Minimalistic actor library.
module Theatre
  -- * Construction
  -- * Usage

import Theatre.Prelude
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi as E
import qualified SlaveThread as F

Actor, which processes the messages of type @message@.

An abstraction over the message channel, thread-forking and killing.
data Actor message =
  Actor {
    {-| Send a message to the actor -}
    tell :: message -> IO (),
    {-| Kill the actor -}
    kill :: IO ()

instance Semigroup (Actor message) where
  (<>) (Actor leftTell leftKill) (Actor rightTell rightKill) =
    Actor tell kill
      tell message =
        leftTell message >> rightTell message
      kill =
        leftKill >> rightKill

instance Monoid (Actor message) where
  mempty =
    Actor (const (return ())) (return ())
  mappend =

instance Contravariant Actor where
  contramap fn (Actor tell kill) =
    Actor (tell . fn) kill

instance Divisible Actor where
  conquer =
  divide divisor (Actor leftTell leftKill) (Actor rightTell rightKill) =
    Actor tell kill
      tell message =
        case divisor message of
          (leftMessage, rightMessage) -> leftTell leftMessage >> rightTell rightMessage
      kill =
        leftKill >> rightKill

instance Decidable Actor where
  lose fn =
    Actor (const (return ()) . absurd . fn) (return ())
  choose choice (Actor leftTell leftKill) (Actor rightTell rightKill) =
    Actor tell kill
      tell =
        either leftTell rightTell . choice
      kill =
        leftKill >> rightKill

An actor which cannot die by itself unless explicitly killed.

Given an interpreter of messages,
forks a thread to run the computation on and 
produces a handle to address that actor.

Killing that actor will make it process all the messages in the queue first.
All the messages sent to it after killing won't be processed.
graceful :: (message -> IO ()) {-^ Interpreter of a message -} -> IO (Actor message)
graceful interpretMessage =
    (inChan, outChan) <- E.newChan
    F.fork $ fix $ \loop -> {-# SCC "graceful/loop" #-} do
      message <- E.readChan outChan
      case message of
        Just payload ->
            interpretMessage payload
        Nothing ->
          return ()
    return (Actor (E.writeChan inChan . Just) (E.writeChan inChan Nothing))

An actor which cannot die by itself unless explicitly killed.

Given an interpreter of messages,
forks a thread to run the computation on and 
produces a handle to address that actor.
disgraceful :: (message -> IO ()) {-^ Interpreter of a message -} -> IO (Actor message)
disgraceful receiver =
  suicidal (\producer -> forever (producer >>= receiver))

An actor, whose interpreter can decide that the actor should die.

Given an implementation of a receiver loop of messages,
forks a thread to run that receiver on and
produces a handle to address that actor.
suicidal :: (IO message -> IO ()) {-^ A message receiver loop. When the loop exits, the actor dies -} -> IO (Actor message)
suicidal receiver =
    (inChan, outChan) <- E.newChan
    threadId <- F.fork (receiver (E.readChan outChan))
    return (Actor (E.writeChan inChan) (killThread threadId))