tensort- Tunable sorting for responsive robustness and beyond
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides types used in the Tensort package.

Since these packages are only for sorting Ints currently, every data type is a structure of Ints.



data TensortProps Source #

TensortProps contains the Bytesize and SubAlgorithm used in a Tensort algorithm.



type Bit = Int Source #

A Bit is a single element of the list to be sorted. For our current purposes that means it is an Int.

type Byte = [Bit] Source #

A Byte is a list of Bits standardized to a fixed maximum length (Bytesize).

type Address = Int Source #

An Address is a index number pointing to data stored in Memory.

type TopBit = Bit Source #

A TopBit contains a copy of the last (i.e. highest) Bit in a Byte or Tensor.

type Record = (Address, TopBit) Source #

A Record is an element in a Tensor's Register containing an Address pointer and a TopBit value.

type Register = [Record] Source #

A Register is a list of Records allowing for easy access to data in a Tensor's Memory.

data Memory Source #

A Memory contains the data to be sorted, either in the form of Bytes or Tensors.


ByteMem [Byte] 
TensorMem [Tensor] 


Instances details
Show Memory Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Eq Memory Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types


(==) :: Memory -> Memory -> Bool #

(/=) :: Memory -> Memory -> Bool #

Ord Memory Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

type Tensor = (Register, Memory) Source #

A Tensor contains data to be sorted in a structure allowing for easy access. It consists of a Register and its Memory.

type TensorStack = Tensor Source #

A TensorStack is a top-level Tensor. In the final stages of Tensort, the number of TensorStacks will be equal to (or sometimes less than) the bytesize, but before that time there are expected to be many more TensorStacks.

data Sortable Source #

We use a Sortable type to sort list of Bits and lists of Records.


SortBit [Bit] 
SortRec [Record] 


Instances details
Show Sortable Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Eq Sortable Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Ord Sortable Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

fromSortBit :: Sortable -> [Bit] Source #

Converts a Sortable list to a list of Bits.

fromSortRec :: Sortable -> [Record] Source #

Converts a Sortable list to a list of Records.

type SortAlg = Sortable -> Sortable Source #

A sorting algorithm is a function that takes a Sortable and returns a sorted Sortable.

type SupersortProps = (SortAlg, SortAlg, SortAlg, SupersortStrat) Source #

SupersortProps consist of three sorting algorithms to adjuditcate between and a SupersortStrat that does the adjudication.

type SupersortStrat = (Sortable, Sortable, Sortable) -> Sortable Source #

A SupersortStrat takes three Sortables and determines which of the three is most likely to be in the correct order.

fromJust :: Maybe a -> a Source #

Converts a Maybe into a value or throws an error if the Maybe is Nothing.

type BitR = Record Source #

This is a Bit type that is used when sorting Records in a recursive Tensort variant.

data SBit Source #

This is a conversion type that allows for sorting both Bits and Records. It is useful in recursive Tensort variants.


SBitBit Bit 
SBitRec Record 


Instances details
Show SBit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> SBit -> ShowS #

show :: SBit -> String #

showList :: [SBit] -> ShowS #

Eq SBit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types


(==) :: SBit -> SBit -> Bool #

(/=) :: SBit -> SBit -> Bool #

Ord SBit Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types


compare :: SBit -> SBit -> Ordering #

(<) :: SBit -> SBit -> Bool #

(<=) :: SBit -> SBit -> Bool #

(>) :: SBit -> SBit -> Bool #

(>=) :: SBit -> SBit -> Bool #

max :: SBit -> SBit -> SBit #

min :: SBit -> SBit -> SBit #

fromSBitBit :: SBit -> Bit Source #

Converts an SBit into a Bit.

fromSBitRec :: SBit -> Record Source #

Converts an SBit into a Record.

fromSBitBits :: [SBit] -> Sortable Source #

Converts a list of Bits into a Sortable.

fromSBitRecs :: [SBit] -> Sortable Source #

Converts a list of Records into a Sortable.

type ByteR = [Record] Source #

This is a Byte type that is used when sorting Records in a recursive Tensort variant.

data SBytes Source #

This is a conversion type that allows for sorting both Bits and Records. It is useful in recursive Tensort variants.


