{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Widgets (
    -- * Synopsis
    -- | Widgets are reusable building blocks for a graphical user interface.
    -- This module collects useful widgets that are designed to work
    -- with functional reactive programming (FRP).
    -- For more details and information on how to write your own widgets, see the
    -- <https://github.com/HeinrichApfelmus/threepenny-gui/blob/master/doc/design-widgets.md widget design guide>.

    -- * Tidings
    Tidings, rumors, facts, tidings,
    -- * Widgets
    -- ** Input widgets
    TextEntry, entry, userText,
    -- ** ListBox
    ListBox, listBox, userSelection,
    ) where

import Control.Monad (void, when)
import qualified Data.Map                          as Map

import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Attributes as UI
import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Events     as UI
import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Elements   as UI
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core
import Reactive.Threepenny

    Input widgets
-- | A single-line text entry.
data TextEntry = TextEntry
    { _elementTE :: Element
    , _userTE    :: Tidings String

instance Widget TextEntry where getElement = _elementTE

-- | User changes to the text value.
userText :: TextEntry -> Tidings String
userText = _userTE

-- | Create a single-line text entry.
    :: Behavior String  -- ^ Display value when the element does not have focus.
    -> UI TextEntry
entry bValue = do -- single text entry
    input <- UI.input

    bEditing <- stepper False $ and <$>
        unions [True <$ UI.focus input, False <$ UI.blur input]

    window <- askWindow
    liftIOLater $ onChange bValue $ \s -> runUI window $ do
        editing <- liftIO $ currentValue bEditing
        when (not editing) $ void $ element input # set value s

    let _elementTE = input
        _userTE    = tidings bValue $ UI.valueChange input
    return TextEntry {..}

    List box
-- | A list of values. The user can select entries.
data ListBox a = ListBox
    { _elementLB   :: Element
    , _selectionLB :: Tidings (Maybe a)

instance Widget (ListBox a) where getElement = _elementLB

-- | User changes to the current selection (possibly empty).
userSelection :: ListBox a -> Tidings (Maybe a)
userSelection = _selectionLB

-- | Create a 'ListBox'.
listBox :: forall a. Ord a
    => Behavior [a]               -- ^ list of items
    -> Behavior (Maybe a)         -- ^ selected item
    -> Behavior (a -> UI Element) -- ^ display for an item
    -> UI (ListBox a)
listBox bitems bsel bdisplay = do
    list <- UI.select

    -- animate output items
    element list # sink items (map <$> bdisplay <*> bitems)

    -- animate output selection
    let bindices :: Behavior (Map.Map a Int)
        bindices = (Map.fromList . flip zip [0..]) <$> bitems
        bindex   = lookupIndex <$> bindices <*> bsel

        lookupIndex indices Nothing    = Nothing
        lookupIndex indices (Just sel) = Map.lookup sel indices

    element list # sink UI.selection bindex

    -- changing the display won't change the current selection
    -- eDisplay <- changes display
    -- sink listBox [ selection :== stepper (-1) $ bSelection <@ eDisplay ]

    -- user selection
    let bindices2 :: Behavior (Map.Map Int a)
        bindices2 = Map.fromList . zip [0..] <$> bitems

        _selectionLB = tidings bsel $
            lookupIndex <$> bindices2 <@> UI.selectionChange list
        _elementLB   = list

    return ListBox {..}

items = mkWriteAttr $ \i x -> void $ do
    return x # set children [] #+ map (\i -> UI.option #+ [i]) i