threepenny-gui- GUI framework that uses the web browser as a display.

Safe HaskellNone





Events on DOM elements.

Convenience events

valueChange :: Element -> Event StringSource

Event that occurs when the user changes the value of the input element.

selectionChange :: Element -> Event (Maybe Int)Source

Event that occurs when the user changes the selection of a select element.

checkedChange :: Element -> Event BoolSource

Event that occurs when the user changes the checked status of an input element of type checkbox.

Standard DOM events

click :: Element -> Event ()Source

Mouse click.

mousemove :: Element -> Event (Int, Int)Source

Event that periodically occurs while the mouse is moving over an element.

The event value represents the mouse coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the element.

Note: The body element responds to mouse move events, but only in the area occupied by actual content, not the whole browser window.

mousedown :: Element -> Event (Int, Int)Source

Mouse down event. The mouse coordinates are relative to the element.

mouseup :: Element -> Event (Int, Int)Source

Mouse up event. The mouse coordinates are relative to the element.

hover :: Element -> Event ()Source

Mouse enters an element.

leave :: Element -> Event ()Source

Mouse leaving an element.

focus :: Element -> Event ()Source

Element receives focus.

blur :: Element -> Event ()Source

Element loses focus.

keyup :: Element -> Event KeyCodeSource

Key released while element has focus.

keydown :: Element -> Event KeyCodeSource

Key pressed while element has focus.