SBytesBit [Byte] 
SBytesRec [ByteR] 


Instances details
Show SBytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Eq SBytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types


(==) :: SBytes -> SBytes -> Bool #

(/=) :: SBytes -> SBytes -> Bool #

Ord SBytes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

fromSBytesBit :: SBytes -> [[Bit]] Source #

Converts an SBytes list into a list of Bytes.

fromSBytesRec :: SBytes -> [[Record]] Source #

Converts an SBytes list into a list of ByteRs.

type TopBitR = Record Source #

This is a TopBit type that is used when sorting Records in a recursive Tensort variant.

type RecordR = (Address, TopBitR) Source #

This is a Record type that is used when sorting Records in a recursive Tensort variant.

data SRecord Source #

This is a conversion type that allows for sorting both Records and Bits. It is useful in recursive Tensort variants.


Instances details
Show SRecord Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Eq SRecord Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types


(==) :: SRecord -> SRecord -> Bool #

(/=) :: SRecord -> SRecord -> Bool #

Ord SRecord Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

fromSRecordBit :: SRecord -> Record Source #

Converts an SRecord into a Record.

fromSRecordRec :: SRecord -> RecordR Source #

Converts an SRecord into a RecordR.

data SRecords Source #

This is a conversion type that allows for sorting both Records and Bits. It is useful in recursive Tensort variants.


Instances details
Show SRecords Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Eq SRecords Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Ord SRecords Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

fromSRecordsBit :: SRecords -> [Record] Source #

Converts an SRecords list into a list of Records.

fromSRecordsRec :: SRecords -> [RecordR] Source #

Converts an SRecords list into a list of RecordRs.

fromSRecordArrayBit :: [SRecord] -> [Record] Source #

Converts a list of SRecords into a list of Records.

fromSRecordArrayRec :: [SRecord] -> [RecordR] Source #

Converts a list of SRecords into a list of RecordRs.

type RegisterR = [RecordR] Source #

This is a Register type that is used when sorting Records in a recursive Tensort variant.

data MemoryR Source #

This is a Memory type that is used when sorting Records in a recursive Tensort variant.


ByteMemR [ByteR] 
TensorMemR [TensorR] 


Instances details
Show MemoryR Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Eq MemoryR Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types


(==) :: MemoryR -> MemoryR -> Bool #

(/=) :: MemoryR -> MemoryR -> Bool #

Ord MemoryR Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

data SMemory Source #

This is a conversion type that allows for sorting both Bits and Records. It is useful in recursive Tensort variants.


Instances details
Show SMemory Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Eq SMemory Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types


(==) :: SMemory -> SMemory -> Bool #

(/=) :: SMemory -> SMemory -> Bool #

Ord SMemory Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

fromSMemoryBit :: SMemory -> Memory Source #

Converts an SMemory to a Memory.

fromSMemoryRec :: SMemory -> MemoryR Source #

Converts an SMemory to a MemoryR.

type TensorR = (RegisterR, MemoryR) Source #

This is a Tensor type that is used when sorting Records in a recursive Tensort variant.

data STensor Source #

This is a conversion type that allows for sorting both Bits and Records. It is useful in recursive Tensort variants.


Instances details
Show STensor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Eq STensor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types


(==) :: STensor -> STensor -> Bool #

(/=) :: STensor -> STensor -> Bool #

Ord STensor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

fromSTensorBit :: STensor -> Tensor Source #

Converts an STensor into a Tensor.

fromSTensorRec :: STensor -> TensorR Source #

Converts an STensor into a TensorR.

data STensors Source #

This is a conversion type that allows for sorting both Bits and Records. It is useful in recursive Tensort variants.


Instances details
Show STensors Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Eq STensors Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

Ord STensors Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Tensort.Utils.Types

fromSTensorsBit :: STensors -> [Tensor] Source #

Converts an STensors list into a list of Tensors.

fromSTensorsRec :: STensors -> [TensorR] Source #

Converts an STensors list into a list of TensorRs.

type TensorStackR = TensorR Source #

This is a TensorStack type that is used when sorting Records in a recursive Tensort variant.

type STensorStack = STensor Source #

This is a conversion type that allows for sorting both Tensors and Records. It is useful in recursive Tensort variants.

type STensorStacks = STensors Source #

This is a conversion type that allows for sorting both Tensors and Records. It is useful in recursive Tensort variants.