module Termonad.App where

import Termonad.Prelude

import Config.Dyre (defaultParams, projectName, realMain, showError, wrapMain)
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~))
import GI.Gdk (castTo, managedForeignPtr, screenGetDefault)
import GI.Gio
  ( ApplicationFlags(ApplicationFlagsFlagsNone)
  , MenuModel(MenuModel)
  , actionMapAddAction
  , applicationQuit
  , applicationRun
  , onApplicationActivate
  , onApplicationStartup
  , onSimpleActionActivate
  , simpleActionNew
import GI.Gtk
  ( Application
  , ApplicationWindow(ApplicationWindow)
  , Box(Box)
  , ResponseType(ResponseTypeNo, ResponseTypeYes)
  , ScrolledWindow(ScrolledWindow)
  , aboutDialogNew
  , applicationAddWindow
  , applicationGetActiveWindow
  , applicationSetAccelsForAction
  , applicationSetMenubar
  , boxPackStart
  , builderNewFromString
  , builderSetApplication
  , containerAdd
  , cssProviderLoadFromData
  , cssProviderNew
  , dialogAddButton
  , dialogGetContentArea
  , dialogNew
  , dialogRun
  , labelNew
  , notebookGetNPages
  , notebookNew
  , onNotebookPageRemoved
  , onNotebookPageReordered
  , onNotebookSwitchPage
  , onWidgetDeleteEvent
  , onWidgetDestroy
  , setWidgetMargin
  , styleContextAddProviderForScreen
  , widgetDestroy
  , widgetGrabFocus
  , widgetSetCanFocus
  , widgetShow
  , widgetShowAll
  , windowClose
  , windowPresent
  , windowSetDefaultIconFromFile
  , windowSetTitle
  , windowSetTransientFor
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import GI.Pango
  ( FontDescription
  , pattern SCALE
  , fontDescriptionNew
  , fontDescriptionSetFamily
  , fontDescriptionSetSize
import GI.Vte
  ( terminalCopyClipboard
  , terminalPasteClipboard

import Paths_termonad (getDataFileName)
import Termonad.Config
  ( FontConfig(fontFamily, fontSize)
  , TMConfig
  , lensFontConfig
import Termonad.FocusList (findFL, moveFromToFL, updateFocusFL)
import Termonad.Gtk (appNew, objFromBuildUnsafe)
import Termonad.Keys (handleKeyPress)
import Termonad.Term (createTerm, relabelTabs, termExitFocused)
import Termonad.Types
  ( TMNotebookTab
  , TMState
  , TMState'(TMState)
  , UserRequestedExit(UserRequestedExit, UserDidNotRequestExit)
  , getFocusedTermFromState
  , getUserRequestedExit
  , lensTMNotebookTabs
  , lensTMNotebookTabTerm
  , lensTMStateApp
  , lensTMStateNotebook
  , lensTerm
  , newEmptyTMState
  , setUserRequestedExit
  , tmNotebookTabTermContainer
  , tmNotebookTabs
  , tmStateNotebook
import Termonad.XML (interfaceText, menuText)

setupScreenStyle :: IO ()
setupScreenStyle = do
  maybeScreen <- screenGetDefault
  case maybeScreen of
    Nothing -> pure ()
    Just screen -> do
      cssProvider <- cssProviderNew
      let (textLines :: [Text]) =
              "scrollbar {"
            -- , "  -GtkRange-slider-width: 200px;"
            -- , "  -GtkRange-stepper-size: 200px;"
            -- , "  border-width: 200px;"
            , "  background-color: #aaaaaa;"
            -- , "  color: #ff0000;"
            , "  min-width: 4px;"
            , "}"
            -- , "scrollbar trough {"
            -- , "  -GtkRange-slider-width: 200px;"
            -- , "  -GtkRange-stepper-size: 200px;"
            -- , "  border-width: 200px;"
            -- , "  background-color: #00ff00;"
            -- , "  color: #00ff00;"
            -- , "  min-width: 50px;"
            -- , "}"
            -- , "scrollbar slider {"
            -- , "  -GtkRange-slider-width: 200px;"
            -- , "  -GtkRange-stepper-size: 200px;"
            -- , "  border-width: 200px;"
            -- , "  background-color: #0000ff;"
            -- , "  color: #0000ff;"
            -- , "  min-width: 50px;"
            -- , "}"
            , "tab {"
            , "  background-color: transparent;"
            , "}"
      let styleData = encodeUtf8 (unlines textLines :: Text)
      cssProviderLoadFromData cssProvider styleData

createFontDesc :: TMConfig -> IO FontDescription
createFontDesc tmConfig = do
  fontDesc <- fontDescriptionNew
  let fontConf = tmConfig ^. lensFontConfig
  fontDescriptionSetFamily fontDesc (fontFamily fontConf)
  fontDescriptionSetSize fontDesc (fromIntegral (fontSize fontConf) * SCALE)
  pure fontDesc

