termbox-banana-0.1.1: reactive-banana + termbox

Safe HaskellNone





This module is intended to be imported qualified.

import qualified Termbox.Banana as Termbox

type TermboxEvent = Event Source #

A termbox event. This type alias exists only for Haddock readability; in code, you are encouraged to use

  • Event for reactive-banana events
  • Termbox.Event for termbox events

Since: 0.1.0

main Source #


:: InputMode 
-> OutputMode 
-> (Event TermboxEvent -> Behavior (Int, Int) -> MomentIO (Behavior Scene, Event a)) 
-> IO a 

Run a termbox program with the specified input and output modes.


  • the terminal event stream
  • the time-varying terminal size (width, then height)


  • a time-varying scene to render
  • an event stream of arbitrary values, only the first of which is relevant, which ends the termbox program and returns from the main action.

Since: 0.1.0

data Scene Source #

A scene to render; a grid of cells and a cursor.

Since: 0.1.0


Scene !Cells !Cursor 

data Cells Source #

A grid of cells.

Create a Cells with set or mempty and combine them with (<>).

Since: 0.1.0

Semigroup Cells Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox.Banana


(<>) :: Cells -> Cells -> Cells #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Cells -> Cells #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Cells -> Cells #

Monoid Cells Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox.Banana


mempty :: Cells #

mappend :: Cells -> Cells -> Cells #

mconcat :: [Cells] -> Cells #

set :: Int -> Int -> Cell -> Cells Source #

Set a single cell's value (column, then row).

Since: 0.1.0

data Cursor Source #

A cursor.

Since: 0.1.0


Cursor !Int !Int

Column, then row



black :: Attr #

black = 1.

red :: Attr #

red = 2.

green :: Attr #

green = 3.

yellow :: Attr #

yellow = 4.

blue :: Attr #

blue = 5.

magenta :: Attr #

magenta = 6.

cyan :: Attr #

cyan = 7.

white :: Attr #

white = 8.

bold :: Attr #

Bold modifier attribute.

underline :: Attr #

Underline modifier attribute.

reverse :: Attr #

Reverse modifier attribute.

data Attr #

A cell attribute, which includes its color, and whether or not it is bold, underlined, and/or reversed.

A cell can only have one color, but may be (for example) bold and underlined. The Monoid instance combines Attrs this way, with a left bias. That is,

red <> bold <> black <> underline = red <> bold <> underline

Warning: the Num instance is very partial! It only includes an implementation of fromInteger, for numeric literals.

Eq Attr 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


(==) :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool #

(/=) :: Attr -> Attr -> Bool #

Num Attr

Only fromInteger is defined.

Instance details

Defined in Termbox


(+) :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr #

(-) :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr #

(*) :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr #

negate :: Attr -> Attr #

abs :: Attr -> Attr #

signum :: Attr -> Attr #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Attr #

Semigroup Attr

Left-biased color; attributes are merged.

Instance details

Defined in Termbox


(<>) :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Attr -> Attr #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Attr -> Attr #

Monoid Attr 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


mempty :: Attr #

mappend :: Attr -> Attr -> Attr #

mconcat :: [Attr] -> Attr #

data Cell #

A Cell contains a character, foreground attribute, and background attribute.


Cell !Char !Attr !Attr 
Eq Cell 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


(==) :: Cell -> Cell -> Bool #

(/=) :: Cell -> Cell -> Bool #

Show Cell 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


showsPrec :: Int -> Cell -> ShowS #

show :: Cell -> String #

showList :: [Cell] -> ShowS #

Storable Cell 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


sizeOf :: Cell -> Int #

alignment :: Cell -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr Cell -> Int -> IO Cell #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr Cell -> Int -> Cell -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO Cell #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Cell -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr Cell -> IO Cell #

poke :: Ptr Cell -> Cell -> IO () #

data Event #

A input event.


EventKey !Key !Bool

Key event. The bool indicates the alt modifier.

EventResize !Int !Int

Resize event (width, then height)

EventMouse !Mouse !Int !Int

Mouse event (column, then row)

Eq Event 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


(==) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

(/=) :: Event -> Event -> Bool #

Show Event 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


showsPrec :: Int -> Event -> ShowS #

show :: Event -> String #

showList :: [Event] -> ShowS #

data InitError #

Initialization errors that can be thrown by main.

Show InitError 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

Exception InitError 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

data InputMode #

The input modes.

  • Esc. When ESC sequence is in the buffer and it doesn't match any known sequence, ESC means KeyEsc.
  • Alt. When ESC sequence is in the buffer and it doesn't match any known sequence, ESC enables the alt modifier for the next keyboard event.
Eq InputMode 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

Ord InputMode 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

Show InputMode 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

data Mouse #

A mouse event.

Eq Mouse 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


(==) :: Mouse -> Mouse -> Bool #

(/=) :: Mouse -> Mouse -> Bool #

Ord Mouse 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


compare :: Mouse -> Mouse -> Ordering #

(<) :: Mouse -> Mouse -> Bool #

(<=) :: Mouse -> Mouse -> Bool #

(>) :: Mouse -> Mouse -> Bool #

(>=) :: Mouse -> Mouse -> Bool #

max :: Mouse -> Mouse -> Mouse #

min :: Mouse -> Mouse -> Mouse #

Show Mouse 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox


showsPrec :: Int -> Mouse -> ShowS #

show :: Mouse -> String #

showList :: [Mouse] -> ShowS #

data MouseMode #

The mouse mode.

  • No. Don't handle mouse events.
  • Yes. Handle mouse events.




Eq MouseMode 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

Ord MouseMode 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

Show MouseMode 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

data OutputMode #

The output modes.

  • Normal. Supports colors 0..8, which includes all named color attributes exported by this library, e.g. red.
  • Grayscale. Supports colors 0..23.
  • 216. Supports colors 0..216.
  • 256. Supports colors 0..255.
Eq OutputMode 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

Ord OutputMode 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox

Show OutputMode 
Instance details

Defined in Termbox