{- | This is based on gleb.alexeev\@gmail.com's ipprint package on hackage.

    I'm not just using it directly because I want to pass custom formatting
    flags because my terminal is 80 chars wide, not the 137-whatever default.
module EL.Private.PPrint (
    pprint, pshow
    , format, format_str
) where
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Language.Haskell.Parser as Parser
import qualified Language.Haskell.Pretty as Pretty
import Language.Haskell.Syntax

import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PrettyPrint

-- * showable

pprint :: Show a => a -> IO ()
pprint = putStr . pshow

-- | Pretty show.
pshow :: Show a => a -> String
pshow = format . show

-- * String

-- | Pretty up a string containing a parseable haskell value.
format :: String -> String
format = parse format_parsed

-- | Pretty up haskell value, unless it's a string, in which case return it
-- directly.
-- Previously I needed this in the REPL since it didn't have a way to say text
-- should be unformatted.  I don't need it any more, but it doesn't seem to be
-- hurting so I'll leave it here for now.
format_str :: String -> String
format_str = parse format_nonstr
    format_nonstr m = Maybe.fromMaybe (format_parsed m) (is_str m)
    is_str (HsModule _ _ _ _ [HsPatBind _ _ (HsUnGuardedRhs rhs) _]) =
        case rhs of
            HsLit (HsString s) -> Just s
            _ -> Nothing
    is_str _ = Nothing

-- * implementation

parse :: (HsModule -> String) -> String -> String
parse format s = case Parser.parseModule ("value = " ++ s) of
    Parser.ParseOk m -> format m
    -- The formatted version appends a newline, so the unformatted one should
    -- too.
    Parser.ParseFailed _ _  -> s ++ "\n"

format_parsed :: HsModule -> String
format_parsed = strip_boilerplate . pprint_mode

strip_boilerplate :: String -> String
strip_boilerplate = dedent . ("    "++) . strip_match "value="
    . dropWhile (/='\n') -- Strip module line and "value =".
    -- Prefix 4 spaces since this is how much will have been stripped from
    -- the first line, namely " = ", and make this line up vertically with the
    -- following lines.  If it fit on one line, it'll be "value = " which is
    -- not 4 characters but it doesn't matter because there's no following
    -- line.

strip_match :: String -> String -> String
strip_match pattern str = go pattern str
    go "" s = strip s
    go _ "" = ""
    go (p:ps) s = case strip s of
        c : cs | p == c -> go ps cs
        _ -> str
    strip = dropWhile Char.isSpace

pprint_mode :: Pretty.Pretty a => a -> String
pprint_mode = Pretty.prettyPrintStyleMode pp_style Pretty.defaultMode
    pp_style = PrettyPrint.style
        { PrettyPrint.ribbonsPerLine = 1, PrettyPrint.lineLength = 80 }

dedent :: String -> String
dedent s = unlines $ map (drop indent) slines
    indent = minimum $ 80 : map (length . takeWhile Char.isSpace) slines
    slines = lines s