module Text.Builder.UTF16

import Text.Builder.Prelude

A matching function, which chooses the continuation to run.
type UTF16View =
  forall x. (Word16 -> x) -> (Word16 -> Word16 -> x) -> x

{-# INLINE char #-}
char :: Char -> UTF16View
char =
  unicodeCodePoint . ord

{-# INLINE unicodeCodePoint #-}
unicodeCodePoint :: Int -> UTF16View
unicodeCodePoint x case1 case2 =
  if x < 0x10000
    then case1 (fromIntegral x)
    else case2 case2Unit1 case2Unit2
    m =
      x - 0x10000
    case2Unit1 =
      fromIntegral (shiftR m 10 + 0xD800)
    case2Unit2 =
      fromIntegral ((m .&. 0x3FF) + 0xDC00)

{-# INLINE utf8CodeUnits1 #-}
utf8CodeUnits1 :: Word8 -> UTF16View
utf8CodeUnits1 x case1 _ =
  case1 (fromIntegral x)

{-# INLINE utf8CodeUnits2 #-}
utf8CodeUnits2 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> UTF16View
utf8CodeUnits2 byte1 byte2 case1 _ =
  case1 (shiftL (fromIntegral byte1 - 0xC0) 6 + fromIntegral byte2 - 0x80)

{-# INLINE utf8CodeUnits3 #-}
utf8CodeUnits3 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> UTF16View
utf8CodeUnits3 byte1 byte2 byte3 case1 case2 =
  unicodeCodePoint unicode case1 case2
    unicode =
      shiftL (fromIntegral byte1 - 0xE0) 12 +
      shiftL (fromIntegral byte2 - 0x80) 6 +
      fromIntegral byte3 - 0x80

{-# INLINE utf8CodeUnits4 #-}
utf8CodeUnits4 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> UTF16View
utf8CodeUnits4 byte1 byte2 byte3 byte4 case1 case2 =
  unicodeCodePoint unicode case1 case2
    unicode =
      shiftL (fromIntegral byte1 - 0xE0) 18 +
      shiftL (fromIntegral byte2 - 0x80) 12 +
      shiftL (fromIntegral byte3 - 0x80) 6 +
      fromIntegral byte4 - 0x80