{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- | Module    : Termonad.Config.Colour
-- Description : Termonad Configuration Colour Options
-- Copyright   : (c) Dennis Gosnell, 2018
-- License     : BSD3
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : POSIX
-- To use this config extension in your @~\/.config\/termonad\/termonad.hs@, first
-- import this module. Create a new 'ColourExtension' with the 'createColourExtension' function.
-- Then add the 'ColourExtension' to your 'TMConfig' with the 'addColourExtension' function.
-- See <https://github.com/cdepillabout/termonad/blob/master/example-config/ExampleColourExtension.hs this code> for a simple example.

module Termonad.Config.Colour
  ( -- * Colour Config
    , defaultColourConfig
    -- ** Colour Config Lenses
    , lensCursorFgColour
    , lensCursorBgColour
    , lensForegroundColour
    , lensBackgroundColour
    , lensPalette
    -- * Colour Extension
    , ColourExtension(..)
    , createColourExtension
    , createDefColourExtension
    , addColourExtension
    , addColourConfig
    , colourHook
    , addColourHook
    -- * Palette
    , Palette(..)
    , defaultStandardColours
    , defaultLightColours
    , defaultColourCube
    , defaultGreyscale
    -- * Colour
    -- | Check out the "Data.Colour" module for more info about 'Colour'.
    , Colour
    , sRGB24
    , sRGB24show
    -- * Debugging and Internal Methods
    , showColourVec
    , showColourCube
    , paletteToList
    , coloursFromBits
    , cube
  ) where

import Termonad.Prelude hiding ((\\), index)

import Control.Lens ((%~), makeLensesFor)
import Data.Colour (Colour, black, affineCombo)
import Data.Colour.SRGB (RGB(RGB), toSRGB, sRGB24, sRGB24show)
import qualified Data.Foldable
import GI.Gdk (RGBA, newZeroRGBA, setRGBABlue, setRGBAGreen, setRGBARed)
import GI.Vte
  ( Terminal
  , terminalSetColors
  , terminalSetColorCursor
#ifdef VTE_VERSION_GEQ_0_44
  , terminalSetColorCursorForeground
--, terminalSetColorBackground
  , terminalSetColorForeground
import Text.Show (showString)

import Termonad.Config.Vec
import Termonad.Lenses (lensCreateTermHook, lensHooks)
import Termonad.Types
  ( Option(Unset)
  , TMConfig
  , TMState
  , whenSet

-- Colour Config --

-- | This is the color palette to use for the terminal. Each data constructor
-- lets you set progressively more colors.  These colors are used by the
-- terminal to render
-- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors ANSI escape color codes>.
-- There are 256 total terminal colors. 'BasicPalette' lets you set the first 8,
-- 'ExtendedPalette' lets you set the first 16, 'ColourCubePalette' lets you set
-- the first 232, and 'FullPalette' lets you set all 256.
-- The first 8 colors codes are the standard colors. The next 8 are the
-- extended (light) colors. The next 216 are a full color cube. The last 24 are a
-- grey scale.
-- The following image gives an idea of what each individual color looks like:
-- <<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cdepillabout/termonad/master/img/terminal-colors.png>>
-- This picture does not exactly match up with Termonad's default colors, but it gives an
-- idea of what each block of colors represents.
-- You can use 'defaultStandardColours', 'defaultLightColours',
-- 'defaultColourCube', and 'defaultGreyscale' as a starting point to
-- customize the colors. The only time you'd need to use a constructor other
-- than 'NoPalette' is when you want to customize the default colors.
-- That is to say, using 'FullPalette' with all the defaults should give you the
-- same result as using 'NoPalette'.
data Palette c
  = NoPalette
  -- ^ Don't set any colors and just use the default from VTE.  This is a black
  -- background with light grey text.
  | BasicPalette !(Vec N8 c)
  -- ^ Set the colors from the standard colors.
  | ExtendedPalette !(Vec N8 c) !(Vec N8 c)
  -- ^ Set the colors from the extended (light) colors (as well as standard colors).
  | ColourCubePalette !(Vec N8 c) !(Vec N8 c) !(Matrix '[N6, N6, N6] c)
  -- ^ Set the colors from the color cube (as well as the standard colors and
  -- extended colors).
  | FullPalette !(Vec N8 c) !(Vec N8 c) !(Matrix '[N6, N6, N6] c) !(Vec N24 c)
  -- ^ Set the colors from the grey scale (as well as the standard colors,
  -- extended colors, and color cube).
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable)