compareScrolledWinAndTab :: ScrolledWindow -> a -> TMNotebookTab -> Bool
compareScrolledWinAndTab scrollWin _ flTab =
  let ScrolledWindow managedPtrFLTab = tmNotebookTabTermContainer flTab
      foreignPtrFLTab = managedForeignPtr managedPtrFLTab
      ScrolledWindow managedPtrScrollWin = scrollWin
      foreignPtrScrollWin = managedForeignPtr managedPtrScrollWin
  in foreignPtrFLTab == foreignPtrScrollWin

updateFLTabPos :: TMState -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
updateFLTabPos mvarTMState oldPos newPos =
  modifyMVar_ mvarTMState $ \tmState -> do
    let tabs = tmState ^. lensTMStateNotebook . lensTMNotebookTabs
        maybeNewTabs = moveFromToFL oldPos newPos tabs
    case maybeNewTabs of
      Nothing -> do
        putStrLn $
          "in updateFLTabPos, Strange error: couldn't move tabs.\n" <>
          "old pos: " <> tshow oldPos <> "\n" <>
          "new pos: " <> tshow newPos <> "\n" <>
          "tabs: " <> tshow tabs <> "\n" <>
          "maybeNewTabs: " <> tshow maybeNewTabs <> "\n" <>
          "tmState: " <> tshow tmState
        pure tmState
      Just newTabs ->
        pure $
          tmState &
            lensTMStateNotebook . lensTMNotebookTabs .~ newTabs

exitWithConfirmation :: TMState -> IO ()
exitWithConfirmation mvarTMState = do
  respType <- exitWithConfirmationDialog mvarTMState
  case respType of
    ResponseTypeYes -> do
      setUserRequestedExit mvarTMState
      quit mvarTMState
    _ -> pure ()

exitWithConfirmationDialog :: TMState -> IO ResponseType
exitWithConfirmationDialog mvarTMState = do
  tmState <- readMVar mvarTMState
  let app = tmState ^. lensTMStateApp
  win <- applicationGetActiveWindow app
  dialog <- dialogNew
  box <- dialogGetContentArea dialog
  label <- labelNew (Just "There are still terminals running.  Are you sure you want to exit?")
  containerAdd box label
  widgetShow label
  setWidgetMargin label 10
  void $
      "No, do NOT exit"
      (fromIntegral (fromEnum ResponseTypeNo))
  void $
      "Yes, exit"
      (fromIntegral (fromEnum ResponseTypeYes))
  windowSetTransientFor dialog win
  res <- dialogRun dialog
  widgetDestroy dialog
  pure $ toEnum (fromIntegral res)

quit :: TMState -> IO ()
quit mvarTMState = do
  tmState <- readMVar mvarTMState
  let app = tmState ^. lensTMStateApp
  maybeWin <- applicationGetActiveWindow app
  case maybeWin of
    Nothing -> applicationQuit app
    Just win -> windowClose win

setupTermonad :: TMConfig -> Application -> ApplicationWindow -> Gtk.Builder -> IO ()
setupTermonad tmConfig app win builder = do
  termonadIconPath <- getDataFileName "img/termonad-lambda.png"
  windowSetDefaultIconFromFile termonadIconPath

  box <- objFromBuildUnsafe builder "content_box" Box
  fontDesc <- createFontDesc tmConfig
  note <- notebookNew
  widgetSetCanFocus note False
  boxPackStart box note True True 0

  mvarTMState <- newEmptyTMState tmConfig app win note fontDesc
  terminal <- createTerm handleKeyPress mvarTMState

  void $ onNotebookPageRemoved note $ \_ _ -> do
    pages <- notebookGetNPages note
    when (pages == 0) $ do
      setUserRequestedExit mvarTMState
      quit mvarTMState

  void $ onNotebookSwitchPage note $ \_ pageNum -> do
    maybeRes <- tryTakeMVar mvarTMState
    case maybeRes of
      Nothing -> pure ()
      Just val -> do
        putMVar mvarTMState val
    modifyMVar_ mvarTMState $ \tmState -> do
      let notebook = tmStateNotebook tmState
          tabs = tmNotebookTabs notebook
          maybeNewTabs = updateFocusFL (fromIntegral pageNum) tabs
      case maybeNewTabs of
        Nothing -> pure tmState
        Just (tab, newTabs) -> do
          widgetGrabFocus $ tab ^. lensTMNotebookTabTerm . lensTerm
          pure $
            tmState &
              lensTMStateNotebook . lensTMNotebookTabs .~ newTabs

  void $ onNotebookPageReordered note $ \childWidg pageNum -> do
    maybeScrollWin <- castTo ScrolledWindow childWidg
    case maybeScrollWin of
      Nothing ->
        fail $
          "In setupTermonad, in callback for onNotebookPageReordered, " <>
          "child widget is not a ScrolledWindow.\n" <>
          "Don't know how to continue.\n"
      Just scrollWin -> do
        TMState{tmStateNotebook} <- readMVar mvarTMState
        let fl = tmStateNotebook ^. lensTMNotebookTabs
        let maybeOldPosition = findFL (compareScrolledWinAndTab scrollWin) fl
        case maybeOldPosition of
          Nothing ->
            fail $
              "In setupTermonad, in callback for onNotebookPageReordered, " <>
              "the ScrolledWindow is not already in the FocusList.\n" <>
              "Don't know how to continue.\n"
          Just (oldPos, _) -> do
            updateFLTabPos mvarTMState oldPos (fromIntegral pageNum)
            relabelTabs mvarTMState

