{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module TestContainers.Tasty
    -- * Running containers for tests

    -- * Re-exports for convenience
  , module Reexports
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class                (liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Reader                  (runReaderT)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource          (InternalState,
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal (stateAlloc,
import           Data.Acquire                          (ReleaseType (ReleaseNormal))
import           Test.Tasty                            (TestTree, withResource)

import           TestContainers                        (Container,
                                                        MonadDocker, ToImage,
import           TestContainers                        as Reexports

-- | Allow `Tasty.TestTree` to depend on Docker containers. Tasty takes care of
-- initialization and de-initialization of the containers.
-- @
-- containers :: MonadDocker m => m ()
-- containers = do
--   _redis <- TestContainers.run $ TestContainers.containerRequest TestContainers.redis
--   _kafka <- TestContainers.run $ TestContainers.containerRequest TestContainers.kafka
--   pure ()
-- example :: TestTree
-- example =
--   withContainers containers $ \\runContainers -> testGroup "Example tests"
--     [
--       testCase "first test" $ do
--         -- Actually runs the container.
--         runContainers
--       testCase "second test" $ do
--         -- Start containers. Tasty makes sure to only initialize once as
--         --  `first test` might already have started them.
--         runContainers
--     ]
-- @
-- `withContainers` allows you naturally scope the handling of containers for your tests.
  :: forall a
  .  (forall m. MonadDocker m => m a)
  -> (IO a -> TestTree)
  -> TestTree
withContainers startContainers tests =
    runC action = do
      config <- determineConfig
      runReaderT (runResourceT action) config

    -- Correct resource handling is tricky here:
    -- Tasty offers a bracket alike in IO. We  have
    -- to transfer the ReleaseMap of the ResIO safely
    -- to the release function. Fortunately resourcet
    -- let's us access the internal state..
    acquire :: IO (a, InternalState)
    acquire = runC $ do
      result     <- startContainers
      releaseMap <- getInternalState

      -- N.B. runResourceT runs the finalizers on every
      -- resource. We don't want it to! We want to run
      -- finalization in the release function that is
      -- called by Tasty! stateAlloc increments a references
      -- count to accomodate for exactly these kind of
      -- cases.
      liftIO $ stateAlloc releaseMap
      pure (result, releaseMap)

    release :: (a, InternalState) -> IO ()
    release (_, internalState) =
      stateCleanup ReleaseNormal internalState
    withResource acquire release $ \mk ->
      tests (fmap fst mk)