-- | Convert a 'Palette' to a list of colors.  This is helpful for debugging.
paletteToList :: Palette c -> [c]
paletteToList = Data.Foldable.toList

-- | Create a vector of colors based on input bits.
-- This is used to derive 'defaultStandardColours' and 'defaultLightColours'.
-- >>> coloursFromBits 192 0 == defaultStandardColours
-- True
-- >>> coloursFromBits 192 63 == defaultLightColours
-- True
-- In general, as an end-user, you shouldn't need to use this.
coloursFromBits :: forall b. (Ord b, Floating b) => Word8 -> Word8 -> Vec N8 (Colour b)
coloursFromBits scale offset = genVec_ createElem
    createElem :: Fin N8 -> Colour b
    createElem finN =
      let red = cmp 0 finN
          green = cmp 1 finN
          blue = cmp 2 finN
          color = sRGB24 red green blue
      in color

    cmp :: Int -> Fin N8 -> Word8
    cmp i = (offset +) . (scale *) . fromIntegral . bit i . toIntFin

    bit :: Int -> Int -> Int
    bit m i = i `div` (2 ^ m) `mod` 2

-- | A 'Vec' of standard colors.  Default value for 'BasicPalette'.
-- >>> showColourVec defaultStandardColours
-- ["#000000","#c00000","#00c000","#c0c000","#0000c0","#c000c0","#00c0c0","#c0c0c0"]
defaultStandardColours :: (Ord b, Floating b) => Vec N8 (Colour b)
defaultStandardColours = coloursFromBits 192 0

-- | A 'Vec' of extended (light) colors.  Default value for 'ExtendedPalette'.
-- >>> showColourVec defaultLightColours
-- ["#3f3f3f","#ff3f3f","#3fff3f","#ffff3f","#3f3fff","#ff3fff","#3fffff","#ffffff"]
defaultLightColours :: (Ord b, Floating b) => Vec N8 (Colour b)
defaultLightColours = coloursFromBits 192 63

-- | A helper function for showing all the colors in 'Vec' of colors.
showColourVec :: forall n. Vec n (Colour Double) -> [String]
showColourVec = fmap sRGB24show . Data.Foldable.toList

-- | Specify a colour cube with one colour vector for its displacement and three
-- colour vectors for its edges. Produces a uniform 6x6x6 grid bounded by
-- and orthognal to the faces.
cube ::
     forall b. Fractional b
  => Colour b
  -> Vec N3 (Colour b)
  -> Matrix '[ N6, N6, N6] (Colour b)
cube d (i :* j :* k :* EmptyVec) =
  genMatrix_ $
    \(x :< y :< z :< EmptyHList) ->
      affineCombo [(1, d), (coef x, i), (coef y, j), (coef z, k)] black
    coef :: Fin N6 -> b
    coef fin' = fromIntegral (toIntFin fin') / 5

