term-rewriting-0.1.2: Term Rewriting Library

Safe HaskellNone




Operations on Rules

funs :: Rule f v -> [f]Source

Lifting of funs to Rule: returns the list of function symbols in left- and right-hand sides.

>>> funs $ Rule {lhs = Fun 'f' [Var 3, Fun 'g' [Fun 'f' []]], rhs = Fun 'h' [Fun 'f' []]}

funsDL :: Rule f v -> [f] -> [f]Source

Difference List version of funs. We have funsDL r vs = funs r ++ vs.

vars :: Rule f v -> [v]Source

Lifting of vars to Rule: returns the list of variables in left- and right-hand sides.

>>> vars $ Rule {lhs = Fun 'g' [Var 3, Fun 'f' [Var 1, Var 2, Var 3]], rhs = Fun 'g' [Var 4, Var 3]}

varsDL :: Rule f v -> [v] -> [v]Source

Difference List version of vars. We have varsDL r vs = vars r ++ vs.

left :: (Term f v -> a) -> Rule f v -> aSource

Apply a function to the lhs of a rule.

right :: (Term f v -> a) -> Rule f v -> aSource

Apply a function to the rhs of a rule.

rename :: (v -> v') -> Rule f v -> Rule f v'Source

Predicates on Rules

both :: (Term f v -> Bool) -> Rule f v -> BoolSource

Test whether the given predicate is true for both sides of a rule.

isLinear :: Ord v => Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether both sides of the given rule are linear.

isLeftLinear :: Ord v => Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether the left hand side of the given rule is linear.

isRightLinear :: Ord v => Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether the right hand side of the given rule is linear.

isGround :: Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether both sides of the given rule is are ground terms.

isLeftGround :: Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether the left hand side of the given rule is a ground term.

isRightGround :: Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether the right hand side of the given rule is a ground term.

isErasing :: Ord v => Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether the given rule is erasing, i.e., if some variable occurs in the left hand side but not in the right hand side.

isCreating :: Ord v => Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether the given rule is creating, i.e., if some variable occurs in its right hand side that does not occur in its left hand side.

This is the dual of isErasing. The term creating is non-standard. Creating rules are usually forbidden. See also isValid.

isDuplicating :: Ord v => Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether the given rule is duplicating, i.e., if some variable occurs more often in its right hand side than in its left hand side.

isCollapsing :: Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether the given rule is collapsing, i.e., if its right hand side is a variable.

isExpanding :: Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether the given rule is expanding, i.e., if its left hand sides is a variable.

This is the dual of isCollapsing. The term expanding is non-standard. Expanding rules are usually forbidden. See also isValid.

isValid :: Ord v => Rule f v -> BoolSource

Check whether rule is non-creating and non-expanding. See also isCreating and isExpanding

isInstanceOf :: (Eq f, Ord v, Ord v') => Rule f v -> Rule f v' -> BoolSource

Check whether a rule is an instance of another.

isVariantOf :: (Eq f, Ord v, Ord v') => Rule f v -> Rule f v' -> BoolSource

Check whether a rule is a variant of another.