  newTabAction <- simpleActionNew "newtab" Nothing
  void $ onSimpleActionActivate newTabAction $ \_ -> void $ createTerm handleKeyPress mvarTMState
  actionMapAddAction app newTabAction
  applicationSetAccelsForAction app "app.newtab" ["<Shift><Ctrl>T"]

  closeTabAction <- simpleActionNew "closetab" Nothing
  void $ onSimpleActionActivate closeTabAction $ \_ ->
    termExitFocused mvarTMState
  actionMapAddAction app closeTabAction
  applicationSetAccelsForAction app "app.closetab" ["<Shift><Ctrl>W"]

  quitAction <- simpleActionNew "quit" Nothing
  void $ onSimpleActionActivate quitAction $ \_ ->
    exitWithConfirmation mvarTMState
  actionMapAddAction app quitAction
  applicationSetAccelsForAction app "app.quit" ["<Shift><Ctrl>Q"]

  copyAction <- simpleActionNew "copy" Nothing
  void $ onSimpleActionActivate copyAction $ \_ -> do
    maybeTerm <- getFocusedTermFromState mvarTMState
    maybe (pure ()) terminalCopyClipboard maybeTerm
  actionMapAddAction app copyAction
  applicationSetAccelsForAction app "app.copy" ["<Shift><Ctrl>C"]

  pasteAction <- simpleActionNew "paste" Nothing
  void $ onSimpleActionActivate pasteAction $ \_ -> do
    maybeTerm <- getFocusedTermFromState mvarTMState
    maybe (pure ()) terminalPasteClipboard maybeTerm
  actionMapAddAction app pasteAction
  applicationSetAccelsForAction app "app.paste" ["<Shift><Ctrl>C"]

  aboutAction <- simpleActionNew "about" Nothing
  void $ onSimpleActionActivate aboutAction (const $ showAboutDialog app)
  actionMapAddAction app aboutAction

  menuBuilder <- builderNewFromString menuText $ fromIntegral (length menuText)
  menuModel <- objFromBuildUnsafe menuBuilder "menubar" MenuModel
  applicationSetMenubar app (Just menuModel)

  windowSetTitle win "Termonad"

  void $ onWidgetDeleteEvent win $ \_ -> do
    userRequestedExit <- getUserRequestedExit mvarTMState
    case userRequestedExit of
      UserRequestedExit -> pure False
      UserDidNotRequestExit -> do
        respType <- exitWithConfirmationDialog mvarTMState
        let stopOtherHandlers =
              case respType of
                ResponseTypeYes -> False
                _ -> True
        pure stopOtherHandlers
  void $ onWidgetDestroy win $ quit mvarTMState

  widgetShowAll win
  widgetGrabFocus $ terminal ^. lensTerm

appActivate :: TMConfig -> Application -> IO ()
appActivate tmConfig app = do
  uiBuilder <-
    builderNewFromString interfaceText $ fromIntegral (length interfaceText)
  builderSetApplication uiBuilder app
  appWin <- objFromBuildUnsafe uiBuilder "appWin" ApplicationWindow
  applicationAddWindow app appWin
  setupTermonad tmConfig app appWin uiBuilder
  windowPresent appWin

showAboutDialog :: Application -> IO ()
showAboutDialog app = do
  win <- applicationGetActiveWindow app
  aboutDialog <- aboutDialogNew
  windowSetTransientFor aboutDialog win
  void $ dialogRun aboutDialog
  widgetDestroy aboutDialog

appStartup :: Application -> IO ()
appStartup _app = pure ()

start :: TMConfig -> IO ()
start tmConfig = do
  -- app <- appNew (Just "haskell.termonad") [ApplicationFlagsFlagsNone]
  -- Make sure the application is not unique, so we can open multiple copies of it.
  app <- appNew Nothing [ApplicationFlagsFlagsNone]
  void $ onApplicationStartup app (appStartup app)
  void $ onApplicationActivate app (appActivate tmConfig app)
  void $ applicationRun app Nothing

defaultMain :: TMConfig -> IO ()
defaultMain tmConfig = do
  let params =
          { projectName = "termonad"
          , showError = \(cfg, oldErrs) newErr -> (cfg, oldErrs <> "\n" <> newErr)
          , realMain = \(cfg, errs) -> putStrLn (pack errs) *> start cfg
  eitherRes <- tryIOError $ wrapMain params (tmConfig, "")
  case eitherRes of
    Left ioErr
      | ioeGetErrorType ioErr == doesNotExistErrorType && ioeGetFileName ioErr == Just "ghc" -> do
          putStrLn $
            "Could not find ghc on your PATH.  Ignoring your termonad.hs " <>
            "configuration file and running termonad with default settings."
          start tmConfig
      | otherwise -> do
          putStrLn $ "IO error occurred when trying to run termonad:"
          print ioErr
          putStrLn "Don't know how to recover.  Exiting."
    Right _ -> pure ()