-- | A matrix of a 6 x 6 x 6 color cube. Default value for 'ColourCubePalette'.
-- >>> putStrLn $ pack $ showColourCube defaultColourCube
-- [ [ #000000, #00005f, #000087, #0000af, #0000d7, #0000ff
--   , #005f00, #005f5f, #005f87, #005faf, #005fd7, #005fff
--   , #008700, #00875f, #008787, #0087af, #0087d7, #0087ff
--   , #00af00, #00af5f, #00af87, #00afaf, #00afd7, #00afff
--   , #00d700, #00d75f, #00d787, #00d7af, #00d7d7, #00d7ff
--   , #00ff00, #00ff5f, #00ff87, #00ffaf, #00ffd7, #00ffff
--   ]
-- , [ #5f0000, #5f005f, #5f0087, #5f00af, #5f00d7, #5f00ff
--   , #5f5f00, #5f5f5f, #5f5f87, #5f5faf, #5f5fd7, #5f5fff
--   , #5f8700, #5f875f, #5f8787, #5f87af, #5f87d7, #5f87ff
--   , #5faf00, #5faf5f, #5faf87, #5fafaf, #5fafd7, #5fafff
--   , #5fd700, #5fd75f, #5fd787, #5fd7af, #5fd7d7, #5fd7ff
--   , #5fff00, #5fff5f, #5fff87, #5fffaf, #5fffd7, #5fffff
--   ]
-- , [ #870000, #87005f, #870087, #8700af, #8700d7, #8700ff
--   , #875f00, #875f5f, #875f87, #875faf, #875fd7, #875fff
--   , #878700, #87875f, #878787, #8787af, #8787d7, #8787ff
--   , #87af00, #87af5f, #87af87, #87afaf, #87afd7, #87afff
--   , #87d700, #87d75f, #87d787, #87d7af, #87d7d7, #87d7ff
--   , #87ff00, #87ff5f, #87ff87, #87ffaf, #87ffd7, #87ffff
--   ]
-- , [ #af0000, #af005f, #af0087, #af00af, #af00d7, #af00ff
--   , #af5f00, #af5f5f, #af5f87, #af5faf, #af5fd7, #af5fff
--   , #af8700, #af875f, #af8787, #af87af, #af87d7, #af87ff
--   , #afaf00, #afaf5f, #afaf87, #afafaf, #afafd7, #afafff
--   , #afd700, #afd75f, #afd787, #afd7af, #afd7d7, #afd7ff
--   , #afff00, #afff5f, #afff87, #afffaf, #afffd7, #afffff
--   ]
-- , [ #d70000, #d7005f, #d70087, #d700af, #d700d7, #d700ff
--   , #d75f00, #d75f5f, #d75f87, #d75faf, #d75fd7, #d75fff
--   , #d78700, #d7875f, #d78787, #d787af, #d787d7, #d787ff
--   , #d7af00, #d7af5f, #d7af87, #d7afaf, #d7afd7, #d7afff
--   , #d7d700, #d7d75f, #d7d787, #d7d7af, #d7d7d7, #d7d7ff
--   , #d7ff00, #d7ff5f, #d7ff87, #d7ffaf, #d7ffd7, #d7ffff
--   ]
-- , [ #ff0000, #ff005f, #ff0087, #ff00af, #ff00d7, #ff00ff
--   , #ff5f00, #ff5f5f, #ff5f87, #ff5faf, #ff5fd7, #ff5fff
--   , #ff8700, #ff875f, #ff8787, #ff87af, #ff87d7, #ff87ff
--   , #ffaf00, #ffaf5f, #ffaf87, #ffafaf, #ffafd7, #ffafff
--   , #ffd700, #ffd75f, #ffd787, #ffd7af, #ffd7d7, #ffd7ff
--   , #ffff00, #ffff5f, #ffff87, #ffffaf, #ffffd7, #ffffff
--   ]
-- ]
defaultColourCube :: (Ord b, Floating b) => Matrix '[N6, N6, N6] (Colour b)
defaultColourCube =
  genMatrix_ $ \(x :< y :< z :< EmptyHList) -> sRGB24 (cmp x) (cmp y) (cmp z)
    cmp :: Fin N6 -> Word8
    cmp i =
      let i' = fromIntegral (toIntFin i)
      in signum i' * 55 + 40 * i'

