValidNetwork (xs :: [Type]) (ss :: [Shape]) where Source #

Instanciates a Network after defining a type definition, using MkINetworkUnconstrained or MkINetwork, for example. After defining a variable with INetwork type, you can instanciate that variable like this: ``` myNet :: MNIST myNet = mkINetwork ```


mkINetwork :: INetwork xs ss Source #

Makes a valid instance of INetwork

SingI i => ValidNetwork ([] :: [Type]) (i ': ([] :: [Shape])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in TensorSafe.Network


mkINetwork :: INetwork [] (i ': []) Source #

(SingI i, SingI o, Layer x, ValidNetwork xs (o ': rs), Out x i ~ o) => ValidNetwork (x ': xs) (i ': (o ': rs)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in TensorSafe.Network


mkINetwork :: INetwork (x ': xs) (i ': (o ': rs)) Source #

toCNetwork :: forall i x xs ss. (SingI i, Layer x, ValidNetwork (x ': xs) (i ': ss)) => INetwork (x ': xs) (i ': ss) -> CNetwork Source #

Compilation: Gets the initial shape using Singleton instances. Since this is the function we run for transforming an INetwork to CNetwork, the nested argument of toCNetwork' is set to False.

toCNetwork' :: INetwork xs ss -> Bool -> Maybe String -> CNetwork Source #

Helper function for toCNetwork