-- | Helper function for showing all the colors in a color cube. This is used
-- for debugging.
showColourCube :: Matrix '[N6, N6, N6] (Colour Double) -> String
showColourCube matrix =
  -- TODO: This function will only work with a 6x6x6 matrix, but it could be
  -- generalized to work with any Rank-3 matrix.
  let itemList = Data.Foldable.toList matrix
  in showSColourCube itemList ""
    showSColourCube :: [Colour Double] -> String -> String
    showSColourCube itemList =
      showString "[ " .
      showSquare 0 itemList .
      showString ", " .
      showSquare 1 itemList .
      showString ", " .
      showSquare 2 itemList .
      showString ", " .
      showSquare 3 itemList .
      showString ", " .
      showSquare 4 itemList .
      showString ", " .
      showSquare 5 itemList .
      showString "]"

    showSquare :: Int -> [Colour Double] -> String -> String
    showSquare i colours =
      showString "[ " .
      showRow i 0 colours .
      showString ", " .
      showRow i 1 colours .
      showString ", " .
      showRow i 2 colours .
      showString ", " .
      showRow i 3 colours .
      showString ", " .
      showRow i 4 colours .
      showString ", " .
      showRow i 5 colours .
      showString "]\n"

    showRow :: Int -> Int -> [Colour Double] -> String -> String
    showRow i j colours =
      showCol (headEx $ drop (i * 36 + j * 6 + 0) colours) .
      showString ", " .
      showCol (headEx $ drop (i * 36 + j * 6 + 1) colours) .
      showString ", " .
      showCol (headEx $ drop (i * 36 + j * 6 + 2) colours) .
      showString ", " .
      showCol (headEx $ drop (i * 36 + j * 6 + 3) colours) .
      showString ", " .
      showCol (headEx $ drop (i * 36 + j * 6 + 4) colours) .
      showString ", " .
      showCol (headEx $ drop (i * 36 + j * 6 + 5) colours) .
      showString "\n  "

    showCol :: Colour Double -> String -> String
    showCol col str = sRGB24show col <> str

-- | A 'Vec' of a grey scale.  Default value for 'FullPalette'.
-- >>> showColourVec defaultGreyscale
-- ["#080808","#121212","#1c1c1c","#262626","#303030","#3a3a3a","#444444","#4e4e4e","#585858","#626262","#6c6c6c","#767676","#808080","#8a8a8a","#949494","#9e9e9e","#a8a8a8","#b2b2b2","#bcbcbc","#c6c6c6","#d0d0d0","#dadada","#e4e4e4","#eeeeee"]
defaultGreyscale :: (Ord b, Floating b) => Vec N24 (Colour b)
defaultGreyscale = genVec_ $ \n ->
  let l = 8 + 10 * fromIntegral (toIntFin n)
  in sRGB24 l l l

-- | The configuration for the colors used by Termonad.
-- 'foregroundColour' and 'backgroundColour' allow you to set the color of the
-- foreground text and background of the terminal (although see the __WARNING__
-- below).  Most people use a black background and a light foreground for their
-- terminal, so this is the default.
-- 'palette' allows you to set the full color palette used by the terminal.
-- See 'Palette' for more information.
-- If you want to use a terminal with a white (or light) background and a black
-- foreground, it may be a good idea to change some of the colors in the
-- 'Palette' as well.
-- (__WARNING__: Currently due to issues either with VTE or the bindings generated for
-- Haskell, background colour cannot be set independently of the palette.
-- The @backgroundColour@ field will be ignored and the 0th colour in the
-- palette (by default black) will be used as the background colour. See
-- <https://github.com/cdepillabout/termonad/issues/29 this issue>.
-- VTE works as follows: if you don't explicitly set a background or foreground color,
-- it takes the 0th colour from the 'palette' to be the background color, and the 7th
-- colour from the 'palette' to be the foreground color.  If you notice oddities with
-- colouring in certain applications, it may be helpful to make sure that these
-- 'palette' colours match up with the 'backgroundColour' and 'foregroundColour' you
-- have set.)
-- 'cursorFgColour' and 'cursorBgColour' allow you to set the foreground color
-- of the text under the cursor, as well as the color of the cursor itself.
-- Termonad will behave differently depending on the combination
-- 'cursorFgColour' and 'cursorBgColour' being 'Set' vs. 'Unset'.
-- Here is the summary of the different possibilities:
-- * 'cursorFgColour' is 'Set' and 'cursorBgColour' is 'Set'
--     The foreground and background colors of the cursor are as you have set.
-- * 'cursorFgColour' is 'Set' and 'cursorBgColour' is 'Unset'
--     The cursor background color turns completely black so that it is not
--     visible.  The foreground color of the cursor is the color that you have
--     'Set'.  This ends up being mostly unusable, so you are recommended to
--     always 'Set' 'cursorBgColour' when you have 'Set' 'cursorFgColour'.
-- * 'cursorFgColour' is 'Unset' and 'cursorBgColour' is 'Set'
--     The cursor background color becomes the color you 'Set', while the cursor
--     foreground color doesn't change from the letter it is over.  For instance,
--     imagine there is a letter on the screen with a black background and a
--     green foreground.  If you bring the cursor overtop of it, the cursor
--     background will be the color you have 'Set', while the cursor foreground
--     will be green.
--     This is completely usable, but is slightly annoying if you place the cursor
--     over a letter with the same foreground color as the cursor's background
--     color, because the letter will not be readable. For instance, imagine you
--     have set your cursor background color to red, and somewhere on the screen
--     there is a letter with a black background and a red foreground. If you move
--     your cursor over the letter, the background of the cursor will be red (as
--     you have set), and the cursor foreground will be red (to match the original
--     foreground color of the letter). This will make it so you can't
--     actually read the letter, because the foreground and background are both
--     red.
-- * 'cursorFgColour' is 'Unset' and 'cursorBgColour' is 'Unset'
--     This combination makes the cursor inverse of whatever text it is over.
--     If your cursor is over red text with a black background, the cursor
--     background will be red and the cursor foreground will be black.
--     This is the default.
-- 'cursorFgColour' is not supported in @vte-2.91@ versions older than 0.44.
-- (This is somewhat confusing. Note that @vte-2.91@ is the name of the system
-- library, and @0.44@ is its version number.)
-- See 'defaultColourConfig' for the defaults for 'ColourConfig' used in Termonad.
data ColourConfig c = ColourConfig
  { cursorFgColour :: !(Option c) -- ^ Foreground color of the cursor.  This is
                                  -- the color of the text that the cursor is
                                  -- over.  This is not supported on older
                                  -- versions of VTE.
  , cursorBgColour :: !(Option c) -- ^ Background color of the cursor.  This is
                                  -- the color of the cursor itself.
  , foregroundColour :: !c -- ^ Color of the default default foreground text in
                           -- the terminal.
  , backgroundColour :: !c -- ^ Background color for the terminal, however, See
                           -- the __WARNING__ above.
  , palette :: !(Palette c) -- ^ Color palette for the terminal.  See 'Palette'.
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

-- | Default setting for a 'ColourConfig'.  The cursor colors are left at their
-- default for VTE.  The foreground text for the terminal is grey and the
-- background of the terminal is black.  The palette is left as the default for
-- VTE.
-- >>> let fgGrey = sRGB24 192 192 192
-- >>> let bgBlack = sRGB24 0 0 0
-- >>> let defCC = ColourConfig { cursorFgColour = Unset, cursorBgColour = Unset, foregroundColour = fgGrey, backgroundColour = bgBlack, palette = NoPalette }
-- >>> defaultColourConfig == defCC
-- True
defaultColourConfig :: ColourConfig (Colour Double)
defaultColourConfig = ColourConfig
  { cursorFgColour = Unset
  , cursorBgColour = Unset
  , foregroundColour = sRGB24 192 192 192
  , backgroundColour = black
  , palette = NoPalette

    [ ("cursorFgColour", "lensCursorFgColour")
    , ("cursorBgColour", "lensCursorBgColour")
    , ("foregroundColour", "lensForegroundColour")
    , ("backgroundColour", "lensBackgroundColour")
    , ("palette", "lensPalette")

-- ConfigExtension Instance --

-- | Extension that allows setting colors for terminals in Termonad.
data ColourExtension = ColourExtension
  { colourExtConf :: MVar (ColourConfig (Colour Double))
    -- ^ 'MVar' holding the current 'ColourConfig'.  This could potentially be
    -- passed to other extensions or user code.  This would allow changing the
    -- colors for new terminals in realtime.
  , colourExtCreateTermHook :: TMState -> Terminal -> IO ()
    -- ^ The 'createTermHook' used by the 'ColourExtension'.  This sets the
    -- colors for a new terminal based on the 'ColourConfig' in 'colourExtConf'.

-- | The default 'createTermHook' for 'colourExtCreateTermHook'.  Set the colors
-- for a terminal based on the given 'ColourConfig'.
colourHook :: MVar (ColourConfig (Colour Double)) -> TMState -> Terminal -> IO ()
colourHook mvarColourConf _ vteTerm = do
  colourConf <- readMVar mvarColourConf
  terminalSetColors vteTerm Nothing Nothing . Just
    =<< traverse toRGBA (paletteToList . palette $ colourConf)
  -- PR #28 / issue #29: Setting the background colour is broken in gi-vte or VTE.  If
  -- this next line is called, then you are no longer able to set the
  -- background color using the palette.
  -- terminalSetColorBackground vteTerm =<< toRGBA (backgroundColour colourConf)
  terminalSetColorForeground vteTerm =<< toRGBA (foregroundColour colourConf)
  let optPerform setC cField = whenSet (cField colourConf) $ \c ->
        setC vteTerm . Just =<< toRGBA c
  optPerform terminalSetColorCursor cursorBgColour
#ifdef VTE_VERSION_GEQ_0_44
  optPerform terminalSetColorCursorForeground cursorFgColour
    toRGBA :: Colour Double -> IO RGBA
    toRGBA colour = do
      let RGB red green blue = toSRGB colour
      rgba <- newZeroRGBA
      setRGBARed rgba red
      setRGBAGreen rgba green
      setRGBABlue rgba blue
      pure rgba

-- | Create a 'ColourExtension' based on a given 'ColourConfig'.
-- Most users will want to use this.
createColourExtension :: ColourConfig (Colour Double) -> IO ColourExtension
createColourExtension conf = do
  mvarConf <- newMVar conf
  pure $
      { colourExtConf = mvarConf
      , colourExtCreateTermHook = colourHook mvarConf

-- | Create a 'ColourExtension' based on 'defaultColourConfig'.
-- Note that this is not needed if you just want to use the default colors for
-- Termonad.  However, if you want to pass around the 'MVar' 'ColourConfig' for
-- extensions to use, then you may need this function.
createDefColourExtension :: IO ColourExtension
createDefColourExtension = createColourExtension defaultColourConfig

-- | Add a given 'ColourConfig' to a 'TMConfig'.  This adds 'colourHook' to the
-- 'createTermHook' in 'TMConfig'.
addColourConfig :: TMConfig -> ColourConfig (Colour Double) -> IO TMConfig
addColourConfig tmConf colConf = do
  ColourExtension _ newHook <- createColourExtension colConf
  let newTMConf = tmConf & lensHooks . lensCreateTermHook %~ addColourHook newHook
  pure newTMConf

-- | This is similar to 'addColourConfig', but can be used on a
-- 'ColourExtension' created with 'createColourExtension'.
addColourExtension :: TMConfig -> ColourExtension -> TMConfig
addColourExtension tmConf (ColourExtension _ newHook) =
  tmConf & lensHooks . lensCreateTermHook %~ addColourHook newHook

-- | This function shows how to combine 'createTermHook's.
-- This first runs the old hook, followed by the new hook.
-- This is used internally by 'addColourConfig' and 'addColourExtension'.
  :: (TMState -> Terminal -> IO ()) -- ^ New hook
  -> (TMState -> Terminal -> IO ()) -- ^ Old hook
  -> TMState
  -> Terminal
  -> IO ()
addColourHook newHook oldHook tmState term = do
  oldHook tmState term
  newHook tmState term